Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Supplier profile:

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications
Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI)
Einsteinufer 37
10587 Berlin

Tel.:+49 30 31 00 24 25
Fax:+49 30 31 00 25 11


ProductToAlternative Suppliers
fiber-optic networksS E
free-space optical communication systemsS ERPMC Lasers
laser diodesS EAerodiode, eagleyard Photonics, Frankfurt Laser Company, Lumibird, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
optical data transmission systemsS E
optical fiber communication systems and devicesS ETeraXion
optical modulatorsS EAerodiode, EKSMA OPTICS
optical sensorsS EHBM FiberSensing, Technica Optical Components
phase modulatorsS E
photodetectorsS EAPIC, Gentec Electro-Optics, Menlo Systems
photodiodesS EGentec Electro-Optics, Menlo Systems
photonic integrated circuitsS ETeem Photonics
research and developmentSAPIC, Optikexpertisen, RP Photonics
semiconductor lasersS EFrankfurt Laser Company, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
terahertz detectorsS EGentec Electro-Optics, Menlo Systems, TOPTICA Photonics
terahertz sourcesS ELaser Quantum, Menlo Systems, TOPTICA Photonics

Column "To": S = list of suppliers for that product, E = encyclopedia article.

Third column: alternative suppliers are suppliers also offering such products while having an ad package. On their own company profile pages, the right column of the table contains their product descriptions instead of alternative suppliers.