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Quantum Efficiency

Definition: percentage of input photons which contribute to a desired effect

Alternative term: quantum yield

German: Quanteneffizienz

Categories: light detection and characterization, physical foundations

Formula symbol: ηq

Units: %

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The quantum efficiency (or quantum yield) is often of interest for processes which convert light in some way. It is defined as the percentage of the input photons which contribute to the desired effect. Examples are:

2-micron emission with thulium with more than 100% quantum efficiency
Figure 1: 1.9-μm emission in a thulium-doped fiber laser with > 100% quantum efficiency.

In some special cases, the quantum efficiency of a laser or laser amplifier can be larger than unity. This is due to certain energy transfer processes between laser-active ions, which lead to a kind of cross-relaxation: starting with one ion in some excited state, a part of its energy is transferred to some other ion, which was originally in the electronic ground state, and both ions are finally in the upper laser level. This can, of course, only happen when the photon energy of the laser transition is lower than half that of the pump light. An example, illustrated in Figure 1, is that of thulium-doped 1.9-μm fiber lasers, where ions are pumped into the level 3F2−4, and a cross-relaxation process (gray arrows) populates the upper laser level 3H4. This could in principle lead to a quantum efficiency of up to 200%. Values well above 100% can be reached in practice.

The quantum efficiency should not be confused with the quantum defect.

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See also: quantum defect, fluorescence, multi-phonon transitions, energy transfer, photodiodes
and other articles in the categories light detection and characterization, physical foundations


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