Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Registration Form for New Suppliers

Here you can enter the data for a new company profile and the products offered by that supplier.

Basic entries for the company and its products are free, but you can also order enhanced entries with this form.

Please note: If your company already has an entry in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide (check this via the suppliers page), then please use the already prepared form which you can reach via the company profile page. There, you only have to add the missing information.

Please keep in mind that the entered data are meant to be published on our website; thus please refrain from entering any personal information.

Your Identity

Your name and e-mail address (not for publication, only for communicating with you):

We may occasionally contact you, e.g. reminding you to check and update your entries, but we will certainly not flood you with e-mails.

Company Profile

A company profile is shown on an own web page and lists information on a company, such as the contact details and the offered products. These profiles can be reached (a) from the list of all suppliers and (b) from the pages with suppliers for a certain product.

Name and address:


Bright Light Laser Corp.
37 Wilmington Rd.
Pasadena, CA 95845
United States

Telephone: (optional)
Fax: (optional)
E-mail: (optional)
Please enter telephone and e-mail address of the company, not your personal data. If you enter an e-mail address, this will be displayed using some Javascript code which makes it hard for spam robots to harvest it. We highly recommend listing the e-mail address, as this makes it easier for users to send you inquiries.
If you take our ad package, you can have additional telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses displayed for specific regions – informally request that feature by sending the details to us via e-mail.
Website URL:

(More details, which can be displayed only with an advertising package, can be entered below.)

Free Entries

You can be listed in this buyer's guide without any cost. However, there are some some limitations:

  • You obtain a basic company profile, giving an overview on your contact information and a list of your products, but no logo and no company description.
  • Up to 100 of your registered products will be displayed, and these appear as basic product entries. (You can enter more than 100 products, and our system will then automatically select some of those for display. Under some circumstances, it may select more than 100 of them.)

For much more effective generation of sales leads, you should look at this:

Advertising Package

We offer you an advertising package, with which you can get far better visibility and far more visits to your website.:

referral statistics for suppliers with ad package referral statistics for suppliers with ad package
Figure 1: Relation between the number of displayed products and the number of obtained referrals to the supplier website within one month – separately for suppliers with the ad package and those with free entries only. Each dot corresponds to one registered supplier.

You can see that a company can acquire several thousand visits from photonics professionals within a year – quite certainly more than you get from any other photonics website. That implies a very moderate cost per lead, even when interpreting the whole cost of the ad package as cost for lead generation, thus completely ignoring the valuable branding effect.

The features of our advertising package are:

  • Most important: each of your products appears not only closer to the top and with your logo, but with product description and image (a) on your company profile, (b) in the list of suppliers for that product, and (c) even on the corresponding encyclopedia article page, if there is such an article (which is the case for the majority of products).
  • Your enhanced company profile contains a company description and your company logo. (You can enter the description below. We will take the logo from your website, or you can send it via e-mail.) You can also have distributor information and social media links displayed.
  • Your company logo is also shown in the alphabetic list of suppliers, where your whole entry gets substantially more space.
  • We mention your participation at upcoming exhibitions and trade shows in your company profile, in the alphabetic list of suppliers and in all of your enhanced product entries. For the major events, we find the information ourselves; for others, just tell us the event name and website and (if available) your booth number.

Near the bottom of the form, you can decide whether you want our ad package.

Additional Inputs for Company Profile

If you choose an ad package below, the content of the following fields can also be displayed:

Company description (max. 1000 characters) here:

Company slogan:

Distributors of your company:

Each line can contain the name of a distributor company and (optionally) after a colon (":") some additional details, e.g. the region in which that distributor is active. Example:
British Photonics: Great Britain and Ireland

For distributors: which companies do you represent:

Each line can contain the name of a company you represent and (optionally) after a colon (":") some additional details. Example:
Laser Plus: high-power ultrafast laser and amplifier systems

Social media:

(enter links like

Quality certificates:

(e.g. ISO 9001:2008)
  Valid until:
(e.g. 2018-12-31)

Announcements for exhibitions and trade shows: just tell us by e-mail at which events you will be participating (and your booth numbers, if available). We will then display that in your company profile and on the alphabetic list of all suppliers.

Offered Products

The checkboxes below are used to indicate which products your company offers. Each of your products appears

  • in your company profile,
  • on a page listing all suppliers for that product, and
  • in the corresponding encyclopedia article, if there is one and you have an ad package.

