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Supplier profile:

Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum UK
Emery Court
Stockport, Cheshire SK4 3GL
United Kingdom

Tel.:+44 161 975 5300
Fax:+44 161 975 5309
Social media:Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube

Company Description

Laser Quantum exists to provide excellent laser technology to the world's photonics community by insisting upon knowledge, passion and integrity from our employees and reliability, worthiness and quality from our products.

Laser Quantum is now part of the Novanta group. Novanta is a trusted technology partner to OEMs in the medical and advanced industrial technology markets, with deep proprietary expertise in photonics, vision and precision motion technologies.

Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum acts as distributor for the following companies:


blue lasers Eblue lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser quantum provides 473 nm blue lasers for both OEMs and scientific research, with powers of up to 500 mW. Ideal for fluorescence imaging, biomedical imaging, Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, lithography, optogenetics etc.

carrier–envelope offset measurement and stabilization Ecarrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum provides several lasers and systems for carrier–envelope phase stabilisation, including the finesse pure CEP – an ultra low noise laser with direct pump modulation capabilities and powers between 4–16 W.

diode-pumped lasers Ediode-pumped lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufactures a wide range of diode-pumped solid-state lasers with wavelengths and powers from 473 to 1064 nm, 25 mW to 16 W. Laser Quantum guarantee exceptional reliability, compact size and long lifetimes, suitable for a large variety of applications.

femtosecond lasers Efemtosecond lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum specialise in femtosecond laser systems with ultra-short pulses and high repetition rates that offer unique capabilities and benefits to a wide variety of scientific applications.

frequency comb sources Efrequency comb sources from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum’s taccor comb consists of a 1-GHz turn-key Ti:sapphire laser with a matched dispersion compensation module, supercontinuum generation and ultra-stable f-to-2f interferometer. It provides an electrical output signal at the carrier–envelope offset (CEO) frequency with at least 40 dB signal-to-noise ratio in 100 kHz bandwidth. The supercontinuum generation fibre coupling is stable for long periods.

green lasers Egreen lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum offers 532 nm green lasers from 25 mW to 16 W, suitable for many applications including oscillator pumping (lasers are designed to exceed all requirements for noise sensitive applications such as CEP stabilisation). Other applications include Raman spectroscopy, microscopy, optical tweezing and fluorescence imaging.

high harmonic generation equipment Ehigh harmonic generation equipment from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufacture the venteon OPCPA, a system that combines few-cycle pulse duration with a pulse energy in the μJ-regime at a high repetition rate, ideal for stable pulses to drive high harmonic generation applications.

high-power lasers Ehigh-power lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufacturers both continuous wave and ultrafast lasers with high output power, such as the finesse laser family with output powers of up to 16 W.

laser applications Elaser applications from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum's lasers are used in many different applications across industrial and scientific research and each is tailored to best suit the environment they are placed in. See some of Laser Quantum's laser applications described on our website.

laser spectroscopy equipment Elaser spectroscopy equipment from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufacture continuous wave lasers and ultrafast laser systems for Raman spectroscopy, dual-comb spectroscopy, terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, and ultrafast time domain spectroscopy.

lasers Elasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum is a world-class manufacturer of high-quality diode-pumped solid-state and ultrafast lasers.

mode-locked lasers Emode-locked lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum are the manufacturers of the torus mode-locked SLM lasers, with patented active mode-locking technology to maintain the performance of the output beam, and a stable frequency output across wide temperature fluctuations and long measurement periods.

narrow-linewidth lasers Enarrow-linewidth lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum offer a number of lasers with a narrow linewidth and high spectral purity, including the torus 532 and torus 660 mode-locked SLM lasers and the ventus solo, designed for high resolution Raman spectroscopy applications.

OEM laser modules EOEM laser modules from Laser Quantum

The Laser Quantum gem family offers multiple wavelengths: 473, 532, 561 and 640 nm, amongst others, to excite a variety of fluorophores. It features high output power, M2 close to unity and supports direct fibre coupling solutions.

The opus, available in 532, 660 and 1064 nm, with its rugged, patented design, is characterised by its high power and compact size. It is suitable for military-graded applications and also ideal in the fields of biomedicine, super-resolution microscopy and Ti:sapphire pumping.

The axiom laser family has a new integrated water cooling architecture for high CW power. With a 660 and 532 nm version, the axiom lends itself to easy integration into equipment due to its ultra-compact power supply unit, without the complexities associated with fibre delivery.

The torus family contains single longitudinal mode lasers with bandwidths below 1 MHz. These are ideal for applications such as high resolution Raman spectroscopy, holography and interferometry that benefit from the long coherence length. The torus also supports TruLoQ™ active mode locking technology. It offers a narrow linewidth, avoiding mode drift and mode hops.

optical metrology equipment Eoptical metrology equipment from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum’s femtosecond lasers for metrology and frequency combs metrology and frequency combs have enabled optical frequency measurements with 20 significant figures, the highest accuracy demonstrated to date. Ultrafast laser offerings include the taccor, a turnkey femtosecond laser with 1 GHz repetition rates and 15 fs pulses, and the gecco, a low maintenance 84 MHz laser.

optical tweezers Eoptical tweezers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum provide a variety of lasers for optical tweezing / trapping applications. The opus, ventus and finesse lasers have a high degree of pointing stability and an M2 value close to unity, enabling a tight trap. Single mode fibre coupling options are also available for easy integration and enhance beam positioning.

pulsed lasers Epulsed lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum has a wide variety of ultrafast lasers with short pulses and high repetition rates, each offering unique capabilities and benefits to suit the needs of different applications.

pump–probe measurement equipment Epump--probe measurement equipment from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum provides a range of continuous wave and ultrafast laser solutions, including the ASOPS Engine, a system comprising of two taccor femtosecond lasers and a TL-1000 ASOPS off-set-lock for frequency stabilization, enabling two-colour pump–probe experiments.

