Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products beginning with M

(see also: encyclopedia articles for the letter M)

Mach–Zehnder interferometers → interferometers50 SE
machine vision devices8 S
magnifying glasses5 SE
market research---
marketing in photonics6 S
measurement and calibration services14 S
mechanical fiber splicing equipment3 SE
medical lasers36 SE
mercury vapor lamps5 SE
metal-coated mirrors63 SE
metal halide lamps6 SE
metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors1 SE
Michelson interferometers3 SE
micro-displays1 S
micro-optics54 S
microchannel plate detectors9 SE
microchip lasers15 SE
microelectromechanical systems1 S
microlasers9 S
microlens arrays17 SE
microlenses17 SE
microscope cameras19 S
microscope objectives28 SE
microscopes35 SE
microwave over fiber systems → RF over fiber systems5 SE
mid-infrared fibers12 SE
mid-infrared laser sources48 SE
mirror mounts30 S
mirror substrates12 SE
mirrors186 SE
mode cleaners1 SE
mode converters1 S
mode division multiplexing devices2 SE
mode field adapters → fiber mode field adapters10 SE
mode locking devices12 SE
mode field converters → fiber mode field adapters10 SE
mode-locked diode lasers2 SE
mode-locked fiber lasers28 SE
mode-locked lasers48 SE
mode lockers → mode locking devices12 SE
modulators → optical modulators61 SE
monochromators25 SE
monoculars6 S
monomode fibers → single-mode fibers36 SE
multi-core fibers8 SE
multilayer coatings → dielectric coatings136 SE
multimode fibers37 SE
multimode pump combiners → fiber-optic pump combiners22 SE
multipass gas cells4 SE
multiphoton microscopes → fluorescence microscopes16 SE
multiple element lenses12 S
multispectral imaging instruments9 SE