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Supplier profile:


Lumibird – The new name of Quantel-Keopsys group -
2 rue Paul Sabatier
22300 Lannion

Tel.:+33 1 69 29 17 00
Fax:+33 1 69 29 17 29
Social media:LinkedIn, YouTube

Company Description

LUMIBIRD is one of the world's leading specialists in lasers. With 50 years of experience and expertise in 3 key technologies – solid-state lasers, laser diodes and fiber lasers – the group designs, manufactures and markets high performance lasers for the industrial (manufacturing, lidar sensors), scientific (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense markets. LUMIBIRD (formerly Quantel-Keopsys group) is on the Euronext Stock Exchange and employs 600 people. With development and manufacturing facilities in France and the USA, and a strong world-wide sales and service network, the group serves a global customer base.


diode lasers Ediode lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of laser diodes and laser diode modules. Our offering includes QCW diode stacks, CW laser diode modules, fiber coupled QCW diode stacks, short pulse laser diode illuminators, as well as high brightness diode source, IALDA, and pulsed power supply drivers for QCW diodes.

diode stacks Ediode stacks from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a large range of QCW diode stacks: conduction cooled or water cooled, dual linear stacked array, high temperature/multicolor stacked array, linear bar array, mini stacked array, fast axis collimated stacked array etc.

diode-pumped lasers Ediode-pumped lasers from Lumibird

The large range of Lumibird pulsed nanosecond solid-state lasers includes diode-pumped models, from 5 mJ to 650 mJ at 1064 nm, from single pulse to 400 Hz. These lasers can be integrated into a system thanks to their compactness and robustness, or used as stand-alone devices. Several wavelengths are available, including 1.57 µm.

dye lasers Edye lasers from Lumibird

The Q-scan from Lumibird is a high resolution tunable nanosecond dye laser ranging from 200 nm to 4.5 µm. Dye cells are "plug & play" and non linear crystals are controlled via integrated look up tables for quick and easy scans.

erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Eerbium-doped fiber amplifiers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a unique range of CW and pulsed Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs), available as turnkey benchtop instruments or in OEM modules.

eye-safe lasers Eeye-safe lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a large range of eye-safe lasers in the range of 1.5 µm, through different technologies. We obtain these wavelengths with DPPS OPOs, erbium-doped fiber lasers and diode lasers.

fiber amplifiers Efiber amplifiers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. High output powers are achieved through the use of double cladding fibers pumped by broad stripe diodes. Several varieties of pumping techniques are used each optimized for specific applications. Lumibird also develops key components for producing unique and innovative light sources.

fiber lasers Efiber lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. High output powers are achieved through the use of double cladding fibers pumped by broad stripe diodes. Several varieties of pumping techniques are used each optimized for specific applications. Lumibird also develops key components for producing unique and innovative light sources.

fiber-coupled diode lasers Efiber-coupled diode lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures various fiber-coupled laser diodes modules with compact design, high peak power up to 600 W and high coupling efficiency. Fibers are field replaceable.

green lasers Egreen lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures green lasers obtained by frequency doubling process, both on our pulsed fiber lasers and on our pulsed nanosecond solid-state lasers.

high brightness laser diodes Ehigh brightness laser diodes from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures high brightness diode sources generating up to 120 kW in one line at 940 & 980 nm and up to 250 kW at 880 nm. A driver is available in a separate rack or integrated to the source for the 100-kW version.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers Ehigh-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers. High output powers are achieved through the use of double cladding fibers pumped by broad stripe diodes. Several varieties of pumping techniques are used each optimized for specific applications. Lumibird also develops key components for producing unique and innovative light sources.

high-power lasers Ehigh-power lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of high power lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: pulsed solid-state lasers (nanosecond range), CW and pulsed fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed, in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense.

laser diode modules Elaser diode modules from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of laser diodes and laser diode modules. Our offering includes QCW diode stacks, CW laser diode modules, fiber coupled QCW diode stacks, short pulse laser diode illuminators, as well as high brightness diode source, IALDA, and pulsed power supply drivers for QCW diodes.

laser diodes Elaser diodes from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of laser diodes and laser diode modules. Our offering includes QCW diode stacks, CW laser diode modules, fiber coupled QCW diode stacks, short pulse laser diode illuminators, as well as high brightness diode source, IALDA, and pulsed power supply drivers for QCW diodes.

laser-induced damage threshold measurements and equipmentlaser-induced damage threshold measurements and equipment from Lumibird

Lumibird labs (Bozeman, Montana, USA) are designed and well-equipped to meet international ISO standards by providing laser damage threshold tests (LIDT), laser damage certifications, optical density measurements, reflectivity, temperature, vibration, and specialty testing across a large spectrum of wavelengths varying from UV to far-IR.

lasers Elasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: pulsed solid-state lasers (nanosecond range), CW and pulsed fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed, in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense.

