Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Supplier profile:

O-E Land

O/E Land Inc.
7639 Cordner
Lasalle, Quebec H8N 2X2

Tel.:+1 514 334 4588
Fax:+1 514 334 0216


ProductToAlternative Suppliers
crystal ovensS ECovesion, EKSMA OPTICS, HC Photonics
femtosecond lasersS EClass 5 Photonics, EKSPLA, Fluence, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, Laser Quantum, Light Conversion, Menhir Photonics, Menlo Systems, NKT Photonics, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
fiber Bragg gratingsS EHBM FiberSensing, Technica Optical Components, TeraXion
fiber lasersS EEKSPLA, IPG Photonics, Lumibird, Menlo Systems, NKT Photonics, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
helium–neon lasersS EEdmund Optics
laser diodesS EAerodiode, eagleyard Photonics, Frankfurt Laser Company, Lumibird, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
lasersS EClass 5 Photonics, Edmund Optics, EKSPLA, Frankfurt Laser Company, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, Laser Quantum, Lumibird, NKT Photonics, OEwaves, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
light-emitting diodesS EFrankfurt Laser Company
mode-locked fiber lasersS EMenlo Systems, NKT Photonics, TOPTICA Photonics
mode-locked lasersS EEKSPLA, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, Laser Quantum, Menhir Photonics, NKT Photonics
optical filtersS EArtifex Engineering, Dynasil, Edmund Optics, EKSMA OPTICS, Iridian Spectral Technologies, Knight Optical, Shanghai Optics, Technica Optical Components, TeraXion, VisiMax Technologies
pulse compressorsS EKapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics, Swamp Optics, TeraXion
Raman lasersS ELumibird
supercontinuum sourcesS EMenlo Systems, NKT Photonics, TOPTICA Photonics
tunable lasersS EAPE, EKSPLA, Laser Quantum, Lumibird, NKT Photonics, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
ultraviolet light sourcesS EKapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, RPMC Lasers
wavelength-swept lasersS E
wavelength-tunable light sourcesS EDynasil
white light sourcesS ENKT Photonics

Column "To": S = list of suppliers for that product, E = encyclopedia article.

Third column: alternative suppliers are suppliers also offering such products while having an ad package. On their own company profile pages, the right column of the table contains their product descriptions instead of alternative suppliers.