Consulting … competent technical support for your business!!



The company RP Photonics Consulting GmbH, as well as its founder and executive Dr. RĂ¼diger Paschotta, can provide excellent references, because the orientation at highest professional standards is constant practice, not just nice words. However, customers giving references can not be listed here, since by default RP Photonics treats as confidential even the fact of cooperation.

If some new customer requires some reference even after having studied Dr. Paschotta's CV and publication list, Dr. Paschotta will ask some client to give such a reference.

Some Feedback from Customers

RP Photonics is regularly obtaining very encouraging feedback from customers. Here are some literal citations, all coming from different customers:

"Thank you very much for your very interesting and thorough report. I have to say that I enjoyed reading it a lot. Your idea to use (...) sounds very interesting and innovative."

"We all think you have done a very efficient job and I think we'll have further work for you going forward."

"Thanks for the first report – you have clearly produced a lot of detail results in a short time."
Later on: "I'm delighted with the service (...) have had from you – both with the content and technical authority of your reports, and the speed they were issued and updated which allowed very rapid feedback. This allowed your work to be channeled in a way that suited our requirements. For the first time I have felt that the (...) problem will be solved."

"Thank you very much for your help being very useful."
Later on: "I am very satisfied with your consultant work. Thank you."

"Thank you very much for the great work."
Later on: "Thank you very much for the detailed (...) simulation done for us and the nice final report. It will be very useful for guiding our work and will be double checked with our experiments."

"First of all, we want to thank you for your fantastic report. We are extremely pleased at the report that you created for us. We have now clearly established a strong professional rapport, and we are extremely impressed with your capability and professionalism as an expert consultant."

"Thank you for the report. I must say I am very impressed and satisfied with the speed and quality of your work."

"Thank you for your quick response. I greatly appreciate the effort you've extended and the information you've provided us. Your software has been extremely helpful on several projects we're currently working."

"We benefited from Rudiger's help along the way… he's a brilliant laser physicist.

Try it out yourself: the first small project will already show you the high quality of the services of RP Photonics, concerning technical and all non-technical aspects.

Other Recommendations

Dr. Paschotta can also provide splendid references from his research career. Both senior persons and Ph. D. students witness his competence as well as his style of interacting with people. Some of those references are listed on his LinkedIn profile.