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Supplier profile:

Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

Leading in Ultrafast

Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories Inc.
4775 Walnut St. #102
Boulder, CO 80301
United States

Tel.:+1 303 544 9068
Fax:+1 419 821 2284
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Company Description

KMLabs manufactures and sells:

Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories has the following distributors:


carrier–envelope offset measurement and stabilization Ecarrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

Our Stryde Ti:sapphire mode-locked oscillator has an optional "CEP-ready" configuration for applications that require CEP stabilization. Our RAEA HP-SP based on a multipass amplifier design has the ideal system architecture for applications that require CEP stabilization for mJ-class, multi-kHz systems.

chirped-pulse amplifier systems Echirped-pulse amplifier systems from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

KMLabs offer chirped-pulse amplifier systems under our RAEA platform. With the patented Permacool technology, the RAEA amplifier system offers the benefit of software-controlled rep rate tunability from 1 – 200 kHz and ultrahigh pulse quality for applications with stringent pulse requirements such as high harmonic generation.

electro-optic modulators Eelectro-optic modulators from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The KMLabs Eclipse is a high repetition rate, half wave Pockels cell and driver unit, designed for laser pulse picking at up to 20 kHz. The Eclipse has a minimum window of 10 ns, and about a 90% throughput between 750 nm and 850 nm. KMLabs' compact design allows the driver to be packaged in with the optical unit, thus minimizing the high voltage cable length, and thereby maximizing the switching speed. The high voltage source for the Eclipse is an external, 19”w x 13”d x 3.5”h unit.

femtosecond lasers Efemtosecond lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

KMLabs is the only commercial provider for comprehensive, end-to-end research systems that leverage ultrafast pulses of extreme UV and soft X-ray light for a variety of experiments. The QM Quantum Microscope™ builds on the company’s world leading technology in high harmonic generation to enable a range of techniques including coherent diffraction imaging, photoemission, pump–probe spectroscopy, and EUV metrology. In addition, KMLabs continues to pioneer the development and engineering of standalone short wavelength sources including the Hyperion VUV laboratory-based vacuum ultraviolet femtosecond laser source, and the Pantheon™ platform, a pulsed EUV source-beamline to generate and deliver EUV photons to user-supplied experimental stations.

high harmonic generation equipment Ehigh harmonic generation equipment from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

KMLabs’ XUUS™ is a coherent EUV/XUV light source based on high-harmonic generation (HHG). It is a fully engineered and integrated commercial high order harmonic source based on a single rugged opto-mechanical platform. Applications include EUV lithographic metrology, high resolution coherent imaging, ultrafast magnetization and spintronics, ARPES, and attosecond materials science.

high-power lasers Ehigh-power lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short-wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The strength of RAEA for this purpose is realized in its contribution as one of the critical components in the Pantheon EUV/soft X-ray source. With pantented Permacool technology, the RAEA enables repetition rate flexibility (up to 200 kHz) for applications that benefit from high average power.

Kerr lens mode-locked lasers EKerr lens mode-locked lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The Collegiate™ ultrafast Ti:sapphire laser kit is the latest installment of the original KMLabs few-cycle oscillators. When it was introduced in 1994, this was the first commercial Ti:sapphire laser capable of generating pulses less than 12 femtoseconds in duration. Since then, as technology has evolved, KMLabs has been proud to continue pushing the boundaries in ultrafast laser science to some of the most challenging and advanced demands in the research field. Through this evolution, as KMLabs has expanded into offering turn-key laser systems, Collegiate endures as a workhorse user-serviceable laser, providing an entry-level Ti:sapphire laser system with state-of-the-art performance appropriate for both educational and research environments.

laser synchronization devices Elaser synchronization devices from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The KMLabs Halcyon™ repetition-rate stabilized oscillator is popular with customers who need to synchronize oscillator laser pulses with pulses from another laser or with a synchrotron. Electronics included with the Halcyon lock its output to the customer’s reference signal and can provide timing jitter of less than 150 fs. Stabilization of the repetition rate is achieved through multiple features including a temperature-stabilized breadboard, a motorized stage for coarse feedback, and a small piezo-mounted mirror for fast feedback. The KMLabs team works closely with each Halcyon customer to ensure that the system meets their specific needs. Due to the flexible design of the Halcyon™, it can lock to reference signals over a very wide range: 75 MHz to 4 GHz.

lasers Elasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

Ti:sapphire is the workhorse of ultrafast lasers due to its high gain bandwidth, enabling delivery of the shortest pulses and scalable to high pulse energy and average power. KMLabs provides a full suite of modelocked oscillators and integrated oscillator-amplifier systems, spanning pulse energies from the nJ range to 30 mJ in pulses from 15 fs to 40 fs.

