Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Phase Noise Measurement Equipment

The measurement of phase noise, for example of laser beams, can be done with various measurement methods, depending on the relevant parameter regime. For example, they are highly sensitive interferometric self-heterodyne methods.

ESee also our encyclopedia article on phase noise!
Related articles: coherence time, linewidth, Schawlow–Townes linewidth, self-heterodyne linewidth measurement, optical heterodyne detection, noise specifications, frequency noise, intensity noise, timing jitter, laser noise

Related products: linewidth measurement equipment, laser noise measurement equipment

Related product category: detectors and measurements

4 suppliers for phase noise measurement equipment are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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CompanyProduct Description

Invent - Develop - Deliver

OEwaves, Inc.

465 N. Halstead Street
Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
Social: Twitter
Tel.: +1 626 351 4200
phase noise measurement equipment

OEwaves’ HI-Q™ Optical Test Measurement System OE4000 utilizes a homodyne methodology for automated measurement capable of testing ultra-low phase noise laser sources. The user-friendly test system is capable of rapidly measuring <10 Hz of Lorentzian linewidth of a laser source without the complicated setup typically required to make such a narrow linewidth measurement.

This homodyne-based system is unique in wideband measurement without requiring another low noise reference laser source. The complete system operates with ease, speed and precision, and a simple graphic user interface via a PC, without requiring any additional test equipment. The unmatched ultra-low phase/frequency noise analyzer system is scalable to various input wavelengths and capable of low relative intensity noise (RIN) measurement.

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Cycle GmbH

Notkestrasse 85
22607 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 8 99 88 91 20


137 avenue Anatole France,
94600 Choisy le Roi
Tel.: +33 1 71 36 05 63
Fax: +33 1 84 10 85 60

Invent - Develop - Deliver

OEwaves, Inc.

465 N. Halstead Street
Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
Social: Twitter
Tel.: +1 626 351 4200
phase noise measurement equipment

OEwaves’ HI-Q™ Optical Test Measurement System OE4000 utilizes a homodyne methodology for automated measurement capable of testing ultra-low phase noise laser sources. The user-friendly test system is capable of rapidly measuring <10 Hz of Lorentzian linewidth of a laser source without the complicated setup typically required to make such a narrow linewidth measurement.

This homodyne-based system is unique in wideband measurement without requiring another low noise reference laser source. The complete system operates with ease, speed and precision, and a simple graphic user interface via a PC, without requiring any additional test equipment. The unmatched ultra-low phase/frequency noise analyzer system is scalable to various input wavelengths and capable of low relative intensity noise (RIN) measurement.

Stable Laser Systems

4946 63rd Street, Suite B
Boulder CO 80301
United States
Tel.: +1 303 542 0427
Fax: +1 303 542 0428

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