Scripting in RP Fiber Power V7
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This video shows you the following within about 16 minutes:
- While the use of the predefined interactive windows is a convenient way to get started, this concept is naturally limited in terms of flexibility.
For example, you may want to build up a more sophisticated models with more features than the predefined forms offer, or you may want to do some things for which there are no predefined forms at all.
- Our solution for that is to use the powerful scripting capabilities of RP Fiber Power.
- If you execute a model based on the predefined interactive forms, the software automatically generates a script – which you can then use as the starting point for your own, more sophisticated simulation script.
- In many cases, it is convenient to start with one of the dozens of demo scripts coming with the software.
- One of the demo scripts is explained in some detail.
It performs the simulation of a chirped-pulse fiber amplifier system, containing a mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser, a fiber amplifier and a dispersive pulse compressor.
- The script does not only define structures (a laser resonator, pulse stretcher, fiber amplifier, pulse compressor), but also implements a simulation strategy.
In particular, it simulates many resonator round trips of the intracavity pulse until the pulse properties do not change substantially any more – that way we find the steady state of laser operation.
The resulting output pulse is then sent through the pulse stretcher, the fiber amplifier, and the pulse compressor.
For the fiber amplifier, again the steady state needs to be calculated iteratively.
For the pulse compressor, we can use a convenient function, which optimizes the applied chromatic dispersion for maximum peak power of the output pulse.
- The software comes with comprehensive high-quality documentation in the form of a manual and in addition an interactive help system.
Those described in detail the principles of the physical models, the user interface, and the script language.
Furthermore, they contain useful tips and tricks and give further explanations on the dozens of demo scripts.
- In the development of scripts, the software gives a lot of additional support, for example was features like parameter help, syntax highlighting, automatic reformatting of script code, and a powerful debugger for stepwise execution of script code in the inspection of intermediate results.
- License holders obtain very competent and helpful technical support directly from Dr. Paschotta, who has developed that software.
It is possible to get scripts corrected, or even complete scripts to be developed.
- For easier handling, one may want to equip a script with a custom form.
With that, someone can easily handle a complex simulation without looking at the script code.
- If you become a power user of this software and the modeling guru of your team, you will be the one who knows exactly how your devices work and how they can be improved further, and you will be rewarded with particularly interesting work and an influential position in the team.