Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Thin-film Design Software

Specialized software can support the analysis and design of thin-film devices like anti-reflection coatings, laser mirrors, thin-film polarizers and rugate filters.

ERelated encyclopedia articles: dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, chirped mirrors, dispersive mirrors, rugate filters, thin-film polarizers

Related products: optical design software

Related product categories: calculations, software and design

Check List for Thin-film Design Software

Click here to see a check list before buying such products!
  • Can one conveniently define arbitrary sequences of layers?
  • Can one parametrize such layer sequences – e.g., in order to easily implement systematic variations of layer thickness or refractive index?
  • Can new materials with arbitrary chromatic dispersion be defined, e.g. using a Sellmeier formula?
  • Can active media (i.e., with laser gain) be treated?
  • Can it compute all properties of interest – for example, amplitudes and phases of transmitted and reflected light, chromatic dispersion for transmitted and reflected light, field distributions in the structure, etc.?
  • Is it possible to generate arbitrary plots in order to visualize all relevant properties?
  • Does it offer a script language with which one can control various aspects, e.g. mathematically process input and output data?
  • Can it optimize a structure such that an arbitrarily defined figure-of-merit function is minimized?
  • Can it import data from a spectrometer, e.g. in order to display measured and computed reflectivity curves together?
  • Can it produce output files for controlling a coating machine?
  • Does it come with proper documentation and a comprehensive online help system?
  • Is competent technical support available?

Note that the software RP Coating from RP Photonics would fulfill these demands.

Your feedback: If you know how to further improve the check list above, please give us your suggestions:

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4 suppliers for thin-film design software are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Ad Package
CompanyProduct Description

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH

Waldstr. 17
78073 Bad Dürrheim
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 7726 3 89 22 60
Fax: +49 7726 3 89 22 62
thin-film design software

The the powerful RP Coating thin-film design software can be used for analyzing and optimizing optical thin-film multilayer coatings.

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Optical Engineering Software
Kugelstr. 205
9435 Heerbrugg
Tel.: +41 71 720 03 66

Optiwave Systems Inc.

7 Capella Court
K2E 7X1
Ottawa, ON, K2E 7X1
Tel.: +1 613 224 4700
Fax: +1 613 224 4706

RP Photonics Consulting GmbH

Waldstr. 17
78073 Bad Dürrheim
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 7726 3 89 22 60
Fax: +49 7726 3 89 22 62
thin-film design software

The the powerful RP Coating thin-film design software can be used for analyzing and optimizing optical thin-film multilayer coatings.

Scientific Computing International

6355 Corte Del Abeto
Suite C-105
Carlsbad, CA 92011
United States
Tel.: +1 760 930 3992
Fax: +1 760 930 3994

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