Keywords beginning with S
On this page you find all our articles on keywords beginning with "S". Further below, you find the acronyms.
(See also: list of products for the letter S)
S band → optical fiber communications
safety → laser safety
safety glasses → eye protection
safety goggles:
→ Spotlight 2007-12-18: The role of laser safety goggles
sampled grating lasers → distributed Bragg reflector lasers
sampling → electro-optic sampling
sapphire fibers → single-crystal fibers
satellite communications → free-space optical communications
saturable absorber mirrors → semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors
saturable absorbers:
→ Spotlight 2008-01-06: Saturation intensity or saturation fluence of a saturable absorber or a laser gain medium: what matters?
→ Spotlight 2008-07-02: Stronger focusing avoids SESAM damage
→ Spotlight 2017-04-12: Does a saturable absorber in a laser lead to passive Q switching or mode locking?
→ Spotlight 2017-08-31: Passive mode locking with slow saturable absorbers: surprisingly stable!
→ Spotlight 2018-01-08: Self-starting of passively mode-locked lasers
saturated output power → saturation power
saturation fluence → saturation energy
saturation intensity → saturation power
saturation intensity:
→ Spotlight 2008-01-06: Saturation intensity or saturation fluence of a saturable absorber or a laser gain medium: what matters?
saturation of absorption → pump absorption
saturation of gain → gain saturation
saturation parameter → saturable absorbers
scalability → power scaling of lasers
scaling procedures → power scaling of lasers
scanning beam profilers → beam profilers
scanning delay lines → optical delay lines
scanning spectrometers → spectrometers
→ Spotlight 2010-01-11: Beams of laser pointers: visible in air?
Schawlow-Townes linewidth:
→ Derivation of the Schawlow–Townes linewidth
SDM fibers → space division multiplexing
second opinion:
→ Spotlight 2017-01-27: Second opinion: a useful tool, also in laser technology!
second-harmonic generation → frequency doubling
second-order dispersion → group delay dispersion
self-darkening materials → photochromic materials
→ Case study: nonlinear self-focusing
self-heterodyne linewidth measurement
self-injection locking → injection locking
self-phase modulation:
→ Effect of self-phase modulation on the pulse bandwidth
→ Spotlight 2015-07-01: Self-phase modulation causes spectral broadening – does it really?
self-phase-stabilized pulses → carrier–envelope offset
self-referenced frequency combs → frequency combs
self-similar pulse propagation → parabolic pulses
self-starting mode locking:
→ Self starting of passively mode-locked lasers: difficult to model
→ Spotlight 2008-05-13: Easier self-starting passive mode locking for short lasers
→ Spotlight 2018-01-08: Self-starting of passively mode-locked lasers
self-steepening → Kerr effect
self-terminating laser transitions
semiconductor diode lasers → diode lasers
semiconductor disk lasers → vertical external-cavity surface-emitting lasers
semiconductor fiber lasers → fiber lasers
semiconductor mirrors → crystalline mirrors
semiconductor optical amplifiers
semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors
sensitivity of the eye → scotopic and photopic vision
sensitivity to alignment → alignment sensitivity of optical resonators
sensor cards → laser viewing cards
sensors → fiber-optic sensors
sequential sampling → electro-optic sampling
SESAM mode-locked lasers → mode-locked lasers
Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensors
sheet polarizers → polarizers
short pulses → pulses
shot noise:
→ Spotlight 2007-04-16: Questions and answers on shot noise
sigma–tau product:
→ Spotlight 2007-05-10: Fundamental limitation for sigma–tau product, gain efficiency, and laser threshold
signals in fibers:
→ Tutorial chapter on ultrashort pulses and signals fibers
silicone optics → plastic optics
silver mirrors → metal-coated mirrors
similaritons → parabolic pulses
single transverse mode operation → single-mode operation
single-atom lasers:
→ Spotlight 2006-07-23: Single-atom lasers
single-emitter laser diodes → broad area laser diodes
single-frequency lasers:
→ Spotlight 2006-09-03: Single-frequency operation stabilized by spatial hole burning
→ Spotlight 2015-10-17: The linewidth of single-frequency lasers
single-mode cut-off → single-mode fibers
single-mode fibers:
→ Tutorial chapter on single-mode fibers
single-wavelength lasers → single-frequency lasers
singly resonant cavities → resonant frequency doubling
singly resonant oscillators → optical parametric oscillators
slope efficiency:
→ Spotlight 2016-12-13: Nonlinear input–output curves for lasers
slow absorbers → saturable absorbers
slow axis → diode bars
slow light → velocity of light
Snell's law → refraction
sodium guide stars → laser guide stars
soft aperture mode locking → Kerr lens mode locking
soft apertures → optical apertures
solid-state lasers:
→ Solid state lasers for ultrashort pulses – a diverse family
→ Spotlight 2017-12-04: Energy levels of solid-state gain media
→ Spotlight 2018-04-06: Laser physics: the essential roles of phonons in solid-state lasers
soliton compression → pulse compression
soliton fission → supercontinuum generation
soliton mode locking:
→ Case study: soliton mode-locked bulk laser
soliton self-frequency shift → solitons
→ Case study: higher-order solitons
→ Case study: soliton self-frequency shift
→ Spotlight 2008-04-02: Solitons: lower dispersion, stronger dispersive effects!
