Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products beginning with P

(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter P)

PANDA fibers → polarization-maintaining fibers28 SE
parabolic mirrors14 SE
parabolic reflectors → parabolic mirrors14 SE
parametric amplifiers → optical parametric amplifiers16 SE
parametric generators → optical parametric generators3 SE
parametric oscillators → optical parametric oscillators34 SE
particle image velocimetry instruments5 S
passive Q-switches → saturable absorbers22 SE
patent development2 S
pellicle mirrors1 S
Peltier elements → thermoelectric coolers7 S
periodically poled nonlinear crystals8 SE
phase modulators15 SE
phase noise measurement equipment4 SE
phosphate glasses1 SE
phosphors1 SE
photo cameras6 SE
photoconductive detectors11 SE
photodetector arrays → photodiode arrays5 SE
photodetectors101 SE
photodiode amplifiers8 S
photodiode arrays5 SE
photodiodes59 SE
photographic objectives8 SE
photolithography devices → laser lithography equipment6 S
photometers15 SE
photomultipliers18 SE
photon counting detectors24 SE
photonic bandgap fibers3 SE
photonic crystal fibers12 SE
photonic integrated circuits9 SE
photonic metamaterials1 SE
photonic microwave sources1 S
photorefractive materials4 S
photosensitive fibers4 S
phototransistors3 SE
phototubes1 SE
picosecond lasers73 SE
p–i–n photodiodes16 SE
pinholes8 SE
planar waveguides3 SE
plastic optical fibers12 SE
plastic optics37 SE
plate beam splitters → beam splitters151 SE
Pockels cell drivers18 SE
Pockels cells34 SE
polarimeters8 SE
polarization beam combining optics15 SE
polarization controllers15 S
polarization mode dispersion measurement and compensation equipment4 SE
polarization scramblers12 S
polarization-maintaining fibers28 SE
polarizers114 SE
polarizing beam splitters → polarizers114 SE
polarizing cubes → polarizers114 SE
polishing of fibers → fiber polishing equipment13 S
polycrystalline fibers → mid-infrared fibers12 SE
polymer optical fibers → plastic optical fibers12 SE
polymer optics → plastic optics37 SE
positioning equipment17 S
position-sensitive detectors12 SE
power monitors → optical power monitors18 SE
power over fiber systems3 SE
pressure sensors → optical force and pressure sensors5 S
praseodymium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
prism retroreflectors → corner cube prisms12 SE
prisms157 SE
profilometers → optical profilometers9 SE
projection objectives7 S
proposal writing---
protective coatings5 S
prototype building and testing7 S
pulse characterization instruments30 SE
pulse compressors20 SE
pulse duration measurement devices20 SE
pulse pickers16 SE
pulse propagation modeling software5 SE
pulse shapers9 SE
pulse stretchers9 SE
pulsed laser deposition machinery3 S
pulsed lasers116 SE
pump chambers1 SE
pump–probe measurement equipment8 SE
pyroelectric detectors9 SE