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Supplier profile:

Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company
An den 30 Morgen 13
61381 Friedrichsdorf

Tel.:+49 6172 27 97 80
Fax:+49 6172 2 79 78 10

Company Description

Frankfurt Laser Company (FLC), founded in 1994 by Dr. Vsevolod Mazo, has been one of the top addresses for semiconductor lasers and laser modules for more than 25 years.

FLC offers high quality laser diode modules which are easy to use. Plug-and-play laser modules are suitable for a wide range of military, industrial and medical applications like e.g. pointing and target designation, machine vision, measurement equipment, laser display, 3D printing, biomedical, patient positioning, material processing, alignment and positioning of materials including garments, cloth, paper, wood, stone and metal.

The laser modules are offered with a wide range of projections including adjustable line, uniform or Gaussian, single dot round and elliptical, crosshair, line array and many others. Different series offer a wide range of colours including red, green, blue and IR and intensities up to 2 W in order to maximize the visual appearance of the projection even against the darkest materials. In-built control electronics provide excellent power stability over time and temperature as well as a range of modulation features that are unmatched on the marketplace.

A range of accessories to complement our extensive line of laser diode modules are available. We offer a full line of mounts, brackets, rails, cables and power supplies.


Our experienced engineering team is engaged with opto-electronic systems development and production for more than 50 years. With the expertise, standard laser and optical platforms and a flexible manufacturing environment, we are fully equipped to provide our customers any technical solution to their needs.


beam collimators Ebeam collimators from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers beam collimators which are designed for diode laser collimation.

We also offer a complete range of aspheric collimators with excellent performance, small and light design, and with fewer components in the optical system. Manufactured using glass replication technology, the lenses are a cost effective solution for a wide range of application and are available in a wide range of specification.

beam shapers Ebeam shapers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers beam shapers based on diffractive optical elements. These have a high diffraction efficiency of e.g. 70% at 633 nm.

beam splitters Ebeam splitters from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers beam splitters based on diffractive optical elements. An input beam is replicated precisely in the pattern determined by the beam split up. The input beam can be any collimated laser beam of white light source with a beam diameter larger than 100 μm and smaller than the aperture of the element.

blue lasers Eblue lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers indigo and blue laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 420 nm to 500 nm.

diffractive optics Ediffractive optics from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various types of diffractive optical elements, including different kinds of beam splitters, beam shapers (circle, cross-hair, multi-line) and a choice of special patterns.

diffusers Ediffusers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various kinds of optical diffusors – circular, linear, rectangular and square types.

diode bars Ediode bars from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a broad choice of laser diode bars (diode arrays), spanning wavelengths from 660 nm to 1850 nm, output powers of up to 80 W and different packages.

diode-pumped lasers Ediode-pumped lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of diode-pumped solid state laser products, including the smallest DPSS laser heads, low cost modules, low power and high power laser systems and high quality single longitudinal mode laser systems with different power output and wavelengths.

distributed feedback lasers Edistributed feedback lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers wavelength-stabilized DFB laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 760 nm to 3640 nm.

fiber-coupled diode lasers Efiber-coupled diode lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers fiber-coupled single-mode and multimode laser diodes – also including high-power diodes. Both cooled and uncooled packages are available.

green lasers Egreen lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers green laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 500 nm to 570 nm.

high brightness laser diodes Ehigh brightness laser diodes from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of laser diodes, including high-brightness diodes emitting at various wavelengths. We also offer custom packaging; please contact us to discuss your requirements.

high-power lasers Ehigh-power lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers fiber-coupled high-power diode laser systems with up to 300 W output power. Separate diode bars are also available.

laser diode modules Elaser diode modules from Frankfurt Laser Company

Laser diode modules from Frankfurt Laser Company are easy to use plug-and-play laser systems suitable for a wide range of military, industrial and medical applications.