If you want free entries only, just indicate below which products you offer. It can be helpful to also enter the URLs of your corresponding web pages, helping us to verify that you offer such products.

If more products have been entered than can be displayed for free (that limit is 100), our system will automatically select some of them for display – preferably those for which only few suppliers are registered. It may happen that our system displays more products than expected, if we could otherwise not show sufficiently many suppliers for some products.

If you want our ad package (to be selected below the list of products), you can also enter for each product:

  • your product description (which should contain at least HTML link to a product-specific page on your site); example:
    We offer <a href="products/diode_lasers.html">diode lasers</a> with output powers up to 100 W.
    (Your server address is automatically added to any link address if you omit "http://". In our example, the link address would be automatically expanded to /products/diode_lasers.html.)
  • the URL (web address) of a web page on your website corresponding to that type of product (if you have such a page); example:

If you enter the URL only, we will try to get the product description from that page – also the product images, which you can otherwise send us via e-mail to

It is essential for your marketing success to publish product descriptions (using the ad package). We suggest two to four sentences per product – just enough to motivate people to visit your website for more details. However, we also accept longer descriptions.

Once you have registered all your products, you can see their number and the resulting price of your ad package near the bottom of the form. Note that the cost of the ad package depends only moderately on the number of products; we suggest to include every product which you seriously want to sell.

Also please note that only such products can be listed which are explicitly mentioned on your own website. Further, you cannot be listed e.g. for lasers, if you only offer components which can be used for lasers.

Please indicate the products offered by your company here:

