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Neodymium-doped Gain Media

Definition: laser gain media containing laser-active neodymium ions

More general term: solid-state gain media

German: Neodym-dodierte Verstärkermedien

Categories: optical materials, lasers

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Neodymium (chemical symbol: Nd) is a chemical element belonging to the group of rare earth metals. In laser technology, it is widely used in the form of the trivalent ion Nd3+ as the laser-active dopant of gain media based on various host materials, including both crystals and glasses.

The usual pump wavelength is 808 nm (for Nd:YAG; wavelengths for other host materials can somewhat differ), but a higher slope efficiency can be achieved by directly pumping into the upper laser level 4F3/2 with 869-nm light. The strongest laser transition is that from 4F3/2 to 4I11/2 for 1064 nm, but other transitions are available with longer or shorter wavelengths (see Figure 1). In order to achieve lasing on those, lasing at the 1064-nm line needs to be suppressed by inserting an appropriate wavelength filter (usually consisting of one or more dichroic mirrors) into the cavity. Via multi-phonon emission, the populations in levels 4I11/2 to 4I15/2 are quickly transferred to the ground-state manifold 4I9/2. (The lower-state lifetime is much smaller than the upper-state lifetime.) Hence, there is normally negligible population in all these levels, so that neodymium-doped gain media exhibit pure four-level behavior. The exception is the case where the lower level is the ground-state manifold 4I9/2: 946-nm Nd:YAG lasers (and other Nd-based lasers emitting between 900 and 1000 nm) are quasi-three-level lasers, exhibiting a fairly high threshold pump power.

energy level structure of the trivalent neodymium ion in Nd^{3+}:YAG
Figure 1: Energy level structure of the trivalent neodymium ion (with wavelength numbers for Nd:YAG).

For high excitation densities, as can occur particularly in Q-switched lasers, but also in lasers operating on the weaker laser transitions, there can be significant energy losses due to energy transfer (→ upconversion) to higher-lying levels with small lifetimes.

The most common neodymium-doped gain media are:

Less common neodymium-doped gain media are:

In all these media (except for some glasses), the neodymium dopant ions replace other ions (often yttrium) of the host medium, which have about the same size.

Neodymium-doped gain media face competition from ytterbium-doped media in the 1-μm spectral region. The latter have a smaller quantum defect, usually a higher emission bandwidth and a higher upper-state lifetime, also a simpler energy level structure which avoids various quenching processes. However, they exhibit quasi-three-level behavior, which tends to lead to a higher threshold, so that the power efficiency is not necessarily better than for neodymium-doped media.


The RP Photonics Buyer's Guide contains 44 suppliers for neodymium-doped gain media. Among them:

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 [4]R. W. Waynant and P. H. Klein, “Vacuum ultraviolet laser emission from Nd3+:LaF3”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 14 (1985), doi:10.1063/1.95833
[5]T. Y. Fan et al., “Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 spectroscopy and laser devices”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 3 (1), 140 (1986), doi:10.1364/JOSAB.3.000140
 [6]A. I. Zagumennyi et al., “The Nd3+:GdVO4 crystal: a new material for diode-pumped lasers”, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 22, 1071 (1992), doi:10.1070/QE1992v022n12ABEH003672
 [7]S. Kück et al., “Excited state absorption and stimulated emission of Nd3+ in crystals. Part 1: Y3Al5O12, YAlO3, and Y2O3”, Appl. Phys. B 67 (2), 151 (1998), doi:10.1007/s003400050486
 [8]L. Fornasiero et al., “Excited state absorption and stimulated emission of Nd3+ in crystals. Part 2: YVO4, GdVO4, and Sr5(PO4)3F”, Appl. Phys. B 67, 549 (1998), doi:10.1007/s003400050543
[9]J. L. Blows et al., “Heat generation in Nd:YVO4 with and without laser action”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 10 (12), 1727 (1998), doi:10.1109/68.730483
[10]N. Hodgson et al., “High power TEM00 mode operation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers”, Proc. SPIE 3611, 119 (1999), doi:10.1117/12.349265
 [11]L. Fornasiero et al., “Excited state absorption and stimulated emission of Nd3+ in crystals III: LaSc3(BO3)4, CaWO4, and YLiF4”, Appl. Phys. B 68, 67 (1999), doi:10.1007/s003400050587
[12]Y. Sato and T. Taira, “The studies of thermal conductivity in GdVO4, YVO4, and Y3Al5O12 measured by quasi-onedimensional flash method”, Opt. Express 14 (22), 10528 (2006), doi:10.1364/OE.14.010528
[13]D. Krennrich et al., “A comprehensive study of Nd:YAG, Nd:YAlO3, Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YGdVO4 lasers operating at wavelengths of 0.9 and 1.3 μm. Part 1: cw-operation”, Appl. Phys. B 92, 165 (2008), doi:10.1007/s00340-008-3069-4
[14]D. Krennrich et al., “A comprehensive study of Nd:YAG, Nd:YAlO3, Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YGdVO4 lasers operating at wavelengths of 0.9 and 1.3 μm. Part 2: passively mode-locked operation”, Appl. Phys. B 92, 175 (2008), doi:10.1007/s00340-008-3070-y

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See also: gain media, rare-earth-doped gain media, rare-earth-doped fibers, laser crystals, ytterbium-doped gain media, YAG lasers, YLF lasers, vanadate lasers, tungstate lasers
and other articles in the categories optical materials, lasers

Dr. R. Paschotta

This encyclopedia is authored by Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, the founder and executive of RP Photonics Consulting GmbH. How about a tailored training course from this distinguished expert at your location? Contact RP Photonics to find out how his technical consulting services (e.g. product designs, problem solving, independent evaluations, training) and software could become very valuable for your business!


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