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RP Fiber Power – Simulation and Design Software for Fiber Optics, Amplifiers and Fiber Lasers

The Ultimate Tool for Passive and Active Fibers Devices

RP Fiber Power is a powerful modeling software for designing and optimizing fiber devices – in particular, fiber amplifiers and lasers as well as other types of waveguide lasers, but also fiber couplers, multi-core fibers, helical core fibers and tapered fibers.

The software offers both efficient power propagation and full numerical beam propagation. Ultrashort pulse propagation can also be studied, for example in fiber amplifier systems, mode-locked fiber lasers, telecom cables and automatically optimized pulse compressors.

RP Fiber Power is

It is a must-have for anyone seriously dealing with fiber devices – be it in industrial development, scientific research or in education. Its user interface combines uttermost flexibility with an easy start. It is therefore equally well suited for efficient routine checks and for most sophisticated simulation work.

The Product Brochure

You can download the brochure in PDF format.

RP Fiber Power brochure

Demonstration Videos

Our demo videos (updated in 08/2018) give you a direct impression particularly of the handling of this software. You can verify that we have a high-quality user interface, making it easy for you to get started, and allowing you to set up even most sophisticated simulations.

Here is our introduction video:

quick tour through RP Fiber Power V7


RP Fiber Power can be applied to analyze and optimize a wide range of devices:

Devices Examples for Applications

single-mode and multimode fibers


calculate mode properties such as amplitude distributions, effective mode areas, effective indices, chromatic dis­persion; calculate fiber coupling efficiencies; simulate effects of bending, nonlinear self-focussing or gain guiding on beam propagation, higher-order soliton propagation

fiber couplers, double-clad fibers, multi-core fibers,
planar lightwave circuits

fiber devices

simulate pump absorption in double-clad fibers, study beam propagation in fiber couplers, light propagation in tapered fibers, analyze the impact of bending, cross-saturation effects in amplifiers, leaky modes, etc.

fiber amplifiers

fiber amplifier

study the gain and saturation characteristics (continuous-wave or pulse amplification), energy transfers in erbium-ytterbium-doped amplifier fibers, influence of quenching effects, amplified spontaneous emission etc. in single amplifier stages or in multi-stage amplifier systems

fiber-optic telecom systems

fiber-optic link

analyze dispersive and nonlinear signal distortions, impact of amplifier noise, optimize nonlinear management and placement of amplifiers

fiber lasers

fiber laser

analyze and optimize the power conversion efficiency, wavelength tuning range, Q switching dynamics

ultrafast fiber lasers and amplifiers

mode-locked fiber laser

study pulse formation mechanisms, stability ranges, impact of nonlinearities and chromatic dispersion, parabolic pulse amplification, optimum dispersive pulse compression, feedback sensitivity, supercontinuum generation

pulsed and ultrafast bulk lasers and amplifiers

regenerative amplifier

study Q switching, the mode-locking behavior, find the required characteristics of saturable absorbers, analyze the feedback sensitivity, chirped-pulse amplification study stability limits of regenerative amplification

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