 absorption spectroscopy equipment

 achromatic optics

 acousto-optic deflectors

 acousto-optic frequency shifters

 acousto-optic modulators

 acousto-optic Q switches

 acousto-optic tunable filters

 adaptive optics

 add–drop multiplexers

 advice on product selection

 alexandrite lasers

 alignment lasers

 anamorphic prism pairs

 anti-reflection coatings

 anti-reflection microstructures

 arc lamps

 argon ion lasers

 arrayed waveguide gratings

 aspheric optics



 automotive lamps

 avalanche photodiodes


 Babinet–Soleil compensators

 balanced photodetectors

 ball lenses

 beam collimators

 beam combining optics

 beam delivery systems

 beam dumps

 beam expanders

 beam homogenizers

 beam profilers

 beam propagation software

 beam quality measurement devices

 beam shapers

 beam shutters

 beam splitters

 Berek compensators


 birefringent materials

 birefringent tuners

 bit error rate testers

 black coatings

 blue lasers

 books on photonics and laser technology


 Bragg gratings

 Brewster plates

 Brewster windows

 Brillouin lasers

 broad area laser diodes

 camera objectives


 carrier–envelope offset measurement and stabilization

 cavity dumping components

 cavity-dumped lasers

 ceramic gain media

 chirped mirrors

 chirped-pulse amplifier systems

 chromatic dispersion emulators

 chromatic dispersion measurement devices

 chromium-doped gain media

 cladding mode strippers

 CO lasers

 CO2 lasers

 coating materials

 coherence measurement devices

 coherent beam combining optics

 cold mirrors


 composite laser crystals


 conferences on photonics and laser technology

 confocal scanning microscopes

 contract manufacturing

 corner cube prisms

 crystal ovens

 crystalline mirrors

 custom optics

 cutting and polishing services

 cylindrical lenses

 deformable mirrors

 dermatology laser devices

 design and development services

 deuterium lamps


 dichroic mirrors

 dielectric coatings

 dielectric mirrors

 diffraction gratings

 diffractive optics


 diode bars

 diode lasers

 diode stacks

 diode-pumped lasers

 direct diode lasers

 dispersion compensation modules

 dispersion management devices

 dispersion-shifted fibers

 dispersive mirrors


 distance measurements with lasers

 distributed Bragg reflector lasers

 distributed feedback lasers

 double-clad fibers

 dye lasers

 educational laser kits

 educational optics kits

 electroabsorption modulators

 electronic dispersion compensation devices

 electro-optic modulators

 electro-optic sampling systems



 erbium-doped fiber amplifiers

 erbium-doped gain media


 excimer lamps

 excimer lasers

 external-cavity diode lasers

 eye protection equipment

 eye-safe lasers

 Fabry–Perot interferometers

 Faraday circulators

 Faraday isolators

 Faraday rotators

 feasibility studies

 femtosecond lasers

 fiber amplifiers

 fiber arrays

 fiber Bragg gratings

 fiber bundles

 fiber cables

 fiber cleaning equipment

 fiber cleavers

 fiber collimators

 fiber connectors

 fiber couplers

 fiber end inspection devices

 fiber fabrication equipment

 fiber lasers

 fiber launch systems

 fiber mode field adapters

 fiber mode converters

 fiber optics

 fiber patch cables

 fiber patch panels

 fiber polarization controllers

 fiber polishing equipment

 fiber preforms

 fiber recoaters

 fiber simulation software

 fiber strippers

 fiber to the home equipment

 fiber-coupled diode lasers

 fiber-optic adapters

 fiber-optic attenuators

 fiber-optic depolarizers

 fiber-optic links

 fiber-optic networks

 fiber-optic plates

 fiber-optic polarizers

 fiber-optic probes

 fiber-optic pump combiners

 fiber-optic sensors

 fiber-optic tapers

 fiber-optic tool kits



 first surface mirrors

 Fizeau interferometers

 flash lamps

 flow tubes

 fluorescence microscopes

 fluorescence spectroscopy equipment

 fluorescent lamps

 fluoride fibers

 focusing objectives

 free electron lasers

 free form optics

 free-space optical communication systems

 frequency comb sources

 frequency doubling devices

 frequency metrology equipment

 frequency quadrupling devices

 frequency tripling devices

 frequency-resolved optical gating devices

 Fresnel lenses

 fusion splicers

 gain equalization filters

 gain-switched lasers

 gas discharge lamps

 gas lasers

 Gires–Tournois interferometers

 glass ceramics


 gradient index lenses

 green lasers

 halogen lamps

 helium–cadmium lasers

 helium–neon lasers

 high brightness laser diodes

 high harmonic generation equipment

 high intensity discharge lamps

 high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers

 high-power lasers

 high-speed imaging cameras

 hollow cathode lamps

 hollow-core fibers

 holmium-doped gain media

 holographic optical elements

 holography devices

 hot mirrors

 hyperspectral imaging instruments


 image intensifiers and image converters

 imaging instruments

 image sensors

 immersion oils

 incandescent lamps

 index matching fluids

 industrial lasers

 infrared cameras

 infrared detectors

 infrared emitters

 infrared optics

 infrared viewers

 infrared-to-visible converters

 injection-locked lasers

 injection-seeded lasers

 integrating spheres

 intensity modulators

 intensity noise measurement equipment

 interference filters



 investment analysis and due diligence

 journals on photonics and laser technology

 Kerr lens mode-locked lasers

 krypton ion lasers

 lamp power supplies

 lamp-pumped lasers

 large-core fibers

 large mode area fibers

 laser ablation machinery

 laser additive manufacturing devices

 laser applications

