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Supplier profile:

eagleyard Photonics

Engineering and beyond.

eagleyard Photonics GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin

Tel.:+49 30 63 92 45 20
Fax:+49 30 63 92 45 29
Social media:Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube
Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015

Company Description

eagleyard Photonics GmbH is a technology company founded in 2002 and based in Berlin, Germany. eagleyard develops, manufactures and distributes high power semiconductor laser diodes based on GaAs wafer material – the key component for advanced laser systems.

Offering wavelengths ranging from 630 nm to 1,120 nm, eagleyard has become a leading provider of reliable laser diodes that serve the requirements for industrial, space, defense, medical and scientific applications. The company is certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

The product portfolio comprises five basic types of laser diodes, each optimized to meet specific requirements: single mode laser diodes, single frequency laser diodes, multimode laser diodes, tapered amplifiers and gain chips.

The industry-experienced management team has the necessary skills to turn advanced technology into mature products in compliance with the expectations of industrial customers.

A professional network of sales partners encompasses eagleyard’s sales activities around the globe.

eagleyard Photonics is a sponsor of the RP Photonics encyclopedia.

eagleyard Photonics

eagleyard Photonics has the following distributors:


broad area laser diodes Ebroad area laser diodes from eagleyard Photonics

Broad area lasers operate spatially and longitudinally multimode. They are used for solid-state laser pumping, sensor technology, material processing, medical applications (e.g. photodynamic therapy), as well as in scientific research. eagleyard offers broad area lasers at wavelengths between 670 and 1120 nm and output powers between 1 and 18 W in cw mode. Stripe widths from 60 μm to 400 μm are available to optimize beam structure and power for your application.

distributed Bragg reflector lasers Edistributed Bragg reflector lasers from eagleyard Photonics

Our distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers have built-in resistors to allow for mode-hop-free tunability. These products are for sophisticated industry applications, e.g. fiber testing, and science, such as analytics, Raman spectroscopy, frequency conversion, and exciting certain atom resonances. eagleyard provides the largest variety of wavelengths available on the market. Find your suitable DBR laser product between 633 and 1083 nm with output powers from 10 to 150 mW.

distributed feedback lasers Edistributed feedback lasers from eagleyard Photonics

Distributed feedback lasers are single-mode lasers containing an integrated grating structure. The result is a single-mode emission at an outmost precise wavelength with an extremely narrow linewidth. eagleyard provides the largest variety of wavelengths available on the market. Find your suitable DFB laser product between 633 and 1083 nm with output powers from 10 to 150 mW.

external-cavity diode lasers Eexternal-cavity diode lasers from eagleyard Photonics

Gain Chips are modified Fabry–Perot laser diodes with an excellent AR coated output facet. While not self-lasing they are intended to be operated in External Cavity Diode Laser setups (ECDL), such as in Littman or Littrow configuration. With external feedback they reveal narrow single frequency operation in combination with superior tuning capabilities.

laser diodes Elaser diodes from eagleyard Photonics

Based on GaAs wafer material our semiconductor laser diodes cover wavelengths ranging from 630 to 1120 nm. If you need high power and superior brightness – and all that in a single emitter configuration – you will find eagleyard laserdiodes at the leading edge of technology.

Our product portfolio comprises five basic types of laser diodes, each optimized to meet specific requirements:

Single Mode Laser Diodes
Single Frequency Laser Diodes
Multimode Laser Diodes
Tapered Amplifiers
Gain Chips

See also our selection guide on How to select the right laser diode!

optical amplifiers Eoptical amplifiers from eagleyard Photonics

Tapered lasers combine the beam quality of a ridge waveguide laser with the high power known from broad area lasers. If you need high power and small spot size, this is the laser for you. eagleyard manufactures tapered lasers between 730 and 1083 nm with high brightness and the smallest divergence. Output powers from 500 mW to 2000 mW are available.

medical lasers E
narrow-linewidth lasers E
semiconductor lasers E
spectroscopy equipment E
tapered laser diodes E


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Information of eagleyard Photonics Appears on the Following Pages

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Pages with Suppliers for Products

broad area laser diodes, distributed Bragg reflector lasers, distributed feedback lasers, external-cavity diode lasers, laser diodes, medical lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, optical amplifiers, semiconductor lasers, spectroscopy equipment, tapered laser diodes

Encyclopedia Articles

broad area laser diodes, distributed Bragg reflector lasers, distributed feedback lasers, external-cavity diode lasers, laser diodes, optical amplifiers

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