Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products in the Category Applications

absorption spectroscopy equipment10 S
additive manufacturing → laser additive manufacturing devices9 S
alignment lasers27 SE
beam scanners → laser scanners21 SE
confocal scanning microscopes8 SE
dermatology laser devices3 S
digital microscopes → microscopes35 SE
electro-optic sampling systems2 SE
fluorescence microscopes16 SE
fluorescence spectroscopy equipment14 SE
force sensors → optical force and pressure sensors5 S
free-space optical communication systems8 SE
frequency metrology equipment7 SE
holography devices12 SE
hyperspectral imaging instruments15 SE
laser ablation machinery22 S
laser additive manufacturing devices9 S
laser applications30 SE
laser-based displays---
laser cleaning machinery11 S
laser cooling and trapping systems3 SE
laser cutting machinery44 S
laser drilling machinery26 S
laser engraving machinery23 S
laser guide stars4 SE
laser hardening machinery3 S
laser lithography equipment6 S
laser machining equipment74 S
laser marking machinery51 SE
laser material processing devices81 S
laser microscopes15 SE
laser pointers21 SE
laser printers4 S
laser projectors10 S
laser scanners21 SE
laser scribing machinery9 S
laser show equipment7 S
laser soldering machinery8 S
laser spectroscopy equipment39 SE
laser surface treatment machinery9 S
laser welding machinery36 S
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy equipment9 S
LIDAR equipment21 SE
light detection and ranging equipment → LIDAR equipment21 SE
machine vision devices8 S
night vision devices4 SE
ophthalmology equipment9 S
optical coherence tomography instruments and components13 SE
optical data transmission systems84 SE
optical displacement sensors10 S
optical fiber communication systems and devices97 SE
optical force and pressure sensors5 S
optical frequency standards6 SE
optical metrology equipment45 SE
optical profilometers9 SE
optical sampling systems2 SE
optical tilt sensors3 S
optical time-domain reflectometers17 SE
particle image velocimetry instruments5 S
photolithography devices → laser lithography equipment6 S
photonic microwave sources1 S
profilometers → optical profilometers9 SE
pulsed laser deposition machinery3 S
pump–probe measurement equipment8 SE
quantum cryptography systems5 SE
quantum key distribution systems3 SE
Raman microscopes6 S
Raman spectroscopy equipment47 SE
space photonics1 S
spectroscopy equipment67 SE
surface profilers → optical profilometers9 SE
time-of-flight measurement devices10 SE
time-resolved spectroscopy equipment8 SE

If you miss certain product terms in our list, please contact us! We are happy to add more product terms where it is appropriate.