Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products beginning with H

(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter H)

half-wave plates → waveplates76 SE
halogen lamps10 SE
harmonic separators → dichroic mirrors71 SE
helium–cadmium lasers4 S
helium–neon lasers27 SE
high brightness laser diodes21 SE
high harmonic generation equipment9 SE
high intensity discharge lamps7 SE
high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers28 SE
high-power lasers81 SE
high-speed imaging cameras6 S
hollow cathode lamps3 S
hollow-core fibers9 SE
holmium-doped gain media8 S
holographic bulk gratings → volume Bragg gratings5 SE
holographic diffraction gratings → diffraction gratings38 SE
holographic optical elements2 S
holography devices12 SE
homogenizing rods → beam homogenizers16 SE
hot mirrors20 SE
hyperspectral imaging instruments15 SE