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Supplier profile:

IPG Photonics

The Power to Transform

IPG Photonics Corporation
50 Old Webster Road
Oxford, MA 01540
United States

Tel.:+1 877 980 1550
Fax:+1 508 373 1103
Social media:Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015

Company Description

IPG Photonics is the inventor and world’s leading producer of high-power fiber lasers, which enable greater precision, higher-speed processing, more flexible production methods and enhanced productivity. IPG fiber lasers combine the advantages of semiconductor diodes, with the high amplification and precise beam qualities of unique optical fibers to deliver superior performance, reliability and usability. IPG has continually pioneered the development and commercial production of numerous unique technologies related to fiber lasers combining deep materials science expertise and process know-how with a vertically-integrated production model.

Our vertical integration strategy allows IPG to closely couple laser and component developments resulting in fully optimized fiber lasers. This holistic approach to product design improves product performance and greatly reduces time-to-market. Every element of an IPG laser solution is designed for cost and manufactured in an environment of relentless quality control. Since components are developed within IPG’s own manufacturing centers of excellence, our cutting-edge technologies emerge uniquely ready for industrial deployment.


diode lasers Ediode lasers from IPG Photonics

IPG is the world’s largest manufacturer of high power diode lasers. Multiple megawatts of rated diode power roll out of our highly automated factories on a quarterly basis. Over a decade of intense innovation and investment results in diodes which are brighter, more reliable, efficient and compact than any competing diode solution.

IPG diodes are available in the 445–465 nm and 790–980 nm range of the near infrared spectrum, where the sweet spots of diode laser performance reside. Our scientists painstakingly perfected the diode design and manufacturing process to push individual device lifetime beyond 100,000 hours. When deployed in ensembles, IPG’s diode solutions exceed the most demanding industrial reliability requirements.

fiber lasers Efiber lasers from IPG Photonics

High Peak Power delivers an all new QCW mode to CW lasers, available exclusively from IPG in the latest releases of YLR and YLS lasers. High Peak Power is made possible by IPGs QCW diode designs, which have the ability to provide very high peak power for short duty cycles, with real-time capability of switching to CW mode.

- faster & cleaner piercing

- increased quality

- repeatability

- less waste

green lasers Egreen lasers from IPG Photonics

IPG CW fiber lasers in the ≤100 W power range typically have fixed wavelengths. Most of these low power models allow the user to select the wavelength over a certain range prior to purchase. For ytterbium lasers, the typical wavelength range is 1030–1090 nm (Yb CW fiber lasers in the range 978–1020 nm are also available); for erbium lasers the range is 1535–1565–nm; for thulium lasers the range is 1.9–2.05 µm. Green lasers operate near 532 ± 18 nm. Raman lasers can supply emission in the 1.1 1.8 µm range. Wavelength-tunable lasers are also available on special order.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers Ehigh-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from IPG Photonics

High power kilowatt-class fiber laser sources are available from one to hundreds of kilowatts average power. Housed in rugged cabinets, these systems are designed to operate in industrial manufacturing environments. A variety of beam delivery and process head options provide the ultimate flexibility in optimizing one laser for many different applications. IPG high power industrial fiber lasers are recognized as reliable and productive tools in demanding industries such as automotive, aerospace and oil & gas.

high-power lasers Ehigh-power lasers from IPG Photonics

High power kilowatt-class fiber laser sources are available from one to hundreds of kilowatts average power. Housed in rugged cabinets, these systems are designed to operate in industrial manufacturing environments. A variety of beam delivery and process head options provide the ultimate flexibility in optimizing one laser for many different applications. IPG high power industrial fiber lasers are recognized as reliable and productive tools in demanding industries such as automotive, aerospace and oil & gas.