mode-locked lasers Emode-locked lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The KMLabs Griffin™ series of Ti:sapphire oscillators gives customers ultimate control over their system, are simple to maintain, and offer a wide range of performance specifications enabling many different applications. These prism-based oscillators use Kerr lens modelocking to generate ultrashort <12 fs pulses. All Griffin lasers include computerized control of the spectral bandwidth and center wavelength and water-cooled breadboards for maximum long term stability. There are options within the Griffin series that include integrated pump lasers and diagnostics. Griffin lasers are very simple to maintain, since components are easily accessible.

monochromators Emonochromators from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The XUUS monochromator beamline allows the selection under vacuum of a single harmonic from the XUUS high-harmonic generation system.

nonlinear frequency conversion equipment Enonlinear frequency conversion equipment from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

XUUS upconverts ultrafast laser pulses into the Extreme UV (EUV or XUV) or soft X-ray regions of the spectrum. Employing high harmonic generation processes, the output beam inherits the coherent properties of a driving laser such as the KMLabs RAEA with wavelengths that can be tuned from  10 nm to 47 nm. Moreover, customized systems can generate coherent beams with wavelengths as short as 6.5 nm. XUUS employs KMLabs' patented hollow waveguide for the high harmonic upconversion process.

The XUUS hollow-core fiber, or waveguide, architecture enables harmonics generated by the system to be distinguished from other HHG methods, guaranteeing your harmonics originate from the same point in space every time, minimizing any pointing drift. This optimizes repeatability for your experiments. Additionally, the use of a fiber rather than typical gas jet or semi-infinite gas cell target geometries provides superior pressure tunability for phase-matched HHG.

optical amplifiers Eoptical amplifiers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The RAEA™ Ti:sapphire amplifier builds on KMLabs’ 20-year tradition of leadership in ultrafast science, bringing the unmatched flexibility of previous amplifier systems into a single, hands-free platform. Engineered for high harmonic generation (HHG): now you can stop worrying about the pump. Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short-wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The award-winning RAEA has been engineered for the most challenging applications rather than the most common, and was specifically designed with the XUUS system in mind for high harmonic generation. From better beam quality and stability, to remote alignment and lower maintenance needs, RAEA serves as a repeatable and reliable source for any of your high harmonic generation needs.

Pockels cell drivers EPockels cell drivers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The KMLabs Eclipse is a high repetition rate, half wave Pockels cell and driver unit, designed for laser pulse picking at up to 20 kHz. The Eclipse has a minimum window of 10 ns, and >90% throughput between 750 nm and 850 nm. KMLabs’ compact design allows the driver to be packaged in with the optical unit, thus minimizing the high voltage line-length, and thereby maximizing the switching speed. The high voltage source for the Eclipse is an external, 19”w x 13”d x 3.5”h unit.

pulse compressors Epulse compressors from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The KMLabs RAEA Ti:sapphire amplifier system consists of a mode-locked oscillator, stretcher module, amplifier module, and compressor module for providing mJ-class energies in a pulsewidth < 35 fs.

pulse pickers E

The KMLabs Eclipse™ is a high repetition rate, half wave Pockels cell and driver unit, designed for laser pulse picking at up to 20 kHz. The Eclipse has a minimum window of 10 ns, and >90% throughput between 750 nm and 850 nm. KMLabs’ compact design allows the driver to be packaged in with the optical unit, thus minimizing the high voltage line-length, and thereby maximizing the switching speed. The high voltage source for the Eclipse is an external, 19”w x 13”d x 3.5”h unit.

regenerative amplifiers Eregenerative amplifiers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The RAEA™ Ti:sapphire amplifier builds on KMLabs’ 20-year tradition of leadership in ultrafast science, bringing the unmatched flexibility of previous amplifier systems into a single, hands-free platform. Engineered for high harmonic generation (HHG): now you can stop worrying about the pump. Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The award-winning RAEA has been engineered for the most challenging applications rather than the most common, and was specifically designed with the XUUS system in mind for high harmonic generation. From better beam quality and stability, to remote alignment and lower maintenance needs, RAEA serves as a repeatable and reliable source for any of your high harmonic generation needs.

solid-state lasers Esolid-state lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The RAEA™ Ti:sapphire amplifier builds on KMLabs’ 20-year tradition of leadership in ultrafast science, bringing the unmatched flexibility of previous amplifier systems into a single, hands-free platform. Engineered for high harmonic generation (HHG): now you can stop worrying about the pump. Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The award-winning RAEA has been engineered for the most challenging applications rather than the most common, and was specifically designed with the XUUS system in mind for high harmonic generation. From better beam quality and stability, to remote alignment and lower maintenance needs, RAEA serves as a repeatable and reliable source for any of your high harmonic generation needs.

