Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Contact Information

The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide is operated by RP Photonics Consulting GmbH. You find the full contact information and legal information on the RP Photonics contact page.

Please note that RP Photonics does not trade any hardware; please contact the listed suppliers directly when you want to purchase hardware.

Your Message to RP Photonics

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Please prove that you are a human being by entering three times the digit "3" into the following field: 

We will handle your data carefully in agreement with privacy laws. That implies that we will not send your data to third parties, and that we will not disturb with with frequent messages. For more details, see our privacy declaration.

Other ways of contacting us:

Get Registered

If your company is not yet registered, you can apply for a company profile and product listings:

Modify Information

If your company is already listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide, but some information needs to be modified, please get to the page with your company profile via the list of suppliers, and find the button “Edit profile data” on the right side. That form already contains all registered information; you need to enter only the modifications.