industrial lasers Eindustrial lasers from IPG Photonics

YLS-AMB Adjustable Mode Beam lasers provide up to 25 kW total output power with independent and dynamic control of the size and intensity of the core and ring beams and automatic tuning of output beam mode parameters. The central core delivers up to 15 kW output power, this flexibility allows processing of a wider range of material thicknesses, improves piercing and cutting speed and quality, as well as optimizing welding performance by virtually eliminating spatter. YLS-AMB provides any combination of a small-spot high intensity bright core to a larger ring-shaped beam allowing processing of a wider range of material thicknesses and as well as optimizing welding performance.

laser processing headslaser processing heads from IPG Photonics

IPG Photonics' reliable, compact and energy efficient fiber lasers offer ultimate flexibility in materials processing applications. Fiber lasers are power scalable with no change in beam mode parameters, making the same laser equally suited for high, medium and low power applications. A wide range of optical heads and scanners allows fiber lasers to be easily optimized for different applications from precision cutting to welding, marking and surface treatment. IPG state-of-the-art welding heads, cutting heads and scanning based processing systems have been designed to provide unprecedented results under unmatched laser power-levels. IPG’s expertise in optical design for high-laser powers laid the foundations for its’ process heads.

mid-infrared laser sources Emid-infrared laser sources from IPG Photonics

IPG's compact, efficient, robust and powerful mid-IR hybrid fiber pumped (fiber-to-bulk hybrid) solid state lasers are the preferred choice for a variety of applications including non-metal processing, non-destructive inspection, non-invasive medical diagnosis, laser scalpel, spectroscopy, remote sensing, imaging and OPO pumping. Defense applications include IR countermeasures, stand-off detection of explosion hazards, eye-safe seekers for smart munitions and covert communications.

nanosecond lasers Enanosecond lasers from IPG Photonics

IPG’s nanosecond fiber lasers are ideal for industrial applications from laser ablation, marking, trimming, scribing, micro-machining, diamond and silicon cutting, to high speed hole drilling. They feature low divergence and can provide the fluence required for high speed marking of both plastics and metals, including highly reflective materials. High power lasers are optimized for surface treatment applications. From UV to mid-IR, from 1 W to 5 kW, the versatility of IPG's pulsed fiber lasers is unparalleled.

picosecond lasers Epicosecond lasers from IPG Photonics

IPG Photonics offers a broad range of industrial grade picosecond and femtosecond pulsed fiber lasers. In comparison to nanosecond lasers, ultrafast is a "cold" process that reduces melt and HAZ, so there is less recast material. Femto and picosecond lasers also produce fewer micro-cracks and overall higher surface quality. These ultrafast lasers are ideal for a wide variety of industrial, medical and scientific applications.

pulsed lasers Epulsed lasers from IPG Photonics

IPG’s nanosecond fiber lasers are ideal for industrial applications from laser ablation, marking, trimming, scribing, micro-machining, diamond and silicon cutting, to high speed hole drilling. They feature low divergence and can provide the fluence required for high speed marking of both plastics and metals, including highly reflective materials. High power lasers are optimized for surface treatment applications. From UV to mid-IR, from 1 W to 5 kW, the versatility of IPG's pulsed fiber lasers is unparalleled.

ultrafast lasers Eultrafast lasers from IPG Photonics

Ultrafast or “ultra-short-pulse lasers” with picosecond or femtosecond pulse durations are of tremendous interest for a growing number of commercial applications due to their extremely high peak powers. These high intensities enable precise micromachining together with minimal thermal input to the surrounding material but present a challenge for fiber based delivery and laser architectures. This means that until recently only very bulky, complex multi-stage solid state or disk laser designs were commercially available.

Information of IPG Photonics Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

diode lasers, fiber lasers, green lasers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, high-power lasers, industrial lasers, laser processing heads, mid-infrared laser sources, nanosecond lasers, picosecond lasers, pulsed lasers, ultrafast lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

diode lasers, fiber lasers, green lasers, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, high-power lasers, industrial lasers, mid-infrared laser sources, nanosecond lasers, picosecond lasers, pulsed lasers, ultrafast lasers

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