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Supplier profile:

Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology, Inc.
Xihu Road #1
Economic Technology Zone
Qinhuangdao City 066000

Tel.:+86 0335 7526 181
Fax:+86 0335 7526 184

Company Description

Qinhuangdao Intrinsic Crystal Technology Co., Ltd is a corporation company registered in 2008. We have two project factories of total 6500 square meters with 88 full-time employees and use one-shift workday system of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Saturday. We supply infrared material rod and disc, optics elements polishing, coating and easy assembly, stock optics wholesale and retail, and trade service.


cylindrical lenses Ecylindrical lenses from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology offers cylindrical lenses including plano-convex, plano-concave and meniscus lenses.

dielectric coatings Edielectric coatings from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology offers dielectric coatings for the ultraviolet, visible, near infrared, mid infrared and far infrared spectral ranges.

dielectric mirrors Edielectric mirrors from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology offers dielectric coatings for the ultraviolet, visible, near infrared, mid infrared and far infrared spectral ranges.

infrared optics Einfrared optics from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology is the biggest fluoride crystal material and optics supplier in China. We supply CaF2, BaF2, MgF2, LiF material covering the VUV to IR spectrum. We can also deliver cut blanks, polished discs, drilled parts, spherical lenses, prisms and coated mirrors in very large quantity with best price. Intrinsic also grows silicon material including mirrors in optical grade and supplies optics like mirrors, AR-coated lenses and ATR prisms. We are also good at ZnSe/ZnS/Ge IR material optics.

lenses Elenses from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

We sell spherical and cylindrical lenses, including plano-convec, bi-convex, bi-concave and meniscus lenses.

optical materials Eoptical materials from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology offers various types of optical crystal materials such as LiF, ZnSe, sapphire, germanium, silicon and CaF2.

optical windows Eoptical windows from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

We supply UV-VIS-IR windows made in CaF2, BaF2, MgF2, Si, Ge, ZnSe, BK7, UVFS, sapphire, pyrex, borofloat, etc. These material can be coated or uncoated with sizes from 3 mm to 350 mm.

prisms Eprisms from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

We supply various kinds of prisms, including wedge prisms, corner cube prisms, dove prisms, penta prisms and right angle prisms.

ultraviolet optics Eultraviolet optics from Intrinsic Crystal Technology

Intrinsic Crystal Technology offers various kinds of crystal materials and coatings for UV applications.

optical crystals E

Information of Intrinsic Crystal Technology Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

cylindrical lenses, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, infrared optics, lenses, optical crystals, optical materials, optical windows, prisms, ultraviolet optics

Encyclopedia Articles

cylindrical lenses, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, infrared optics, lenses, optical materials, optical windows, prisms, ultraviolet optics

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