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Supplier profile:

Light Conversion

Do you have a femtosecond?

Light Conversion, UAB
Keramiku 2B
10233 Vilnius

Tel.:+370 52 49 18 30
Tel.:+82 42 368 1010 (Korea)
Tel.:+81 48 871 0067 (Japan)
Tel.:+86 158 7551 0400 (China)
E-mail: (South Korea)
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Social media:Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Quality certificate:ISO 9001:2015

Company Description

Light Conversion is a leading manufacturer of wavelength tunable femtosecond laser sources based on TOPAS and ORPHEUS series of optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) as well as diode pumped solid state femtosecond lasers PHAROS and CARBIDE.

PHAROS, the most versatile femtosecond laser amplifier on the market, and the ultra-compact and cost-efficient CARBIDE feature market-leading output parameters along with robust design attracting industrial and scientific customers. PHAROS reliability has been proven by multiple systems working for years in production lines at 24/7 regime. Main applications include drilling and cutting of different metals, ceramics, sapphire, glass, material ablation for mass-spectrometry, etc. Among the customers are major manufactures in display, automotive, LED, medical device industries and others.

Our laser amplifiers are complimented by a strong portfolio of ultrafast products: harmonics modules (provide femtosecond pulses at 515, 343, 257 and 206 nm), OPAs (producing continuous tuning output from ≈190 nm up to ≈20 μm), HARPIA spectrometer, TiPA and GECO autocorrelators.

Light Conversion


autocorrelators Eautocorrelators from Light Conversion

Light Conversion has the GECO scanning autocorrelator:

- measures pulse duration in 10 fs – 20 ps range

- single set of optics for 500 – 2000 nm range

- high‑resolution voice coil driven delay line

- non‑collinear intensity and collinear interferometric autocorrelation traces

- onboard pulse‑analysis software for pulse duration measurements

- integrated controller and computer

- non‑dispersive polarization control

- FROG ready

femtosecond lasers Efemtosecond lasers from Light Conversion

The PHAROS is a femtosecond laser system combining millijoule pulse energies and high average powers. PHAROS features a mechanical and optical design optimized for industrial applications such as precise material processing. Compact size, integrated thermal stabilization system and sealed design allow PHAROS integration into machining workstations. The use of solid state laser diodes for pumping of Yb medium significantly reduces maintenance cost and provides long laser lifetime.

Tunable PHAROS parameters include: pulse duration (190 fs – 20 ps), repetition rate (single pulse to 1 MHz), pulse energy (up to 2 mJ) and average power (up to 20 W). Its deliverable power is sufficient for most of material processing applications at high machining speeds. The built-in pulse picker allows convenient control of the laser output in pulse on demand mode. The compact and robust optomechanical design features of PHAROS lead to stable laser operation in varying environments.

The PHAROS laser can be equipped with automated harmonics modules. A selection of fundamental (1030 nm), second (515 nm), third (343 nm), fourth (257 nm) or fifth (206 nm) harmonic outputs are available through software control.

Harmonics generators are designed to be used in industrial applications where a single output wavelength is desired. Modules are mounted directly on the output of the laser and integrated into the system.

PHAROS has an option for tunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability – called BiBurst. The distance between burst packet groups is called nanosecond burst, N (MHz-Burst). The distance between sub-pulses in the group is called picosecond burst, P (GHz-Burst). In single pulse mode, one pulse is emitted at a time at some fixed frequency. In burst mode, the output consists of several picosecond burst packets each separated by an equal time period between each packet. Each packet can contain a number of sub-pulses which are also separated by an equal time period between each pulse.

High pulse energy femtosecond laser with flexible BiBurst functionality brings new production capabilities to high-tech manufacturing industries such as consumer electronics, integrated photonic chip manufacturing, stent cutting, surface functionalization, future displays manufacturing and quantum computing.

BiBurst material fabrication areas cover:

- brittle material drilling and cutting

- deep engraving

- selective ablation

- transparent materials volume modification

- hidden marking

- surface functional structuring

See also our video on The CARBIDE femtosecond laser!

industrial lasers Eindustrial lasers from Light Conversion

The PHAROS is a femtosecond laser system combining millijoule pulse energies and high average powers. PHAROS features a mechanical and optical design optimized for industrial applications such as precise material processing. Compact size, integrated thermal stabilization system and sealed design allow PHAROS integration into machining workstations. The use of solid state laser diodes for pumping of Yb medium significantly reduces maintenance cost and provides long laser lifetime.

