Consulting … competent technical support for your business!!


Site Map of the RP Photonics Consulting Website

This page gives an overview on all the English web pages on this site. There is also a German version. You may actually always switch between English and German versions of the pages by clicking on the corresponding word near the upper right corner.

The menu items (see the navigation bar on the left-hand side):

Home the start page
Company information on the company RP Photonics Consulting GmbH
basic facts basic information
the founder the founder of RP Photonics, Dr. RĂ¼diger Paschotta
standards commitment to highest professional standards
references customer feedback and references
Topics a description of the topical areas for which the services of RP Photonics are available, with separate pages for various topical areas
Services general information on consulting services, and more details:
manufacturers for manufacturers of lasers and other modern optical equipment
investors for investors and funding agencies
communications for communications and advertising experts
design support for R & D teams in the development process
modeling modeling of optical devices and systems
training education and staff training
questions frequently encountered questions and concerns
Software general information on software developed by RP Photonics
Publication publications of RP Photonics
Encyclopedia RP Photonics Encyclopedia
FG to Lasers SPIE Field Guide to Lasers
FG to Laser Pulses SPIE Field Guide to Laser Pulse Generation
FG Fiber Optics SPIE Field Guide to Optical Fiber Technology
Scientific Various scientific publications
Articles Various articles which appeared in trade journals
Downloads Various Downloads, e.g. for online articles
News latest information on current activities of RP Photonics
Website Information on the RP Photonics website
general editorial and technical information on this website
links a selection of links to other websites of interest
sitemap this page
search a search engine for this site and the whole WWW Virtual Library
Newsletters Here, you can order order or cancel our newsletter subscriptions.
Contact complete contact information
general general contact information, including bank account and alike
secure e-mail why and how to establish a secure e-mail exchange

For software, there is a separate set of pages:

Overview an overview on the software products
RP Fiber Calculator for calculations on optical fibers
RP Fiber Power for calculating optical powers in fiber lasers and amplifiers
RP Resonator for designing laser resonators
RP ProPulse for simulating pulse propagation in mode-locked lasers or in fibers
RP Q-switch for designing Q-switched lasers and studying laser dynamics
RP Coating for designing optical multilayer structures, e.g. dielectric mirrors
Script language a brief description of the script language supported by all software products
Licenses information on user licenses
Support technical support for software customers
Distributors international distributors for RP Software
Software News news on RP Software – for example, in the form of a newsletter

The RP Photonics Encyclopedia has the following pages:

Home page the entry to an open access encyclopedia
Glossary list of definitions of article keywords
Categories encyclopedia articles sorted by topical categories
Search search for keywords in the encyclopedia
The Photonics Spotlight news in photonics, useful hints, etc.
The Photonics Quiz an opportunity to test your knowledge
Feedback deliver feedback on the encyclopedia
Links place a link to the encyclopedia on your website

Finally, there is there RP Photonics Buyer's Guide:

Home the start page
Products a long list of photonics products, leading to pages with suppliers for these products
Suppliers a long list of suppliers for photonics products
Buyer's Guide Entries details on what kind of entries suppliers can have in the buyer's guide
Marketing and Advertising opportunities for advertising products in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide
Contact how to contact RP Photonics