Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

RP Photonics Online Marketing Solutions

What is RP Photonics?

RP Photonics is a German photonics company, offering photonics marketing services apart from technical consulting and simulation and design software. It has been founded by RP = Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta in 2004 and is famous for its extremely popular RP Photonics Encyclopedia.

Note: Do not confuse RP Photonics (domain with Photonics Media (domain, a US company which is also active in photonics marketing. They are strong in print advertising (which we do not offer) based on their well established trade journals, while we have the strongest digital marketing offers for generating sales leads for photonics products.

Why advertise with RP Photonics?

RP Photonics offers the best solutions for online marketing of photonics products such as optical components and systems, laser sources and amplifier systems, optoelectronic devices, light sources, optical materials and photonics applications:

Our buyer's guide can generate more leads for your company than any other photonics website.

You can understand how RP Photonics can do that:

RP Photonics offers the industry-leading photonics website:

encyclopedia and buyer's guide

Your target audience is there:

We consistently deliver:

  • many more referrals to your website than from other buyer's guides
    or in fact any other photonics website
    effective lead generation (learn how to measure referral traffic)
  • high quality of traffic, since our resource is used by experts
  • better value for your money
  • excellent service: get your ads installed easily
  • honest and trustworthy throughout the entire process

How to make this work for you?

It's simple:

Upgrade your buyer's guide entry with our ad package, so that it will generate far more leads and thus contribute to the growth of your sales and revenue. Many great features are included for strengthening your position in the photonics market.

The key point: the ad package will allow you to display each of your products with a product description and an image – on your company profile page, on the list of suppliers for that product, as well as even in the corresponding encyclopedia article. (We have such articles for the majority of products.) In addition, you get a strongly enhanced company profile page, one included targeted promotion for a white paper or video in an encyclopedia article, one advertising banner (see below) and the right to publish your company news.

Try it out (e.g. with a three-month test), see the results (e.g. with your server statistics and the statistics we will give you), and we bet that you will be convinced!

The ad package is the all-inclusive solution for product promotion. For special purposes, such as announcing conferences or publications, we offer special promotions and banners. Besides, we can help with writing services.

In case of any questions:

Additional information

Marketing people who do not know our website well yet can have an easy introduction with our video showing the website within about 8 minutes in order to get the user's perspective:

RP Photonics website

Further, you may want to watch a video demonstrating RP Photonics marketing solutions:

RP Photonics marketing solution