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Pulse Compression

Definition: linear or nonlinear techniques for reducing the durations of optical pulses

More specific terms: adiabatic soliton compression, dispersive pulse compression, nonlinear pulse compression, soliton compression

Opposite terms: pulse stretching

German: Pulskompression, Pulsverkürzung

Categories: light pulses, methods

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There is variety of methods for temporally compressing (shortening) optical pulses, i.e., reducing the pulse duration. Typically, such methods start in the picosecond or femtosecond region, i.e. already in the regime of ultrashort pulses. These methods can be grouped into two categories:

A special case is compression using a chirped QPM structure [21]. Here, a χ(2) nonlinearity is used not for spectral broadening, but rather for frequency-converting a strongly chirped pulse such that the converted pulse is not chirped and thus much shorter.

Methods for Nonlinear Pulse Compression

Nonlinear pulse compression can be done with different configurations of optical elements, and with methods which are based on different physical principles. Some examples are:

  • Originally unchirped pulses can be spectrally broadened by propagation in a normally dispersive optical fiber and then dispersively compressed as discussed above in the context of linear pulse compression [8]. The fibers used for spectral broadening may be standard optical fibers, photonic crystal fibers, or hollow fibers (for extremely intense pulses). It is possible e.g. to start with picosecond pulses from a mode-locked Nd:YAG laser and reach pulse durations far below 1 ps, or to generate few-cycle pulses starting from pulses with e.g. 50 fs duration.
pulse compression with a fiber and a dispersive compressor
Figure 1: Setup for pulse compression with a normally dispersive fiber and a dispersive compressor.
  • For high-intensity femtosecond pulses, the spectral broadening can be performed in a gas-filled hollow fiber or capillary [17]. Most of the optical power propagates in the gas, where self-phase modulation occurs. (The regime with ionization of the gas is avoided by staying at sufficiently low intensities.) Subsequent dispersive compression can be done, e.g., with double-chirped mirrors or some other kind of dispersive mirrors. This method is suitable e.g. for compressing 20-fs pulses with millijoule energies down to a few femtoseconds.
  • After spectral broadening with a nonlinearity as described above, pulses can also be shorted by sending them through a suitable bandpass filter (and no dispersive element), if the filter bandwidth is well below the pulse bandwidth [43].
  • When high-intensity few-cycle femtosecond pulses are injected into a gas jet, high harmonic generation can occur, and under certain circumstances pulse durations of a few hundred attoseconds are achieved [23, 24].
  • In higher-order soliton compression [5, 39], a pulse with an energy far above the fundamental soliton energy is injected into a fiber with anomalous dispersion. After a certain propagation distance, a strongly compressed pulse can be obtained, but the choice of propagation distance can be critical. The pulse energy can be roughly one to two orders of magnitude above that of a fundamental soliton.
pulse compression with a fiber
Figure 2: Setup for pulse compression with a fiber only. The compression mechanism could be higher-order soliton compression or adiabatic soliton compression.
  • In adiabatic soliton compression [10, 12], a soliton pulse is compressed during propagation in a fiber the anomalous dispersion of which becomes weaker and weaker along the propagation direction. Alternatively, the pulse energy can be increased by amplification in a doped fiber with constant dispersion properties. The pulse energy is fairly limited due to the small soliton pulse energies of typical fibers.
  • In a fiber amplifier with normal dispersion, self-similar parabolic pulses experience spectral broadening while a high pulse quality is preserved [16]. The parameters of the input signal pulses are fairly uncritical, and high pulse energies are possible. The resulting linear chirp makes it relatively easy to obtain strong temporal compression in a subsequent dispersive optical element.
pulse compression with similariton pulse propagation
Figure 3: Setup for pulse compression with similariton pulse propagation. While the pulse is amplified in a rare-earth-doped fiber, its duration and spectral width both increase. A dispersive compressor can subsequently reduce the pulse duration strongly.

Which of these methods is most suitable depends on a number of circumstances, including the initial and required pulse duration, the pulse energy, and the demands on pulse quality.

Pulse compression setups can be analyzed and optimized using pulse propagation modeling.


The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 20 suppliers for pulse compressors. Among them:

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See also: ultrashort pulses, spectral phase, pulse propagation modeling, pulse duration, pulse stretchers, dispersion compensation, nonlinearities, self-phase modulation, adiabatic soliton compression, dispersive mirrors
and other articles in the categories light pulses, methods

Dr. R. Paschotta

This encyclopedia is authored by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, the founder and executive of RP Photonics Consulting GmbH. How about a tailored training course from this distinguished expert at your location? Contact RP Photonics to find out how his technical consulting services (e.g. product designs, problem solving, independent evaluations, training) and software could become very valuable for your business!


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