titanium–sapphire lasers Etitanium--sapphire lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The RAEA™ Ti:sapphire amplifier builds on KMLabs’ 20-year tradition of leadership in ultrafast science, bringing the unmatched flexibility of previous amplifier systems into a single, hands-free platform. Engineered for high harmonic generation (HHG): now you can stop worrying about the pump. Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The award-winning RAEA has been engineered for the most challenging applications rather than the most common, and was specifically designed with the XUUS system in mind for high harmonic generation. From better beam quality and stability, to remote alignment and lower maintenance needs, RAEA serves as a repeatable and reliable source for any of your high harmonic generation needs.

ultrafast amplifiers Eultrafast amplifiers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

The RAEA™ Ti:sapphire amplifier builds on KMLabs’ 20-year tradition of leadership in ultrafast science, bringing the unmatched flexibility of previous amplifier systems into a single, hands-free platform. Engineered for high harmonic generation (HHG): now you can stop worrying about the pump. Beyond serving the multitude of applications for which Ti:sapphire lasers have become ubiquitous, RAEA is especially designed as an unparalleled source for producing short wavelength light via high harmonic generation. The award-winning RAEA has been engineered for the most challenging applications rather than the most common, and was specifically designed with the XUUS system in mind for high harmonic generation. From better beam quality and stability, to remote alignment and lower maintenance needs, RAEA serves as a repeatable and reliable source for any of your high harmonic generation needs.

ultrafast lasers Eultrafast lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

Ti:sapphire is the workhorse of ultrafast lasers due to its high gain bandwidth, enabling delivery of the shortest pulses and scalable to high pulse energy and average power. KMLabs provides a full suite of modelocked oscillators and integrated oscillator-amplifier systems, spanning pulse energies from the nJ range to 30 mJ in pulses from 15 fs to 40 fs.

ultraviolet lasers Eultraviolet lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

KMLabs Hyperion VUV provides bright femtosecond pulses at numerous wavelengths across the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region, from 6.0 eV (205 nm) to 10.8 eV (115 nm). The discrete tunability of the KMLabs Hyperion VUV vacuum ultraviolet source enables researchers to study a wide range of materials and materials properties. A simple computer-selected change of photon energy provides a powerful capability, previously only available at a synchrotron; this ability to easily change the laser wavelength can enhance many experiments. For example, in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments, this tunability allows researchers to distinguish surface effects from bulk effects. For time-of-flight (ToF) studies of molecules, the tunability can distinguish otherwise identical isomers. Hyperion VUV is also highly focusable, and the appropriate optics can be used to reach spot sizes below 10 microns.

ultraviolet light sources Eultraviolet light sources from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

KMLabs Hyperion VUV provides bright femtosecond pulses at numerous wavelengths across the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region, from 6.0 eV (205 nm) to 10.8 eV (115 nm). The discrete tunability of the KMLabs Hyperion VUV vacuum ultraviolet source enables researchers to study a wide range of materials and materials properties. A simple computer-selected change of photon energy provides a powerful capability, previously only available at a synchrotron; this ability to easily change the laser wavelength can enhance many experiments. For example, in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments, this tunability allows researchers to distinguish surface effects from bulk effects. For time-of-flight (ToF) studies of molecules, the tunability can distinguish otherwise identical isomers. Hyperion VUV is also highly focusable, and the appropriate optics can be used to reach spot sizes below 10 microns.

X-ray lasers EX-ray lasers from Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories

XUUS upconverts ultrafast laser pulses into the Extreme UV (EUV or XUV) or soft X-ray regions of the spectrum. Employing HHG processes, the output beam inherits the coherent properties of a driving laser such as the KMLabs RAEA with wavelengths that can be tuned from  10 nm to 47 nm. Moreover, customized systems can generate coherent beams with wavelengths as short as 6.5 nm. XUUS employs KMLabs' patented hollow waveguide for the high harmonic up-conversion process. The XUUS hollow-core fiber, or waveguide, architecture enables harmonics generated by the system to be distinguished from other HHG methods, guaranteeing your harmonics originate from the same point in space every time, minimizing any pointing drift. This optimizes repeatability for your experiments. Additionally, the use of a fiber rather than typical gas jet or semi-infinite gas cell target geometries provides superior pressure tunability for phase-matched HHG. Now you can choose robustness without compromise.

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