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Bulk Lasers

Definition: lasers based on bulk crystals as gain media

More general term: solid-state lasers

More specific terms: end-pumped lasers, side-pumped lasers, rod lasers, slab lasers, thin-disk lasers

German: Bulk-Laser

Category: lasers

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Q-switched bulk laser
Figure 1: Setup of a Q-switched bulk laser. The used bulk components used are two mirrors, a laser crystal, and the Q switch.

The term bulk laser refers to a solid-state laser with a bulk piece of doped crystal or glass as the gain medium. It is used to distinguish such bulk lasers from waveguide lasers and in particular from fiber lasers (= lasers based on fiber optics). In most cases, the gain medium is doped either with rare earth ions or transition metal ions, but bulk lasers also include color center lasers.

As there is no waveguide structure, so that the beam propagates in free space between optical components, the beam radius in the gain medium is essentially determined not by the gain medium, but by the design of the laser resonator. This has important implications:

bulk laser setup
Figure 2: Setup of a bulk laser, containing a diode-pumped laser head (box with blue label), a frequency doubler in a crystal oven and various other optical elements. Source: Cutting Edge Optronics.

The laser resonator of a bulk laser is in most cases formed with discrete laser mirrors placed around the crystal (or glass), with an air space in between. The air space between the mirrors and the crystal also has important implications:

In many cases, the mirrors and other optical components are attached to adjustable mounts, where two or three micrometer screws allow for precise angular adjustments. In many industrial lasers and certain mass-produced OEM laser modules, these adjustable mounts are replaced with fixed mounts, which can be more robust (also less sensitive to temperature drifts) and cost-effective. Optical components can be soldered to their mounts, leading to very stable setups.

It is also possible to use a laser crystal with a highly reflecting dielectric mirror coating on one side, which serves as a resonator end mirror. There are also monolithic solid-state lasers where the beam path is entirely inside the crystal.

As a rule of thumb, bulk lasers and amplifiers are preferable for devices operating with high peak power, whereas low-threshold and high-gain operation is more easily achieved with waveguide lasers and amplifiers. Also, bulk lasers are more flexible e.g. in laboratory setups, as it is comparatively easy to add or exchange optical elements, whereas waveguide-type lasers are possibly cheaper to manufacture.

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See also: solid-state lasers, fiber lasers, fiber lasers versus bulk lasers, rare-earth-doped gain media, transition-metal-doped gain media
and other articles in the category lasers


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