 laser beam characterization instruments

 laser ceramics

 laser cleaning machinery

 laser cooling and trapping systems

 laser cooling units

 laser crystals

 laser cutting machinery

 laser design services

 laser design software

 laser development services

 laser diode collimators

 laser diode drivers

 laser diode modules

 laser diodes

 laser drilling machinery

 laser dyes

 laser enclosures

 laser engraving machinery

 laser gain media

 laser glasses

 laser guide stars

 laser hardening machinery

 laser heads

 laser line optics

 laser lithography equipment

 laser machining equipment

 laser marking machinery

 laser material processing devices

 laser microscopes

 laser mirrors

 laser modeling services

 laser modeling software

 laser noise measurement equipment

 laser optics

 laser pointers

 laser power supplies

 laser printers

 laser processing heads

 laser projectors

 laser rangefinders

 laser repair services

 laser resonators

 laser safety curtains

 laser safety equipment and consulting

 laser scanners

 laser scribing machinery

 laser show equipment

 laser soldering machinery

 laser speckle reduction components

 laser spectroscopy equipment

 laser stabilization devices

 laser surface treatment machinery

 laser synchronization devices

 laser testing equipment

 laser trackers

 laser viewing cards

 laser warning signs

 laser welding machinery

 laser-based displays

 laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy equipment

 laser-induced damage threshold measurements and equipment



 LIDAR equipment

 light-emitting diodes

 light sources for lighting

 line scan cameras

 linewidth measurement equipment

 liquid crystal displays

 liquid crystal modulators


 Lyot filters

 machine vision devices

 magnifying glasses

 market research

 marketing in photonics

 measurement and calibration services

 mechanical fiber splicing equipment

 medical lasers

 mercury vapor lamps

 metal-coated mirrors

 metal halide lamps

 metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors

 Michelson interferometers



 microchannel plate detectors

 microchip lasers

 microelectromechanical systems


 microlens arrays


 microscope cameras

 microscope objectives


 mid-infrared fibers

 mid-infrared laser sources

 mirror mounts

 mirror substrates


 mode cleaners

 mode converters

 mode division multiplexing devices

 mode locking devices

 mode-locked diode lasers

 mode-locked fiber lasers

 mode-locked lasers



 multi-core fibers

 multimode fibers

 multipass gas cells

 multiple element lenses

 multispectral imaging instruments

 nanosecond lasers

 narrow-linewidth lasers

 neodymium-doped gain media

 neutral density filters

 night vision devices

 nitrogen lasers

 noise eaters

 nonlinear crystal materials

 nonlinear frequency conversion equipment

 nonlinear optics software

 nonplanar ring oscillators

 ocular lenses

 OEM laser modules

 ophthalmology equipment

 optical alignment services

 optical alignment systems

 optical amplifiers

 optical apertures

 optical attenuators

 optical bonding services or machinery

 optical breadboards

 optical cage systems

 optical choppers

 optical clocks

 optical coherence tomography instruments and components

 optical crystals

 optical data transmission systems

 optical delay lines

 optical design services

 optical design software

 optical displacement sensors

 optical domes

 optical energy meters

 optical fiber communication systems and devices

 optical filters

 optical flats

 optical force and pressure sensors

 optical frequency standards

 optical glasses

 optical materials

 optical metrology equipment

 optical metrology services

 optical modulators

 optical mounts

 optical multiplexers

 optical parametric amplifiers

 optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

 optical parametric generators

 optical parametric oscillators

 optical power meters

 optical power monitors

 optical profilometers

 optical prototyping systems

 optical rail systems

 optical resonators

 optical sampling systems

 optical sensing instruments

 optical sensors

 optical spectrum analyzers

 optical strain sensors

 optical surface characterization equipment

 optical switches

 optical tables

 optical temperature sensors

 optical thickness sensors

 optical tilt sensors

 optical time-domain reflectometers

 optical traps

 optical tweezers

 optical vibration sensors

 optical windows

 optics characterization equipment

 optics cleaning equipment

 optics fabrication equipment

 optoelectronic components and devices

 opto-electronic oscillators


 output couplers

 parabolic mirrors

 particle image velocimetry instruments

 patent development

 pellicle mirrors

 periodically poled nonlinear crystals

 phase modulators

 phase noise measurement equipment

 phosphate glasses


 photo cameras

 photoconductive detectors


 photodiode amplifiers

 photodiode arrays


 photographic objectives



 photon counting detectors

 photonic bandgap fibers

 photonic crystal fibers

 photonic integrated circuits

 photonic metamaterials

 photonic microwave sources

 photorefractive materials

 photosensitive fibers



 picosecond lasers

 p–i–n photodiodes


 planar waveguides

 plastic optical fibers

 plastic optics

 Pockels cell drivers

 Pockels cells


 polarization beam combining optics

 polarization controllers

 polarization mode dispersion measurement and compensation equipment

 polarization scramblers

 polarization-maintaining fibers


 positioning equipment

 position-sensitive detectors

