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Supplier profile:


Invent - Develop - Deliver

OEwaves, Inc.
465 N. Halstead Street
Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States

Tel.:+1 626 351 4200
Social media:Twitter

Company Description

OEwaves develops state-of-the-art technologies and products in support of communications, sensing, RADAR/LIDAR, stable clocking and test and measurement for a wide range of applications.



lasers Elasers from OEwaves

The HI-Q™ Laser houses a proprietary driver/controller and the OEwaves laser source which is based on a high quality factor (Q) Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) micro-resonator. The laser is scalable to a variety of wavelengths in 370–4500 nm.

The unique technology of the OEwaves HI-Q™ Laser leverages the self-injection on locking of a suitable commercially available laser diode via a resonant optical feedback from a high-Q WGM micro-resonator. Its monolithically integrated approach along with micro-scale mass and volume make the laser virtually insensitive to environmental vibrations.

linewidth measurement equipment Elinewidth measurement equipment from OEwaves

OEwaves’ HI-Q™ Optical Test Measurement System utilizes a homodyne methodology for automated measurement capable of testing ultra-low phase noise laser sources. The user friendly test system is capable of rapidly measuring <10 Hz of Lorentzian linewidth of a laser source without the complicated setup typically required to make such a narrow linewidth measurement.

This homodyne based system is unique in wide band measurement without requiring another low noise reference laser source. The complete system operates with ease, speed and precision, and a simple graphic user interface via a PC, without requiring any additional test equipment. The unmatched ultra-low phase/frequency noise analyzer system is scalable to various input wavelengths and capable of low relative intensity noise (RIN) measurement.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from OEwaves

HI-Q™ 1.5 MICRON LASER: ultra-narrow Lorentzian linewidth less than 1 Hz and low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor, emitting at 1530–1565 nm.

HI-Q™ 1 MICRON LASER: ultra-narrow Lorentzian linewidth less than 80 Hz and low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor; 980–1080 nm.

HI-Q™ 2 MICRON LASER: ultra-narrow Lorentzian linewidth less than 80 Hz and low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor; 1900–2100 nm.

HI-Q™ CUSTOM LASER: custom built laser with ultra-narrow Lorentzian linewidth and low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor in the range 370–4500 nm.


- ultra-narrow instantaneous laser linewidth

- ultra-low ühase/frequency noise

- 370 – 4500 nm wavelength

- low vibration sensitivity

- low residual amplitude modulation

- wavelength stability

- compact package

- integrated driver/controller

- USB or RS232 control interface


- interferometric optical sensing


- B-OTDR temperature and strain

- gas sensing

- optical metrology and spectroscopy

- acoustic sensing

- oil and gas exploration

- coherent communication

- test and measurement

opto-electronic oscillatorsopto-electronic oscillators from OEwaves

OEwaves’ patented HI-Q™ Opto-Electric Oscillators (OEOs) produce spectrally-pure microwave and mm-wave signals using an opto-electronic feedback loop. The versatile scheme allows utilization of optical components for low loss and small size. It is also inherently less sensitive to vibration and acceleration and provides the same low-spectral purity at all RF frequencies (microwave to mm).


- low phase noise/jitter

- low spurious content

- micro-chip form factor

- frequency scalability

- EMI tolerant

- high stability

- low vibration/acceleration

- sensitivity


- airborne radar systems

- defense communication

- test and measurement

- satellite communication

- wireless networks

- microwave radio

phase noise measurement equipment Ephase noise measurement equipment from OEwaves

OEwaves’ HI-Q™ Optical Test Measurement System OE4000 utilizes a homodyne methodology for automated measurement capable of testing ultra-low phase noise laser sources. The user-friendly test system is capable of rapidly measuring <10 Hz of Lorentzian linewidth of a laser source without the complicated setup typically required to make such a narrow linewidth measurement.

This homodyne-based system is unique in wideband measurement without requiring another low noise reference laser source. The complete system operates with ease, speed and precision, and a simple graphic user interface via a PC, without requiring any additional test equipment. The unmatched ultra-low phase/frequency noise analyzer system is scalable to various input wavelengths and capable of low relative intensity noise (RIN) measurement.

single-frequency lasers Esingle-frequency lasers from OEwaves

The HI-Q™ Laser houses a proprietary driver/controller and the OEwaves laser source, which is based on a high quality factor (Q) Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) micro-resonator. The laser is scalable to a variety of wavelengths in 370-–4500 nm.

The unique technology of the OEwaves HI-Q™ Laser leverages the self-injection on locking of a suitable commercially available laser diode via a resonant optical feedback from a high-Q WGM micro-resonator. Its monolithically integrated approach along with micro-scale mass and volume make the laser virtually insensitive to environmental vibrations .


- ultra-narrow instantaneous laser linewidth

- ultra-low phase/frequency noise

- 370–4500 nm wavelength

- low vibration sensitivity

- low residual amplitude modulation

- wavelength stability

- compact package

- integrated driver/controller

- USB or RS232 control interface


- interferometric optical sensing


- B-OTDR temperature and strain

- gas sensing

- optical metrology and spectroscopy

- acoustic sensing

- oil and gas exploration

- coherent communication

- test and measurement

scientific lasers E

Information of OEwaves Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

lasers, linewidth measurement equipment, narrow-linewidth lasers, opto-electronic oscillators, phase noise measurement equipment, scientific lasers, single-frequency lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

lasers, linewidth, narrow-linewidth lasers, phase noise, single-frequency lasers

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