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Supplier profile:

Femto Sensing International

Fiber sensing with ultimate precision, repeatability, and reliability.

Femto Sensing International
3657 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 10A
Atlanta, GA 30319
United States

Tel.:+1 404 326 3469
Fax:+1 775 420 4683

Company Description

Femto Sensing International is dedicated to providing optical sensing interrogators that match or exceed the requirements of our customers’ applications: From our ultimate performance and repeatability interrogators to built-for-application OEM models, our optical instruments drive the growth and widening of the range of industries that choose to adopt optical solutions, and primarily fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) based optical sensing.

Femto Sensing International


optical sensing instrumentsoptical sensing instruments from Femto Sensing International

The FAZT I4G optical sensing instrument is a revolutionary new breed of interrogator. Featuring 4 monitoring channels the FAZT-I4G is the company’s flagship model instrument. Enclosed in a field deployable stainless-steel casing, the instrument provides peak detection for up to 30 Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) based sensors on each of its 4 channels. The instrument can be operated in full spectrum and sensor peak detection modes. The FAZT I4G is optimized for both static and dynamic measurements. Our family of rugged FAZ Technology interrogators is used extensively in marine, railways, roads, energy, civil, geotechnical, industrial, security, medical, and many other commercial applications. It is also the instrument of choice for research and development centers that seek to achieve ultimate absolute precision (0.1 pm) and repeatability (20 fm typical, 50 fm max) measurements. The industrial grade design scales well in volume production. Available in 4 and 16 channels and in flagship and economy "workhorse" models.

optical switchesoptical switches from Femto Sensing International

The FAZT M64S4 System Expansion Module is a high-isolation and ultra-low back-reflection optical switch and serves as a companion product to the FAZT range of Optical Sensing Interrogators. It expands the number of sensing channels from 4 to 64 enabling support for a wide range of additional applications. Enclosed in a field deployable stainless-steel casing, the module increases the maximum sensor capacity of our flagship FAZT-I4G and lower cost FAZT-I4W Interrogators from 120 sensors to 1920 sensors with each sensor continuing to maintain 1pm wavelength accuracy.

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