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Where to Buy Laser Lithography Equipment

Laser lithography is used for producing very fine structures, for example in the fabrication of computer chips. For highest resolution, laser sources with very short wavelength (in the ultraviolet) are required.

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6 suppliers for laser lithography equipment are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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CompanyProduct Description

All wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 89 85 83 70
Fax: +49 89 85 83 72 00
laser lithography equipment

Photolithography is a microfabrication technique that is commonly used to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a substrate. It is also often termed as optical lithography or UV lithography, if ultraviolett wavelengths are used.

The techninque uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photomask onto a light-sensitive chemical ("photoresist" or "resist") on the substrate. This first irradiation step is followed by a series of chemical treatments that either engrave the exposed pattern into the material underneath the photoresist, or it enables deposition of a new material in the desired pattern on top of it.

The optical lens system of photolithography setups is usually very complex and is inspected during the manufacturing process with coherent cw laser light of the same wavelength as the excimer lasers, i.e. 193 or 248 nm. Since excimer lasers have insufficient coherence, other lasers are used for this inspection, e.g. frequency-stabilized and frequency-converted diode lasers.

The TopWave 266 is ideal for sophisticated measurement and production tasks in e.g. semicon inspection, lithography or Raman spectroscopy. It is a cost-effective and reliable laser that enables the user to concentrate on their application rather than worrying about the light source.

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From Asia:

Nikon Corporation

Shinagawa Intercity Tower C
2–15–3, Konan, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108–6290
Tel.: +81 3 6433 3600
Outside Asia:

Heidelberg Instruments Inc.

2539 W 237th St Suite A
Torrance, CA 90505
United States
Tel.: +1 (781) 287 9758

Nanoscribe GmbH

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Tel.: +49 721 9 81 98 00
Fax: +49 721 9 81 98 01 30

Quantum Design, Inc.

6325 Lusk Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92121
United States
Tel.: +1 858 481 4400
Fax: +1 858 481 7410

Raymax Lasers

37/5 Ponderosa Parade
Warriewood NSW 2102
Tel.: +61 2 9979 7646
Fax: +61 2 9979 8207

All wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 89 85 83 70
Fax: +49 89 85 83 72 00
laser lithography equipment

Photolithography is a microfabrication technique that is commonly used to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a substrate. It is also often termed as optical lithography or UV lithography, if ultraviolett wavelengths are used.

The techninque uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photomask onto a light-sensitive chemical ("photoresist" or "resist") on the substrate. This first irradiation step is followed by a series of chemical treatments that either engrave the exposed pattern into the material underneath the photoresist, or it enables deposition of a new material in the desired pattern on top of it.

The optical lens system of photolithography setups is usually very complex and is inspected during the manufacturing process with coherent cw laser light of the same wavelength as the excimer lasers, i.e. 193 or 248 nm. Since excimer lasers have insufficient coherence, other lasers are used for this inspection, e.g. frequency-stabilized and frequency-converted diode lasers.

The TopWave 266 is ideal for sophisticated measurement and production tasks in e.g. semicon inspection, lithography or Raman spectroscopy. It is a cost-effective and reliable laser that enables the user to concentrate on their application rather than worrying about the light source.

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