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Supplier profile:


More Power, Speed and Precision

2716 Einstein St.
Quebec, Quebec G1P 4S8

Tel.:+1 418 658 9500
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Company Description

TeraXion’s Innovative Photonic components and partnership approach help customers around the world design and manufacture industry-defining laser, telecom and optical sensing systems, with more power, speed and precision.

TeraXion is a leader in the manufacturing of innovative photonic components that incorporate fiber Bragg gratings, low noise lasers and integrated photonics. FBGs have been the cornerstone of our offering for nearly 20 years and TeraXion has successfully applied this technology in four different markets, reaffirming FBGs’ potential in countless highly advanced applications.

Beyond our technology, our true strength stands in our ability to transform and evolve existing technology to meet our customers’ changing needs.

Our partnership approach and our team of over 65 researchers and engineers make us a prime designing and supplying partner for leading companies involved in light and heavy manufacturing, telecommunication, medical equipment, and aerospace and defense.


Bragg gratings EBragg gratings from TeraXion

World leader in high-end fiber Bragg gratings. High quality components allowing total control of the spectral, spatial and time domain.

chromatic dispersion emulators

Ultra-compact chromatic dispersion emulator that uses fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology to emulate the chromatic dispersion of hundreds or thousands of kilometers of fiber within the volume of a single half 1U 19-inch rack module. The modules have ultra-low insertion loss and can be cascaded several times to emulate hundreds of thousands of picoseconds per nanometer of dispersion with no external power required.

dispersion compensation modules Edispersion compensation modules from TeraXion

Static and tunable dispersion compensation modules for Access, DCI and legacy communication systems. Low loss chromatic dispersion emulators and compensators available for lab use.

distributed feedback lasers Edistributed feedback lasers from TeraXion

The PureSpectrum™ NLL is an ultra-low-noise, narrow linewidth semiconductor DFB laser for optical sensing applications like lidar and RF over fiber. The laser and its control electronics are integrated into a single module that uses precision feedback monitoring to provide ultra low-noise performance and superior wavelength stability. The built-in, sharp-edged frequency discriminator significantly reduces linewidth while maintaining single-mode operation across the full operating temperature range. The model also offers fast frequency tuning, which enables frequency-modulated continuous-wave sensing.

fiber Bragg gratings Efiber Bragg gratings from TeraXion

World leader in high-end fiber Bragg gratings. High quality components allowing total control of the spectral, spatial and time domain.

laser mirrors E

Fiber laser reflectors enable manufacturers to reduce $/W by increasing the power output of single oscillators, resulting in fewer high-power oscillators per system.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from TeraXion

The PureSpectrum™ NLL is an ultra-low-noise, narrow linewidth semiconductor DFB laser for optical sensing applications like lidar and RF over fiber. The laser and its control electronics are integrated into a single module that uses precision feedback monitoring to provide ultra low-noise performance and superior wavelength stability. The built-in, sharp-edged frequency discriminator significantly reduces linewidth while maintaining single-mode operation across the full operating temperature range. The model also offers fast frequency tuning, which enables frequency-modulated continuous-wave sensing.

optical fiber communication systems and devices E

Static and tunable dispersion compensation modules for Access, DCI and legacy communication systems. Low loss chromatic dispersion emulators and compensators available for lab use.

optical filters E

Ultra narrow tunable optical filters for Brillouin filtering in remote sensing applications or for the isolation of a modulated RF signal in RF communications.

pulse compressors Epulse compressors from TeraXion

Low dispersion management reflectors for passive mode-locking of ultrafast lasers.

pulse shapers Epulse shapers from TeraXion

High accuracy dispersion management devices to control spectral shape and pulse duration of nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond pulses.

pulse stretchers Epulse stretchers from TeraXion

Tunable pulse stretchers for diffraction grating compressors and tunable pulse stretchers for volume Bragg grating compressors for chirped-pulse amplification of ultrafast lasers. These stretchers allow clean amplification of <200 femtosecond pulses.

tunable optical filters Etunable optical filters from TeraXion

Ultra narrow tunable optical filters for Brillouin filtering in remote sensing applications or for the isolation of a modulated RF signal in RF communications.

Information of TeraXion Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

Bragg gratings, chromatic dispersion emulators, dispersion compensation modules, distributed feedback lasers, fiber Bragg gratings, laser mirrors, narrow-linewidth lasers, optical fiber communication systems and devices, optical filters, pulse compressors, pulse shapers, pulse stretchers, tunable optical filters

Encyclopedia Articles

Bragg gratings, dispersion compensation, distributed feedback lasers, fiber Bragg gratings, laser mirrors, narrow-linewidth lasers, optical fiber communications, optical filters, pulse compression, pulse shapers, pulse stretchers, tunable optical filters

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