Tunable PHAROS parameters include: pulse duration (190 fs – 20 ps), repetition rate (single pulse to 1 MHz), pulse energy (up to 2 mJ) and average power (up to 20 W). Its deliverable power is sufficient for most of material processing applications at high machining speeds. The built-in pulse picker allows convenient control of the laser output in pulse on demand mode. The compact and robust optomechanical design features of PHAROS lead to stable laser operation in varying environments.

PHAROS laser can be equipped with automated harmonics modules. A selection of fundamental (1030 nm), second (515 nm), third (343 nm), fourth (257 nm) or fifth (206 nm) harmonic outputs are available through software control.

Harmonics generators are designed to be used in industrial applications where a single output wavelength is desired. Modules are mounted directly on the output of the laser and integrated into the system.

PHAROS has an option for tunable GHz and MHz burst with burst-in-burst capability – called BiBurst. The distance between burst packet groups is called nanosecond burst, N (MHz-Burst). The distance between sub-pulses in the group is called picosecond burst, P (GHz-Burst). In single pulse mode, one pulse is emitted at a time at some fixed frequency. In burst mode, the output consists of several picosecond burst packets each separated by an equal time period between each packet. Each packet can contain a number of sub-pulses which are also separated by an equal time period between each pulse.

High pulse energy femtosecond laser with flexible BiBurst functionality brings new production capabilities to high-tech manufacturing industries such as consumer electronics, integrated photonic chip manufacturing, stent cutting, surface functionalization, future displays manufacturing and quantum computing.

BiBurst material fabrication areas cover:

- brittle material drilling and cutting

- deep engraving

- selective ablation

- transparent materials volume modification

- hidden marking

- surface functional structuring

Kerr lens mode-locked lasers EKerr lens mode-locked lasers from Light Conversion

The femtosecond Yb oscillator FLINT is based on an Yb-doped crystal pumped with a high brightness laser diode module. Generation of femtosecond pulses is achieved by Kerr lens mode-locking. Once started, mode-locking remains stable over a long period of time and is immune to minor mechanical impact. A piezo-actuator can be included in customized oscillators in order to control the cavity length. The FLINT oscillator can also be equipped with a carrier envelope phase (CEP) stabilization system.


- sub-40 fs without any additional pulse compressor

- 250 nJ pulse energy

- 20 W output power

- 76 MHz is standard

- no amplified spontaneous emission

- rugged, industrial-grade mechanical design

- automated harmonic generator (517 nm)

- optional CEP stabilization

- possibility to lock to external clock

optical parametric amplifiers Eoptical parametric amplifiers from Light Conversion

Optical parametric amplifiers made by Light Conversion set the industry standard for more than 25 years. The TOPAS series devices pumped with Ti:sapphire lasers and ORPHEUS series pumped by ytterbium-based solid-state or fiber lasers are capable of producing 190 nm to 20 µm tunable wavelength output, are reliable and simple to use, while still flexible for custom and most demanding applications. Input and output parameters can be chosen in the widest range possible in the market. With our standard products, it is possible to combine both – short pulse and narrow bandwidth – in optically synchronized pulses. Light Conversion can deliver complete spectroscopic laser systems with high temporal or spectral resolution using multi-beam setups.

optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers Eoptical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers from Light Conversion

Light Conversion has developed high-energy OPCPA systems, which are pumped with picosecond Nd:YAG lasers. Their attractive features:

- multi-TW power pulses produced at up to 1 kHz repetition rate

- pulse duration down to <9 fs

- pre-pulse contrast exceeding 1012

- sub-220-mrad CEP noise and <1% energy fluctuations maintained throughout the full day of operation

