Consulting … competent technical support for your business!!


Competent Consulting Services
for the Laser and Photonics Industry

Product Design, Problem Solving, Calculations and Simulations, Independent Expertise and Tailored Staff Training Courses on

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Surely you will appreciate to have RP Photonics as a competent and reliable partner, particularly when you need help on difficult technical matters.

More Detail

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH offers technical consulting services and software for the photonics industry worldwide. Customers are e.g. manufacturers of optical components or laser systems, users of optical technology and optoelectronic equipment, and high-tech investors. The consulting covers a wide range of technical areas such as lasers and amplifiers, nonlinear optics, ultrashort pulses, fiber optics, thin-film optics, and noise in optics.

The founder and executive is the laser expert Dr. RĂ¼diger Paschotta, who has an outstanding reputation for his contributions to laser physics, nonlinear optics, ultrashort pulse generation, fiber optics and other areas of research and development. He is working as an independent laser consultant, not being associated with any other company or institution.

Contact RP Photonics to find out what specific services are useful for you. You may profit from laser consulting in the form of advanced laser design (e.g. of diode-pumped solid-state lasers), problem analysis, independent comparison of products or technologies, proposal writing, due diligence, in-house staff training, or whatever kind of consultancy you may need in the context of laser technology and related subjects. Consider, e.g., to have a custom-made training course on some special subject, carried out on your premises.

Researchers and industrial developers can also find huge amounts of useful information on the RP Photonics website – in particular: