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Supplier profile:

Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

The ultimate ultrafast pulse characterization

Sphere Ultrafast Photonics, SL
Calle Raimundo Garcia Dominguez, 2
15930 Boiro (A Coruña)


Company Description

Sphere Ultrafast Photonics is a deep-tech company founded in 2013 by scientists from Lund University in Sweden and the University of Porto in Portugal, who together have invented the technique of dispersion-scan (d-scan). Our team of experts is committed to creating the most reliable and user-friendly products for getting the most out of your ultrafast laser application, down to true single-cycle durations (2.2 fs). Today, Sphere is well established as the manufacturer of unique, award-winning d-scan technology and products used every day by many top universities, research institutions and high-tech companies worldwide. We work with you to push the limits of ultrafast science and applications in your lab, boosting your productivity so you get to results fast. Ultrafast. It just works.

Our team is devoted to world-class ultrafast pulsed laser solutions, providing its customers with products that highly improve the performance of femtosecond laser applications.

Sphere Ultrafast Photonics


carrier–envelope offset measurement and stabilization E

The CEP-tag system provides at single-shot measurements of the Carrier Envelope Phase (CEP) offset of amplified laser pulse. It is based on f–2f interferometry, where the second harmonic of the red edge of an octave-spanning spectrum is spectrally interfered with the blue edge. Detection is based on a photodiode array and the use of Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) electronics enables us to determine the CEP at a rate of 100 kHz.

dispersion management devices Edispersion management devices from Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

d-scan is an inline, compact and high-performance device for the simultaneous measurement and compression of even the most demanding ultrafast pulses. It can be used either as a stand-alone system or integrated with existing optical pulse compressors. It handles broadband oscillators, amplifiers, OPAs and hollow-fiber compressors.

Coupling your beam into the d-scan is easily achieved in less than one minute and a full measurement takes less than 10 seconds. The resulting d-scan traces are very intuitive and a proprietary algorithm provides fast and accurate retrieval of the full electric field of the pulses.

pulse characterization instruments Epulse characterization instruments from Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

The d-shot is a compact system for the comprehensive characterization (full electric field) of ultrafast laser pulses. Its supports optical spectra corresponding to pulse durations around 10–70 fs and works with pulse repetition rates ranging from sub-Hz to hundreds of kHz or even MHz.

Coupling the laser beam into the d-shot is easily achieved in less than five minutes, and a full measurement (including retrieval) usually takes less than 10 s. The intuitiveness of the d-shot trace provides instant visual feedback for the optimisation of your source. d-scan is a very practical tool for real-time alignment and optimisation of your compressor or pulse shaper.

The d-cycle is a version for the most demanding ultrafast pulses, down to ultra-broadband spectra and single-cycle (sub-3 fs to 12 fs) pulse durations.

pulse compressors Epulse compressors from Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

d-scan is an inline, compact and high-performance device for the simultaneous measurement and compression of even the most demanding ultrafast pulses. d-scan can be used either as a standalone system or integrated with existing optical pulse compressors. It handles broadband oscillators, amplifiers, OPAs and hollow-fiber compressors.

Coupling your beam into the d-scan is easily achieved in less than one minute and a full measurement takes less than 10 seconds. The resulting d-scan traces are very intuitive and a proprietary algorithm provides fast and accurate retrieval of the full electric field of the pulses.

pulse duration measurement devices Epulse duration measurement devices from Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

The d-shot is a compact system for the comprehensive characterization of ultrafast laser pulses, including pulse duration measurements. Its supports optical spectra corresponding to pulse durations around 10–70 fs and works with pulse repetition rates ranging from sub-Hz to hundreds of kHz or even MHz. Coupling the laser beam into the d-shot is easily achieved in less than five minutes, and a full measurement (including retrieval) usually takes less than 10 s.

The intuitiveness of the d-shot trace provides instant visual feedback for the optimisation of your source. This d-shot system is a practical tool for real-time alignment and optimisation of your compressor or pulse shaper.

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carrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization, dispersion management devices, pulse characterization instruments, pulse compressors, pulse duration measurement devices

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carrier–envelope offset, dispersion management, pulse characterization, pulse compression, pulse duration

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