Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Products in the Category Materials

absorbing coatings → black coatings8 SE
birefringent materials25 SE
black coatings8 SE
ceramic gain media1 SE
chromium-doped gain media14 SE
coating materials8 S
composite laser crystals12 SE
erbium-doped gain media29 SE
forsterite crystals → chromium-doped gain media14 SE
glass ceramics10 S
holmium-doped gain media8 S
immersion oils1 S
index matching fluids4 SE
laser ceramics3 S
laser crystals78 SE
laser dyes6 S
laser gain media54 SE
laser glasses7 SE
mirror substrates12 SE
neodymium-doped gain media44 SE
nonlinear crystal materials72 SE
optical crystals87 SE
optical glasses32 SE
optical materials134 SE
periodically poled nonlinear crystals8 SE
phosphate glasses1 SE
phosphors1 SE
photonic metamaterials1 SE
photorefractive materials4 S
protective coatings5 S
rare-earth-doped gain media50 SE
scintillator crystals7 S
terahertz crystals10 S
thulium-doped gain media8 S
titanium-doped gain media17 S
transition-metal-doped gain media21 SE
transparent adhesives1 S
ytterbium-doped gain media42 SE

If you miss certain product terms in our list, please contact us! We are happy to add more product terms where it is appropriate.