Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Raman Microscopes

Raman microscopes are laser microscopes for hyperspectral imaging with Raman spectroscopy. They can be used in biological research, for example.

Related products: Raman spectroscopy equipment, hyperspectral imaging instruments

Related product categories: applications, various devices

6 suppliers for Raman microscopes are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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HORIBA Scientific

3880 Park Avenue
Edison NJ 08820–3097
United States
Tel.: +1 732 494 8660
Fax: +1 732 549 5125


28600 Mary’s Court
Easton, MD 21601
United States
Tel.: +1 800 333 5272
Fax: +1 410 822 7526

Klar Scientific

1615 NE Eastgate Blvd.
Unit G, Suite 3E
Pullman, WA 99163
United States
Tel.: +1 509 330 5560

LOT-QuantumDesign GmbH

Im Tiefen See 58
64293 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 8 80 60
Fax: +49 6151 8 80 69 20

Photon etc. Inc.

5795 De Gaspe Avenue
Montreal, QC, H2S 2X3
Tel.: +1 514 385 9555
Fax: +1 514 279 5493

Renishaw plc

New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge
Gloucestershire, GL12 8JR
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1453 52 4524
Fax: +44 1453 52 4901

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