Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products beginning with T

(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter T)

tapered amplifiers12 SE
tapered fibers13 SE
tapered laser diodes7 SE
technical writing1 S
telecentric lenses16 SE
telecom fibers and cables20 SE
telecom optics8 S
telecom receivers34 S
telecom transmitters30 S
telescopes11 SE
temperature controllers18 S
terahertz cameras8 S
terahertz crystals10 S
terahertz detectors21 SE
terahertz optics7 S
terahertz reflectometers1 S
terahertz spectrometers12 S
terahertz sources25 SE
thermal imaging cameras13 SE
thermal power meters → optical power meters61 SE
thermoelectric coolers7 S
thermography equipment → thermal imaging cameras13 SE
thin-disk lasers4 SE
thin-film coatings → dielectric coatings136 SE
thin-film design software4 S
thin-film measurement systems3 S
thin-film mirrors → dielectric mirrors120 SE
thin-film polarizers34 SE
thin-film production equipment10 S
thulium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
thulium-doped gain media8 S
tilt sensors → optical tilt sensors3 S
time division multiplexing devices---E
time-of-flight measurement devices10 SE
time-resolved spectroscopy equipment8 SE
timing jitter measurement devices2 SE
titanium-doped gain media17 S
titanium–sapphire lasers19 SE
training on fiber lasers and amplifiers2 S
training on fiber optics3 S
training on laser beams1 S
training on laser material processing2 S
training on laser safety6 S
training on laser technology2 S
training on nonlinear optics1 S
training on optical technology5 S
training on optoelectronics---
training on photodetection1 S
training on specialized topics in photonics4 S
transition-metal-doped gain media21 SE
transparent adhesives1 S
traveling-wave photodetectors → velocity-matched photodetectors---E
trihedral prisms → corner cube prisms12 SE
trouble shooting technical problems3 S
tunable lasers83 SE
tunable lenses5 S
tunable optical filters21 SE
tuning fork choppers → optical choppers10 SE
tungstate lasers4 SE
two-photon microscopes → fluorescence microscopes16 SE
Twyman–Green interferometers2 SE