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Supplier profile:

Swamp Optics

Size doesn't matter; it is how you measure it.

Swamp Optics, LLC
6300 Powers Ferry Road
Suite 600–345
Atlanta, GA 30339–2919
United States

Tel.:+1 404 547 9267

Company Description

Founded in 2001, Swamp Optics offers recently invented innovative and cost-effective devices for measuring and compressing ultrashort laser pulses. We specialize in frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG), the most robust and reliable method for measuring the time-dependent intensity and phase of an ultrashort pulse. FROG is rigorous, general, and relatively simple to implement, and it has become a very successful technique, and it has played a key role in ultrafast-optical research since 1991.

Our proprietary-design, award-winning pulse compressor offer a very compact and user friendly solution for academic and industrial applications. Unlike other pulse-compressors, it will never introduce spatio-temporal distortions into your beam, and never misaligns. Both prism and transmission-grating versions are available.

We also offer customized solutions to your special needs in pulse characterization and compression.

Swamp Optics


frequency-resolved optical gating devices Efrequency-resolved optical gating devices from Swamp Optics

Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG) is the gold standard of laser pulse measurement. It yields the complete intensity and phase vs. time for an arbitrary pulse. GRENOUILLE is a simple, elegant version of FROG.

Swamp Optics sells commonly used configurations from stock. It also provides customs solutions for more exotic wavelength and pulse durations.

pulse characterization instruments Epulse characterization instruments from Swamp Optics

Swamp Optics’ pulse characterization devices are also known by their animal acronyms: FROGs & GRENOUILLEs. These neat and compact instruments:

- yield the pulse intensity and phase vs. time/frequency, in real time

- measure the spatial chirp and the pulse-front tilt

- measure the actual pulse, not the coherent artifact

- require minimal effort, no alignment.

pulse compressors Epulse compressors from Swamp Optics

Swamp Optics' new generation of BOA pulse compressors are robust, easily aligned/tuned and provide very high dispersion compensation and throughput. They are available over the entire spectrum from UV to visible and IR. Popular models available from stock. Compress your pulses and improve your process/image quality in multi-photon imaging, laser micro-nanomachining and other applications.

pulse duration measurement devices Epulse duration measurement devices from Swamp Optics

Pulse durations and many other properties of ultrashort pulses can be conveniently measured with our FROG and GRENOUILLE instruments. Several off-the-shelf FROGs and GRENOUILLEs are available, for pulses from  10 femtoseconds to several picoseconds. With customization options, these devices cover from 4 fs to 4 ns, and from UV to IR. We also offer OEM solutions at reasonable costs and lead times.

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frequency-resolved optical gating devices, pulse characterization instruments, pulse compressors, pulse duration measurement devices

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frequency-resolved optical gating, pulse characterization, pulse compression, pulse duration

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