Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products in the Category Fiber Optics

bat ear controllers → fiber polarization controllers9 SE
Bragg grating sensors → fiber-optic sensors54 SE
chalcogenide fibers → mid-infrared fibers12 SE
cladding mode strippers5 SE
cladding-pumped fibers → double-clad fibers12 SE
crystalline fibers → single-crystal fibers6 SE
dispersion-shifted fibers5 SE
distributed sensors → fiber-optic sensors54 SE
double-clad fibers12 SE
erbium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
fiber amplifiers50 SE
fiber arrays24 S
fiber Bragg gratings35 SE
fiber bundles27 SE
fiber cables97 SE
fiber cleaning equipment3 S
fiber cleavers24 SE
fiber collimators48 SE
fiber connectors74 SE
fiber couplers88 SE
fiber coupling stages → fiber launch systems5 SE
fiber end inspection devices3 S
fiber faceplates → fiber-optic plates3 SE
fiber fabrication equipment3 S
fiber lasers113 SE
fiber launch systems5 SE
fiber mode converters3 S
fiber mode field adapters10 SE
fiber optics248 SE
fiber patch cables83 SE
fiber patch panels12 S
fiber polarization controllers9 SE
fiber preforms1 S
fiber recoaters---
fiber rods → fiber bundles27 SE
fiber simulation software11 SE
fiber strippers16 S
fiber to the home equipment25 SE
fiber-coupled diode lasers74 SE
fiber-optic adapters45 S
fiber-optic attenuators34 S
fiber-optic cables → fiber cables97 SE
fiber-optic connectors → fiber connectors74 SE
fiber-optic depolarizers8 S
fiber-optic links12 SE
fiber-optic networks13 SE
fiber-optic plates3 SE
fiber-optic polarizers23 S
fiber-optic probes11 S
fiber-optic pump combiners22 SE
fiber-optic sensors54 SE
fiber-optic tapers2 SE
fiber-optic tool kits9 S
fiber polishing equipment13 S
fibers157 SE
fiberscopes5 S
fluoride fibers3 SE
fusion splicers22 SE
graded-index fibers → multimode fibers37 SE
hollow-core fibers9 SE
infrared fibers → mid-infrared fibers12 SE
large mode area fibers6 SE
large-core fibers15 SE
long-period fiber Bragg gratings → fiber Bragg gratings35 SE
mechanical fiber splicing equipment3 SE
mid-infrared fibers12 SE
mode field adapters → fiber mode field adapters10 SE
monomode fibers → single-mode fibers36 SE
multi-core fibers8 SE
multimode fibers37 SE
multimode pump combiners → fiber-optic pump combiners22 SE
neodymium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
optical fiber cables → fiber cables97 SE
optical networks → fiber-optic networks13 SE
PANDA fibers → polarization-maintaining fibers28 SE
photonic bandgap fibers3 SE
photonic crystal fibers12 SE
photosensitive fibers4 S
plastic optical fibers12 SE
polarization-maintaining fibers28 SE
polishing of fibers → fiber polishing equipment13 S
polycrystalline fibers → mid-infrared fibers12 SE
polymer optical fibers → plastic optical fibers12 SE
praseodymium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
radiation-resistant fibers4 S
rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
RF over fiber systems5 SE
sapphire fibers → single-crystal fibers6 SE
side-polished fibers2 S
silica fibers10 SE
single-crystal fibers6 SE
single-mode fibers36 SE
single-polarization fibers4 SE
specialty fibers53 SE
tapered fibers13 SE
telecom fibers and cables20 SE
thulium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE
ytterbium-doped fibers → rare-earth-doped fibers20 SE

If you miss certain product terms in our list, please contact us! We are happy to add more product terms where it is appropriate.