- safe and simple spectral-temporal shaping of output pulses possible

- integrated control and diagnostics system

- less than 1 hour warm-up time

scientific lasers Escientific lasers from Light Conversion

The CARBIDE femtosecond lasers feature an output power of >80 W at 1030 nm wavelength. The laser emits pure pulses with ASE background of <10⁻⁹ and recently updated maximum energy specifications without compromises to the beam quality, industrial grade reliability and beam stability regardless of environmental conditions. Continuously tunable repetition rate in a range of 60 kHz to 2 MHz is combined with an in-built Pulse Picker for output pulse timing and full-scale energy control with <10 microsecond response time, enabling arbitrary shaping of the emission. Pulse duration can be tuned in a range of 290 fs – 10 ps. Excellent power stability of <0.5% RMS is standard. The laser output can be split into a burst of several pulses of pico- and nano- separation while having the ability to modify the burst envelope. Harmonic generator options permit femtosecond applications at different wavelengths. The parameters are entirely software adjustable.

The scientific interface module for CARBIDE features:

- laser seeding via external OSC (FLINT)

- uncompressed laser output access

- provides simultaneous OSC output ( 65 MHz, <100 fs, >100 mW output power)

- beam-splitting options

spectrometers Espectrometers from Light Conversion

The HARPIA comprehensive spectroscopy system performs a variety of sophisticated time-resolved spectroscopy measurements in a compact footprint. It also offers an intuitive user experience and easy day-to-day maintenance meeting the needs of today's scientific applications. Despite its small size, the HARPIA system is easily customizable and can be tailored to specific measurement needs. The system is configured around the HARPIA-TA transient absorption spectrometer and can be expanded using time-correlated single-photon counting and fluorescence upconversion (HARPIA-TF), third beam delivery (HARPIA-TB) and microscopy modules. Switching between different measurement modes is mostly automated and requires very little user interaction. Adhering to the standards set by the ORPHEUS product line, each module is contained in a single monolithic aluminium body ensuring excellent optical stability and minimal optical path lengths.

For a robust and versatile single-supplier solution the HARPIA spectroscopy system can be combined with a PHAROS or a CARBIDE laser together with ORPHEUS series OPAs. HARPIA also supports Ti:sapphire lasers with TOPAS series OPAs.

Measurement modes:

- femtosecond transient absorption and reflection

- femtosecond transient absorption and reflection microscopy

- femtosecond multi-pulse transient absorption and reflection

- femtosecond fluorescence upconversion

- picosecond-to-microsecond fluorescence using TCSPC

- intensity-dependent transient absorption and reflection, time-resolved fluorescence

- time-resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (FSRS)

- flash photolysis

ultrafast lasers Eultrafast lasers from Light Conversion

The CARBIDE femtosecond lasers feature an output power of >80 W at 1030 nm wavelength. The laser emits pure pulses with ASE background of <10⁻⁹ and recently updated maximum energy specifications without compromises to the beam quality, industrial grade reliability and beam stability regardless of environmental conditions. Continuously tunable repetition rate in a range of 60 kHz to 2 MHz is combined with an in-built pulse picker for output pulse timing and full-scale energy control with <10 microsecond response time, enabling arbitrary shaping of the emission. The pulse duration can be tuned in a range of 290 fs – 10 ps. Excellent power stability of <0.5% RMS is standard. The laser output can be split into a burst of several pulses of pico- and nano- separation while having the ability to modify the burst envelope. Harmonic generator options permit femtosecond applications at different wavelengths. The parameters are entirely software adjustable.

The scientific interface module for CARBIDE features:

- laser seeding via external OSC (FLINT)

- uncompressed laser output access

- provides simultaneous OSC output ( 65 MHz, <100 fs, >100 mW output power)

- beam-splitting options

The CARBIDE laser can be equipped with auto mated harmonics modules. Selection of fundamental (1030 nm), second (515 nm), third (343 nm) or fourth (257 nm) harmonics outputs are available by software control. Harmonics generators are designed to be used in industrial applications where a single output wavelength is desired.

See also our white paper on Ultrafast Lasers for Industrial and Scientific Applications!


The CARBIDE femtosecond laser

promotion of Light Conversion
promotion of Light Conversion

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autocorrelators, femtosecond lasers, industrial lasers, Kerr lens mode-locked lasers, optical parametric amplifiers, optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers, scientific lasers, spectrometers, ultrafast lasers

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autocorrelators, femtosecond lasers, industrial lasers, Kerr lens mode locking, optical parametric amplifiers, optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification, scientific lasers, spectrometers, ultrafast lasers

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