solution doping → fiber fabrication
space communications → free-space optical communications
spatial coherence → coherence
spatial filters → mode cleaners
spatial frequencies → Fourier optics
spatial hole burning:
→ Spotlight 2006-09-03: Single-frequency operation stabilized by spatial hole burning
→ Spotlight 2007-07-16: Mode competition – increased or decreased by spatial hole burning?
spatial walk-off:
→ Spotlight 2007-11-19: Walk-off and phase-matching bandwidth in nonlinear crystals
→ Spotlight 2010-03-15: Spatial walk-off and beam quality in nonlinear frequency conversion
specific detectivity → detectivity
specifications for lasers → laser specifications
specifications of noise and fluctuations → noise specifications
speckle → laser speckle
spectral broadening:
→ Spotlight 2015-07-01: Self-phase modulation causes spectral broadening – does it really?
spectral exitance → radiant exitance
spectral flux → radiant flux
spectral intensity → radiant intensity
spectral linewidth → linewidth
spectral power density → power spectral density
spectral radiance → radiance
spectral response of a photodetector
spectral sensitivity of the eye → scotopic and photopic vision
spectral width → bandwidth
spectrometry → spectroscopy
spectroradiometers → spectrometers
spectrum → optical spectrum
speed of light → velocity of light
splicing → fusion splicing of fibers
split-step Fourier technique → pulse propagation modeling
spontaneous emission:
→ Spotlight 2006-07-16: Spontaneous emission and amplifier noise
spontaneous emission factor → Schawlow–Townes linewidth
spontaneous Raman scattering → Raman scattering
spot lasers → alignment lasers
stability of passive mode locking:
→ Spotlight 2017-08-31: Passive mode locking with slow saturable absorbers: surprisingly stable!
stability zones:
→ Spotlight 2006-10-01: Stability zones of laser resonators
stability zones of optical resonators
stack lasers → diode stacks
standard illuminants → CIE standard illuminants
standing wave pattern → interference
stimulated Brillouin scattering → Brillouin scattering
stimulated Brillouin scattering:
→ Spotlight 2007-09-01: Stimulated Brillouin scattering: lower peak power, stronger effect?
→ Spotlight 2010-03-03: Thresholds for nonlinear effects in fiber amplifiers
stimulated emission cross sections → transition cross sections
stimulated emission depletion microscopy → fluorescence microscopy
stimulated Raman scattering:
→ Case study: stimulated Raman scattering in a fiber amplifier
→ Case study: stimulated Raman scattering in a multimode fiber
→ Spotlight 2018-03-05: Dependence on Raman conversion on the optical bandwidth
stimulated Raman scattering → Raman scattering
strain sensors → optical strain sensors
stress rods → polarization-maintaining fibers
stretched-pulse fiber lasers → mode-locked fiber lasers
sum and difference frequency generation
super-black coatings → black coatings
supercontinuum generation:
→ Case study: supercontinuum generation in a fiber
superluminescent sources:
→ Case study: ASE source with automatic spectral optimization
supermodes → harmonic mode locking
surface profilers → optical profilometers
surface-emitting LEDs → light-emitting diodes
surface-emitting semiconductor lasers
surgical lasers → medical lasers
symmetrized split-step Fourier method → pulse propagation modeling
sync-pumped parametric oscillators → optical parametric oscillators
Acronyms beginning with S
SASE = self-amplified spontaneous emission → amplified spontaneous emission
SBR = saturable Bragg reflector
SBS = stimulated Brillouin scattering
SCG = supercontinuum generation
SDM = space division multiplexing
SESAM = semiconductor saturable absorber mirror
SFG = sum frequency generation
SFS = superfluorescent (actually superluminescent!) fiber source → superluminescent sources
SHG = second-harmonic generation = frequency doubling
SHWFS = Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor
SLD = superluminescent diode
SLED = surface-emitting LED or superluminescent diode
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio
SOA = semiconductor optical amplifier
SPAD = single-photon avalanche diode
SPIDER = spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction → spectral phase interferometry
SPM = self-phase modulation
SPOPO = synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator
SRO = singly resonant (parametric) oscillator
SRS = stimulated Raman scattering
SSL = solid-state laser
STED = stimulated emission depletion microscopy → fluorescence microscopy
… and if you need any more help on such topics, consider to use the consulting services of RP Photonics Consulting GmbH! There is a variety of various services available in topical areas such as lasers, amplifiers, nonlinear optics, fiber optics, ultrashort pulses, multilayer mirrors, noise and fluctuations, and other topics in photonics and optoelectronics.