 power over fiber systems


 projection objectives

 proposal writing

 protective coatings

 prototype building and testing

 pulse characterization instruments

 pulse compressors

 pulse duration measurement devices

 pulse pickers

 pulse propagation modeling software

 pulse shapers

 pulse stretchers

 pulsed laser deposition machinery

 pulsed lasers

 pump chambers

 pump–probe measurement equipment

 pyroelectric detectors

 Q switches

 Q-switched lasers

 quantum cascade lasers

 quantum cryptography systems

 quantum key distribution systems

 radiation-resistant fibers


 Raman amplifiers

 Raman crystals

 Raman lasers

 Raman microscopes

 Raman spectroscopy equipment

 rare-earth-doped fibers

 rare-earth-doped gain media

 ray tracing software

 recruiting for the photonics industry

 red lasers

 reference cavities




 regenerative amplifiers

 repair services

 research and development

 resell services

 resonator design software


 RF drivers

 RF over fiber systems

 RGB sources

 rod lenses

 ruby lasers

 rugate filters

 saturable absorbers

 scanning lenses

 scientific lasers

 scintillation detectors

 scintillator crystals

 seed lasers

 semiconductor fabrication equipment

 semiconductor lasers

 semiconductor optical amplifiers

 semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors

 Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensors

 side-polished fibers

 signal lamps

 silica fibers

 silicon photonics

 single-crystal fibers

 single-frequency lasers

 single-mode fibers

 single-photon sources

 single-polarization fibers

 slab lasers


 solar-blind photodetectors

 solar-powered lasers

 solar simulators

 solid-state lasers

 space division multiplexing devices

 space photonics

 spatial light modulators

 specialty fibers

 spectral beam combining optics

 spectral lamps

 spectral phase interferometry instruments





 spectroscopy equipment

 streak cameras

 structured light illuminators

 sum and difference frequency generators

 supercontinuum sources

 superluminescent diodes

 superluminescent sources


 superpolished optics

 surface-emitting semiconductor lasers

 tapered amplifiers

 tapered fibers

 tapered laser diodes

 technical writing

 telecentric lenses

 telecom fibers and cables

 telecom optics

 telecom receivers

 telecom transmitters


 temperature controllers

 terahertz cameras

 terahertz crystals

 terahertz detectors

 terahertz optics

 terahertz reflectometers

 terahertz spectrometers

 terahertz sources

 thermal imaging cameras

 thermoelectric coolers

 thin-disk lasers

 thin-film design software

 thin-film measurement systems

 thin-film polarizers

 thin-film production equipment

 thulium-doped gain media

 time division multiplexing devices

 time-of-flight measurement devices

 time-resolved spectroscopy equipment

 timing jitter measurement devices

 titanium-doped gain media

 titanium–sapphire lasers

 training on fiber lasers and amplifiers

 training on fiber optics

 training on laser beams

 training on laser material processing

 training on laser safety

 training on laser technology

 training on nonlinear optics

 training on optical technology

 training on optoelectronics

 training on photodetection

 training on specialized topics in photonics

 transition-metal-doped gain media

 transparent adhesives

 trouble shooting technical problems

 tunable lasers

 tunable lenses

 tunable optical filters

 tungstate lasers

 Twyman–Green interferometers

 ultrafast amplifiers

 ultrafast lasers

 ultrafast optics

 ultraviolet lasers

 ultraviolet light sources

 ultraviolet optics

 ultraviolet sensors

 upconversion lasers

 vanadate lasers

 variable optical attenuators

 variable reflectivity mirrors

 velocity-matched photodetectors

 vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers

 vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers

 vibration isolation devices

 video cameras


 volume Bragg gratings

 wavefront analyzers

 waveguide lasers


 wavelength division multiplexing devices

 wavelength-swept lasers

 wavelength-tunable light sources

 wavelength tuning devices



 websites on photonics and laser technology

 wedge prisms

 white light interferometers

 white light sources

 X-ray cameras

 X-ray detectors

 X-ray lasers

 xenon lamps

 YAG lasers

 VCSEL arrays

 yellow and orange lasers

 YLF lasers

 ytterbium-doped gain media

Remark: if some special product such as a mode-locked fiber laser is offered, the more general categories (here: fiber lasers, mode-locked lasers, lasers) can also be used.

Your Choice

Please decide:

Yes, I want the ad package.

No, I want only free entries.


For example, if you had any difficulties with this form, we will be grateful for your feedback.

Spam Protection

Such forms are often exploited by spam robots. Therefore, please prove that you are a human being:
What is 7 + 4?

Sending these form contents is not legally binding for you. We will send you our terms and conditions and ask you to informally accept them, if you have not yet done so, and to accept the cost.

Payments are normally done with a wire transfer. Alternatively, they can be done via PayPal (e.g. with credit card), but in that case we add 3% to the invoiced sum.

The data will be manually processed within a few days; there will be no automatic changes occurring on our website.

In case that you enter any information which implies some cost, we will send you an e-mail with the detailed conditions. Your enhanced entries will become effective only after you have confirmed your agreement with those.