Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products beginning with A

(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter A)

ABCD matrix software → resonator design software10 SE
absorbing coatings → black coatings8 SE
absorption spectroscopy equipment10 S
achromatic optics58 SE
acousto-optic deflectors10 SE
acousto-optic frequency shifters17 SE
acousto-optic modulators26 SE
acousto-optic Q switches11 SE
acousto-optic tunable filters11 SE
adaptive optics19 S
add–drop multiplexers14 S
advice on product selection3 S
alexandrite lasers5 SE
alignment lasers27 SE
amplifiers → optical amplifiers68 SE
anamorphic prism pairs19 SE
anti-reflection coatings125 SE
anti-reflection microstructures5 S
apochromats → achromatic optics58 SE
arc lamps16 SE
argon ion lasers22 SE
arrayed waveguide gratings8 SE
aspheric optics85 SE
attenuators → optical attenuators81 SE
autocollimators8 SE
autocorrelators19 SE
automotive lamps5 S
avalanche photodiodes22 SE
axicons12 SE