Raman spectroscopy equipment E

Laser Quantum manufacturers suitable lasers for Raman spectroscopy, including 473, 532, 660 & 671 nm wavelengths. The gem family is ideal for OEM integration, whilst ventus lasers are better suited to scientific and research applications. For higher resolution requirements, the ventus solo and torus lasers provide narrowed bandwidths and high stability mode-locking respectively.

red lasers Ered lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufacture a wide range of 660 nm and 671 nm red lasers for applications such as DNA sequencing, FLIM, Raman imaging and for de-excitation in super resolution microscopy.

scientific lasers Escientific lasers from Laser Quantum

With the taccor laser family, Laser Quantum offers a range of femtosecond lasers with a repetition rate between 1 – 10 GHz. They are all turn-key products that combine the pump laser and oscillator in a compact mono-block design that greatly reduces the maintenance needs compared to other similar designs.

The venteon laser technology name is synonymous with the science of few cycle, broadband laser pulses. Used in many areas of physical, biological and chemical research e.g. two photon microscopy, CEP stabilisation applications and pump-probe spectroscopy, the venteon range is characterised by reliable performance with long lifetimes. The venteon family based around short pulse generation includes members that are designed to meet individual specification demands of the researcher. Optimised for Power, bandwidth, CEP or OPCPA seeding the venteon family has the right laser.

seed lasers Eseed lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum provides lasers and amplifier systems to meet different needs for amplifier seeding, including the low maintenance gecco, short-pulses of the venteon power, the OPCPA ready venteon dual and the CEP stabilised venteon CEP5.

single-frequency lasers Esingle-frequency lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufacturers of torus mode-locked SLM lasers 532 and 660 nm lasers with active mode-locking to maintain a stable frequency output and output beam performance across long measurements and temperature fluctuations.

solid-state lasers Esolid-state lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum manufactures a wide range of diode-pumped solid-state lasers with wavelengths and powers from 473 to 1064 nm, 25 mW to 16 W. Laser Quantum guarantee exceptional reliability, compact size and long lifetimes, suitable for a large variety of applications.

terahertz sources Eterahertz sources from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum offer a range of THz emitters. The Tera-SED is a planar large-area GaAs based photo-conductive emitter for impulsive generation of broad-band terahertz (THz) radiation.

terahertz spectrometersterahertz spectrometers from Laser Quantum

The HASSP-THz is a time-domain THz transmission spectrometer with 1 GHz spectral resolution and a spectral coverage in excess of 6 THz for scientific applications. The system uses high-speed asynchronous optical sampling as enabling technology and thus operates without mechanical delay line at up to 10 kHz scan rate.

titanium–sapphire lasers Etitanium--sapphire lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser quantum manufacture a wide range of lasers for Ti:sapphire pumping with different products to suit the requirements of the end-user. The gem is a compact laser with a range of wavelengths, the opus offers exceptionally low noise, and the finesse is available at up to 16 W, with ultra-low noise and CEP options available.

tunable lasers Etunable lasers from Laser Quantum

Many of Laser Quantum’s ultrafast lasers can be tuned to different wavelengths for various scientific applications, ranging from 720 nm – 930 nm to meet the specific needs of the application. Products include the taccor tune with touch-screen beam control, and the helixx with a unique 250 MHz repetition rate.

ultrafast amplifiers Eultrafast amplifiers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum provides comprehensive solutions for the emerging market of OPCPA technology – the most direct approach for high-power, few-cycle femtosecond laser amplification, in addition to preamplifier modules for laser systems.

ultrafast lasers Eultrafast lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum specialise in ultrafast laser systems with short pulses and high repetition rates, offering unique capabilities and benefits to a wide variety of scientific applications.

YAG lasers EYAG lasers from Laser Quantum

Laser Quantum is a world-class manufacturer of high-quality diode-pumped solid-state lasers and ultrafast lasers. Laser Quantum’s products are known for their reliability, compactness, performance-excellence and long operational lifetimes. Laser Quantum products can be found in laboratories and integrated into systems and machines worldwide, spanning a large variety of scientific applications.

yellow and orange lasers E

Laser Quantum manufactures 561 nm yellow lasers used for biomedical imaging and cytometry. These applications require lasers that are both robust and reliable, whilst providing flexible control and high-quality beam characteristics.

Information of Laser Quantum Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

blue lasers, carrier--envelope offset measurement and stabilization, diode-pumped lasers, femtosecond lasers, frequency comb sources, green lasers, high harmonic generation equipment, high-power lasers, laser applications, laser spectroscopy equipment, lasers, mode-locked lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical metrology equipment, optical tweezers, pulsed lasers, pump--probe measurement equipment, Raman spectroscopy equipment, red lasers, scientific lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, terahertz sources, terahertz spectrometers, titanium--sapphire lasers, tunable lasers, ultrafast amplifiers, ultrafast lasers, YAG lasers, yellow and orange lasers

Encyclopedia Articles

blue lasers, carrier–envelope offset, diode-pumped lasers, femtosecond lasers, frequency combs, green lasers, high harmonic generation, high-power lasers, laser applications, laser spectroscopy, lasers, mode-locked lasers, narrow-linewidth lasers, OEM laser modules, optical metrology, optical tweezers, pulsed lasers, pump–probe measurements, Raman spectroscopy, red lasers, scientific lasers, seed lasers, single-frequency lasers, solid-state lasers, terahertz sources, titanium–sapphire lasers, tunable lasers, ultrafast amplifiers, ultrafast lasers, YAG lasers, yellow and orange lasers

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