Suited for pointing and target designation, spectroscopy, measurement equipment, laser display, printing, biomedical, patient positioning, material processing, laser show, alignment and positioning of materials including garments, cloth, paper, wood, stone and metal.

laser diodes Elaser diodes from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers the widest wavelength range for laser diodes on the world market from 370 nm to 12 µm, single mode & multimode, broad area, DFB and DBR, fiber Bragg grating stabilized, quantum cascade lasers and VCSELs. We offer wavelength selection and custom packaging; please contact us to discuss your requirements.

lasers Elasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers the widest wavelength range for laser diodes on the world market from 370 nm to 12 µm, single mode & multimode, broad area, DFB and DBR, fiber Bragg grating stabilized, quantum cascade, VCSELs, superluminescent diodes and mid-IR light emitting diodes. We offer wavelength selection and custom packaging; please contact us to discuss your requirements.

light-emitting diodes Elight-emitting diodes from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of mid-IR-Light Emitting Diodes with emission wavelengths between 1650 nm and 4450 nm. We also offer suitable monitoring photodiodes.

mid-infrared laser sources Emid-infrared laser sources from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers infrared laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 730 nm to 12 μm.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various kinds of wavelength-stabilized laser diodes which all exhibit a narrow emission linewidth. Those based on DFB or DBR lasers even exhibit single-frequency operation.

OEM laser modules EOEM laser modules from Frankfurt Laser Company

FLC laser diode modules are easy to use plug and play laser systems suitable for a wide range of military, industrial and medical applications.

Suited for pointing and target designation, spectroscopy, measurement equipment, laser display, printing, biomedical, patient positioning, material processing, laser show, alignment and positioning of materials including garments, cloth, paper, wood, stone and metal.

opto-mechanics E

Frankfurt Laser Company offers mountings and mounting rods for holding laser diode modules in position and to allow easy adjustment. Adapter pieces are also available.

pulsed lasers Epulsed lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers pulsed laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 850 nm to 1550 nm.

quantum cascade lasers Equantum cascade lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers quantum cascade laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 4 μm to 13 μm with either DFB or Fabry–Perot type.

red lasers Ered lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers red laser diodes with emission wavelengths from 620 nm to 700 nm.

semiconductor lasers Esemiconductor lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers the widest wavelength range for laser diodes on the world market from 370 nm to 12 µm, single mode & multimode, broad area, DFB and DBR, fiber Bragg grating stabilized, quantum cascade lasers and VCSELs. We offer wavelength selection and custom packaging; please contact us to discuss your requirements.

single-frequency lasers Esingle-frequency lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various kinds of wavelength-stabilized laser diodes. Those based on DFB or DBR lasers exhibit single-frequency operation.

solid-state lasers Esolid-state lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of diode-pumped solid state laser products, including the smallest DPSS laser heads, low cost modules, low power and high power laser systems and high quality single longitudinal mode laser systems with different power output and wavelengths.

superluminescent diodes Esuperluminescent diodes from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of superluminescent diodes with center emission wavelengths between 680 nm to 2400 nm. Our portfolio also includes high-power versions with output powers of tens of watts.

superluminescent sources Esuperluminescent sources from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers a wide range of superluminescent diodes with center emission wavelengths between 680 nm to 2400 nm. Our portfolio also includes high-power versions with output powers of tens of watts.

surface-emitting semiconductor lasers Esurface-emitting semiconductor lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various vertical cavity surface emitting laser diodes (VCSELs) with emission wavelengths between 760 nm and 980 nm.

ultraviolet lasers Eultraviolet lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers UV and violet laser diodes from with emission wavelengths from 370 nm to 420 nm.

vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers Evertical cavity surface-emitting lasers from Frankfurt Laser Company

Frankfurt Laser Company offers various vertical cavity surface emitting laser diodes (VCSELs) with emission wavelengths between 760 nm and 980 nm.

Information of Frankfurt Laser Company Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

beam collimators, beam shapers, beam splitters, blue lasers, diffractive optics, diffusers, diode bars, diode-pumped lasers, distributed feedback lasers, fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, high brightness laser diodes, high-power lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, lasers, light-emitting diodes, mid-infrared laser sources, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, opto-mechanics, pulsed lasers, quantum cascade lasers, red lasers, semiconductor lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, superluminescent diodes, superluminescent sources, surface-emitting semiconductor lasers, ultraviolet lasers, vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

beam collimators, beam shapers, beam splitters, blue lasers, diffractive optics, diffusers, diode bars, diode-pumped lasers, distributed feedback lasers, fiber-coupled diode lasers, green lasers, high brightness laser diodes, high-power lasers, laser diode modules, laser diodes, lasers, light-emitting diodes, mid-infrared laser sources, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, opto-mechanics, pulsed lasers, quantum cascade lasers, red lasers, semiconductor lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, superluminescent diodes, superluminescent sources, surface-emitting semiconductor lasers, ultraviolet lasers, vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers

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