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Supplier profile:

Menlo Systems

Precision in photonics. Together we shape light.

Menlo Systems GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a
82152 Martinsried

Tel.:+49 89 1 89 16 60
Fax:+49 89 1 89 16 61 11
E-mail: (for North America)
Social media:LinkedIn, YouTube
Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015

Company Description

Menlo Systems, the market leader in the field of high-precision measurement technology with the latest laser technology, was founded in 2001 as a spin-off from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. The company with headquarters in Munich, Germany and offices in Newton, USA, and Shanghai, China, is known for the Nobel Prize winning frequency comb technology. Menlo Systems delivers to its customers complete solutions for applications in industry and research. Besides frequency comb products, Menlo Systems specializes in ultrafast lasers for numerous applications including material processing, synchronization electronics, and terahertz systems for material research and quality control.

Menlo Systems


avalanche photodiodes Eavalanche photodiodes from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' APD avalanche photodiode series offers highest sensitivity for low level input signals, and an extremely short signal rise time.

carrier–envelope offset measurement and stabilization Ecarrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' CEP Stable Lasers and CEP Phase Stabilization are solutions that allow one to stabilize the carrier envelope phase of light pulses. We offer CEP stable femtoscond laser sources as well as phase stabilization electronics for OEM integrators. Applications range from CEP stable front end seed lasers to few cycle pulse oscillators and amplifiers for high harmonic generation and attosecond science.

erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Eerbium-doped fiber amplifiers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' erbium-doped fiber amplifiers use polarization maintiaining (PM) components only, ensuring excellent stability and low-noise operation. Both, our scientific and OEM platform offer highest average output power and short pulse operation.

femtosecond lasers Efemtosecond lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 Watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ, we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

fiber lasers Efiber lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 Watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ, we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

frequency comb sources Efrequency comb sources from Menlo Systems

As the pioneer in the optical frequency comb technology, Menlo Systems offers a full product line from the compact and fully automated SmartComb to the ultra-low noise optical frequency comb FC1500-ULNplus. Our patented figure 9® mode locking technology ensures lowest phase noise and long-term reliable operation.

high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers Ehigh-power fiber lasers and amplifiers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' high-power fiber lasers based on erbium or ytterbium doped fiber use polarization maintiaining (PM) components only. Our patented figure 9® laser technology ensures excellent stability and low-noise operation. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration.

laser stabilization devices Elaser stabilization devices from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems offers ultrastable, frequency stabilized lasers at basically any wavelength. We supply fully characterized systems with linewidths <1 Hz and Allan deviations of 2 × 10-15 (in 1 s) as well as modules and components allowing for state-of-the-art systems tailored to your requirements.

medical lasers Emedical lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 Watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ, we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

mid-infrared laser sources Emid-infrared laser sources from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems mid-infrared lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are targeting the wavelength range from 1 μm to beyond 10 μm. Systems are available from single femtosecond lasers to full mid-infrared optical frequency comb systems. Applications range from sensing to high precision laser spectroscopy.

mode-locked fiber lasers Emode-locked fiber lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 Watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ, we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems offers ultrastable, frequency stabilized lasers at basically any wavelength. We supply fully characterized systems with linewidths <1 Hz and Allan deviations of 2 × 10-15 (in 1 s) as well as modules and components allowing for state-of-the-art systems tailored to your requirements.

OEM laser modules EOEM laser modules from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' compact OEM laser modules are based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology and are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness to ensure 24/7 operation. Our ELMO and YLMO series guarantee lowest amplitude and phase noise for seeding applications, spectroscopy, or quality control. Our BlueCut laser with microjoule pulse energy and programmable pulse burst mode is ideal for material processing, ophthalmology, or high-resolution microscopy. With optionally available frequency conversion our OEM modules cover a wide wavelength range.

optical clocks Eoptical clocks from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems’ offers complete laser system solutions for optical clocks. Our ORS Ultrastable Laser provides the highly stable optical reference for ultranarrow linewidths. The FC1500-ULNplus Optical Frequency Comb transfers the spectral purity of the optical clock to the RF domain and stabilizes the lattice, cooling and repump lasers which are also part of the Menlo Systems solution.

See also our application note on A new record in optical clock stability!

optical frequency standards Eoptical frequency standards from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems provides full solutions for optical frequency standards based on ultrastable lasers as well as components for users that prefer to build their own system. Applications are in today's most demanding measurements in metrology and precision measurements when state-of-the art radio-frequeny standards come to their limits.

optical metrology equipment Eoptical metrology equipment from Menlo Systems

As the pioneer in the optical frequency comb technology, Menlo Systems offers a full product line from the compact and fully automated SmartComb to the ultra-low noise optical frequency comb FC1500-ULNplus. Our patented figure 9® mode locking technology ensures lowest phase noise and long-term reliable operation.

photodetectors Ephotodetectors from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems offers a series of photodetectors for lowest light level signals. From avalanche to PIN photodiodes, you can find the detector that is best for your specific application.

