Encyclopedia … combined with a great Buyer's Guide!

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EKSMA OPTICS acts as a Silver Sponsor of the RP Photonics Encyclopedia.

Mokslininku str. 11
08412 Vilnius

Tel.:+370 5272 99 00
Fax:+370 5272 92 99
Social media:LinkedIn
Quality certification:ISO 9001:2015

Sponsor Statement

EKSMA Optics is happy to support further development of RP Photonics Encyclopedia, which we find a valuable resource for whole photonics community.

Company Description

EKSMA OPTICS is a manufacturer of precision optical laser components, used in lasers, laser systems and in other photonic instruments. We have proven experience providing custom solutions and also offering a wide range of catalogue products for the fast off-the-shelf delivery.

The product range includes optical components, dielectric thin film coatings, DKDP, BBO and KTP electro-optical Pockels cells, laser and nonlinear crystals, optical systems, opto-mechanical mounts, motorized stages and tables. Components cover a wavelength spectrum starting from the UV (193 nm) through VIS to IR (20 μm) and the terahertz (1–5 THz) region.

The EKSMA Optics polishing facility specializes in the polishing of flat optics made of BK7, UVFS, Infrasil and also DKDP, LBO, and ZnGeP2 crystals where high quality precision polished faces are required for high power laser applications. The company also has a CNC grinding and polishing facility for manufacturing spherical and aspherical lenses, as well as an IBS coating facility.

EKSMA Optics is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

Product Information

EKSMA OPTICS is listed as a supplier in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide with 73 registered products. See the supplier profile for details.