LIDAR equipment ELIDAR equipment from Lumibird

Lumibird offering in lasers for LiDAR is large, thanks to its expertise in several key laser technologies: diodes for ADAS, diode-pumped or flashlamp-pumped pulsed Nd:YAG lasers for atmospheric LiDAR, pulsed fiber lasers in turnkey benchtops or in OEM modules for wind LiDAR, 3D scanning or ADAS. Lumibird lasers are designed for use in harsh environment and are easy to integrate into systems.

medical lasers Emedical lasers from Lumibird

The Lumibird CVFL-GIGA are frequency-converted ytterbium-doped fiber lasers emitting at a design fixed wavelength from 520 nm up to 590 nm. The design is composed by an all-fiber laser cavity emitting in the IR range and a frequency conversion module which converts IR laser to visible laser. These models are used in opthalmology and dermatology.

nanosecond lasers Enanosecond lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of nanosecond pulsed lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: solid-state lasers, fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from Lumibird

With the CVFL, CYFL and CEFL kilo models, Lumibird offers CW fiber lasers with very narrow linewidth down to 1 kHz. These single frequency lasers emits at 1054/1083 nm for the ytterbium version, in the 1.5-µm range for the erbium version and at frequency converted wavelengths for the CVFL model. These lasers are specifically designed for applications which requirehigh precision such as LIDAR, atomic spectroscopy, or atom cooling.

OEM laser modules EOEM laser modules from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers. Our CW models are used for atom cooling, free space communication or optical remote sensing etc., while our pulsed models are used for applications such as high peak power generation or wind sensing LiDAR. Lumibird also manufactures diode-pumped solid-state laser heads used as optical amplifiers.

optical amplifiers Eoptical amplifiers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures an extensive range of mature and custom-designed optical fiber amplifiers. Our CW models are used for atom cooling, free space communication or optical remote sensing etc., while our pulsed models are used for applications such as high peak power generation or wind sensing LiDAR. Lumibird also manufactures diode-pumped solid-state laser heads used as optical amplifiers.

pulsed lasers Epulsed lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird manufactures a wide range of nanosecond pulsed lasers thanks to its expertise in three key technologies: solid-state lasers, fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and laser diodes. Various application areas are addressed in industry (manufacturing, lidar sensors), science (laboratories and universities), medical (ophthalmology) and defense.

Q-switched lasers EQ-switched lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird nanosecond Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are well known for their ruggeness and versatility. From 5 mJ to 1.5 J at 1064 nm, from single pulse to 400 Hz, they can be diode-pumped (compactness, ease of use) or flashlamp-pumped (high energy), and are available at 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm and 1.5 µm. Double pulse models are also proposed for applications in fluid mechanics (PIV).

Raman lasers ERaman lasers from Lumibird

The CRFL Raman fiber laser from Lumibird provides high output power, up to 20 W at 1455 and 1480 nm. Other wavelengths are available on request. The diffraction limited beam is unpolarized. The patented architecture is offering a high optical efficiency, high beam quality and a high power stability.

single-frequency lasers Esingle-frequency lasers from Lumibird

With the CVFL, CYFL and CEFL kilo models, Lumibird offers CW fiber lasers with very narrow linewidth down to 1 kHz. These single frequency lasers emits at 1054/1083 nm for the ytterbium version, in the 1.5-µm range for the erbium version and at frequency converted wavelengths for the CVFL model. These lasers are specifically designed for applications which requirehigh precision such as LIDAR, atomic spectroscopy, or atom cooling.

solid-state lasers Esolid-state lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird nanosecond Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are well known for their ruggeness and versatility. From 5 mJ to 1.5 J at 1064 nm, from single pulse to 400 Hz, they can be diode-pumped (compactness, ease of use) or flashlamp-pumped (high energy), and are available at 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm and 1.5 µm. Double pulse models are also proposed for applications in fluid mechanics (PIV).

tunable lasers Etunable lasers from Lumibird

The Q-scan from Lumibird is a high resolution tunable nanosecond dye laser ranging from 200 nm to 4.5 µm. Dye cells are "plug & play" and nonlinear crystals are controlled via integrated look-up tables for quick and easy scans.

YAG lasers EYAG lasers from Lumibird

Lumibird nanosecond Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are well known for their ruggeness and versatility. From 5 mJ to 1.5 J at 1064 nm, from single pulse to 400 Hz, they can be diode-pumped (compactness, ease of use) or flashlamp-pumped (high energy), and are available at 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm and 1.5 µm. Double pulse models are also proposed for applications in fluid mechanics (PIV).

yellow and orange lasers Eyellow and orange lasers from Lumibird

The Lumibird CVFL-GIGA are frequency-converted ytterbium-doped fiber lasers emitting at a fixed design wavelength from 520 nm up to 590 nm.

Information of Lumibird Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

diode lasers, diode stacks, diode-pumped lasers, dye lasers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, eye-safe lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, high brightness laser diodes, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, high-power lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, laser-induced damage threshold measurements and equipment, lasers, LIDAR equipment, medical lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical amplifiers, pulsed lasers, Q-switched lasers, Raman lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, tunable lasers, YAG lasers, yellow and orange lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

diode lasers, diode stacks, diode-pumped lasers, dye lasers, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, eye-safe lasers, fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, high brightness laser diodes, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, high-power lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, lasers, LIDAR, medical lasers, nanosecond lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical amplifiers, pulsed lasers, Q-switched lasers, Raman lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, tunable lasers, YAG lasers, yellow and orange lasers

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