photodiodes Ephotodiodes from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems offers a series of photodetectors for lowest light level signals. From avalanche to PIN photodiodes, you can find the detector that is best for your specific application.

photonic microwave sourcesphotonic microwave sources from Menlo Systems

The idea to phase-coherently divide spectrally pure optical signals into the microwave domain was already envisioned in the very early stages of frequency comb development. Menlo Systems' PMWG-1500 photonic microwave generator delivers delivers ultralow phase noise carriers in the UHF, SHF and EHF bands. The compact system is an all-in-one solution combining our robust ORS-Cubic ultrastable laser, our SmartComb fully automated optical frequency comb, and a state-of-the-art radio-frequency extraction unit. It serves a broad range of applications including precision time and frequency metrology, deep space navigation, telecom and next generation wireless communication, and coherent radar.

reference cavities Ereference cavities from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems provides full solutions for optical frequency standards based on ultrastable lasers as well as components for users that prefer to build their own system. Applications are in today's most demanding measurements in metrology and precision measurements when state-of-the art radio-frequeny standards come to their limits.

scientific lasers Escientific lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' portfolio of scientific lasers covers femtosecond fiber lasers, including laser stabilization and synchronization, ultrastable lasers with ultranarrow linewidth, and microjoule lasers.

We offer erbium and ytterbium doped femtosecond fiber lasers with optional subsequent frequency conversion to cover a wide wavelength range for spectroscopic applications. Based on Menlo figure 9® patented mode locking technology, our lasers are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for laser stabilization, laser synchronization and ASOPS, and complete timing distribution systems.

Our ultrastable lasers with ultranarrow linewidth are available at nearly any wavelength to serve applications such as optical clocks interrogation.

Our versatile microjoule lasers based on Menlo Systems figure 9® laser technology ensure shortest pulses and highest average power, and allow flexible adjustment of the laser repetition rate.

seed lasers Eseed lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration.

single-frequency lasers Esingle-frequency lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems offers ultrastable, frequency stabilized lasers at basically any wavelength. We supply fully characterized systems with linewidths <1 Hz and Allan deviations of 2 × 10-15 (in 1 s) as well as modules and components allowing for state-of-the-art systems tailored to your requirements.

supercontinuum sources Esupercontinuum sources from Menlo Systems

As the pioneer in the optical frequency comb technology, Menlo Systems offers a full product line from the compact and fully automated SmartComb to the ultra-low noise Optical Frequency Comb FC1500-ULNplus. Our patented figure 9® mode locking technology ensures lowest phase noise and long-term reliable operation.

terahertz detectors Eterahertz detectors from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' terahertz product portfolio spans from terahertz antennas and components to full terahertz time domain spectrometer systems. Our products allow for fast integration into THz systems in industry and research applications.

terahertz sources Eterahertz sources from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' terahertz product portfolio spans from terahertz antennas and components to full terahertz time domain spectrometer systems. Our products allow for fast integration into THz systems in industry and research applications.

terahertz spectrometersterahertz spectrometers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' terahertz time-domain spectroscopy systems are most verstatile, flexible, and stable. Our portfolio includes conventional terahertz spectrometers in pump-probe configuration, and add-ons such as additional optical and THz path, synchronization, and THz imaging. We offer solutions for scientific and industrial applications, from compact to high-speed.

ultrafast lasers Eultrafast lasers from Menlo Systems

Menlo Systems' femtosecond fiber lasers based on Menlo figure 9® patented laser technology are unique in regard to user-friendliness and robustness. We offer solutions for scientific research as well as laser models engineered for OEM integration. From the shortest pulses to highest average power beyond 10 Watts and pulse energy beyond 10 μJ we have the solution for your application ranging from basic research to industrial applications in spectroscopy, quality control, and material processing.

wavemeters Ewavemeters from Menlo Systems

As the pioneer in the optical frequency comb technology, Menlo Systems offers a full product line from the compact and fully automated SmartComb to the ultra-low noise Optical Frequency Comb FC1500-ULNplus. Our patented figure 9® mode locking technology ensures lowest phase noise and long-term reliable operation.


promotion of Menlo Systems

Information of Menlo Systems Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

avalanche photodiodes, carrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber lasers, frequency comb sources, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, laser stabilization devices, medical lasers, mid-infrared laser sources, mode-locked fiber lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical clocks, optical frequency standards, optical metrology equipment, photodetectors, photodiodes, photonic microwave sources, reference cavities, scientific lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, supercontinuum sources, terahertz detectors, terahertz sources, terahertz spectrometers, ultrafast lasers, wavemeters

Encyclopedia Articles

avalanche photodiodes, carrier–envelope offset, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, femtosecond lasers, fiber lasers, frequency combs, high-power fiber lasers and amplifiers, stabilization of lasers, medical lasers, mid-infrared laser sources, mode-locked fiber lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical clocks, optical frequency standards, optical metrology, photodetectors, photodiodes, reference cavities, scientific lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, supercontinuum generation, terahertz detectors, terahertz sources, ultrafast lasers, wavemeters

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