Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Supplier profile:


Dr. Volker Raab und
Dr. Corinna Raab GbR
Amundsenstr. 10
14469 Potsdam

Tel.:+49 331 5 83 99 12

Company Description

Volker Raab

Optikexpertisen is a spin-off from Potsdam University in 2006. It offers various services in optical technologies in both theory and experiment and has completed around 70 projects since with clients from self-employed to global players in DE, FR, ES, CH, GB.

Both measurements and simulations are offered through our own optical laboratories with various equipment and technologies. Where special equipment is necessary, our network with universities, institutions, and partners can often help out.

Our core competences are novel methods and technologies for an improved power density of highly efficient diode lasers, particularly spectral multiplexing. Other recent projects were about fibercouping, astigmatic beam shaping, medical diagnostics, spectroscopy, laser material processing, process analysis and many more.

Tell us about your needs to improve or trouble-shoot your existing systems – confidentiality is guaranteed. The first discussion and feasibility estimate will be free of charge.

Optikexpertisen is a sponsor of the RP Photonics encyclopedia.


advice on product selection

Due to our long tradition of developing high-end systems, we have contacts not only to suppliers of standard components but also know quite some manufacturers of customized devices. Sometimes we can even help you design the optimum parameters (go there).

laser design services

We offer to design, simulate, and experimentally test laser systems to your requirements, preferably around diode lasers. They can be based on our previous – partially patented – designs or on your specific needs. Ask us for a free-of-charge first feasibility estimate.

laser development services E

We offer to design, simulate, and experimentally test laser systems to your requirements, preferably around diode lasers. They can be based on our previous – partially patented – designs or on your specific needs. (Read more or ask us.)

laser modeling software E

We offer to design, simulate, and experimentally test laser systems to your requirements, preferably around diode lasers . They can be based on our previous – partially patented – designs or on your specific needs. Ask us for a free-of-charge first feasibility estimate.

measurement and calibration services

In our laboratories we have a large variety of spectrometers, detectors, cameras, motion stages, and electronic equipment to measure and characterize optical systems and single components. Please ask us about your specific needs and we will propose a measuring strategy free of charge.

optical design services

Our experience with ZEMAX designs is over 15 years. For wave propagation we use a modification of LightPipes. Among others, we designed laser resonators, LED collimation, astigmatic beam shaping, fiber coupling, and complex beam delivery. Ask us for a free-of-charge first feasibility estimate.

research and development

Since 2006 we are involved in funded and non-funded R&D projects. We contributed measurements and simulations in our own laboratories. Our recent projects were about novel methods and technologies for an improved power density of highly efficient diode lasers, fiber couping, astigmatic beam shaping, medical diagnostics, spectroscopy, laser material processing, process analysis and many more.

resonator design software E

We offer to design, simulate, and experimentally test laser systems to your requirements, preferably around diode lasers. They can be based on our previous – partially patented – designs or on your specific needs. Ask us for a free-of-charge first feasibility estimate.

spectral beam combining optics E

We hold patents on spectral beam combining and are working on a number of variants of SBC for more than 15 years. We can help you evaluating different alternatives and then simulate and realize your specific setups. Ask us for a free-of-charge first feasibility estimate, confidentiality will be guaranteed.

trouble shooting technical problems

"Can you have a look at this system, please" has frequently been an entry point into a fruitful cooperation with previous clients. We have various techniques and equipment in our own laboratories to measure single characteristics of optical systems or combinations thereof. Most of the equipment is also portable to your labs. Confidentiality will be guaranteed.

Information of Optikexpertisen Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

advice on product selection, laser design services, laser development services, laser modeling software, measurement and calibration services, optical design services, research and development, resonator design software, spectral beam combining optics, trouble shooting technical problems

Encyclopedia Articles

laser development, laser modeling, resonator design, spectral beam combining

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