Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Supplier profile:

Furukawa Electric

Furukawa Electric
Marunouchi Nakadori Bldg.
2–3, Marunouchi 2-chome
Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100–8322


ProductToAlternative Suppliers
double-clad fibersS ENKT Photonics
erbium-doped gain mediaS E
fiber amplifiersS ELumibird, RPMC Lasers
fiber cablesS ESchäfter + Kirchhoff, Technica Optical Components, TOPTICA Photonics
fiber connectorsS E
fiber couplersS EG&H, TOPTICA Photonics
fiber opticsS EEdmund Optics, NKT Photonics, Schäfter + Kirchhoff
fiber to the home equipmentS E
fibersS ENKT Photonics, TOPTICA Photonics
fusion splicersS E
gain equalization filtersS E
laser gain mediaS E
multi-core fibersS E
multimode fibersS EEdmund Optics
optical amplifiersS Eeagleyard Photonics, Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories, Lumibird, RPMC Lasers, TOPTICA Photonics
optical data transmission systemsS E
optical fiber communication systems and devicesS ETeraXion
rare-earth-doped fibersS ENKT Photonics
rare-earth-doped gain mediaS EEKSMA OPTICS, NKT Photonics
single-mode fibersS ENKT Photonics, Schäfter + Kirchhoff
specialty fibersS ENKT Photonics
telecom fibers and cablesS E

Column "To": S = list of suppliers for that product, E = encyclopedia article.

Third column: alternative suppliers are suppliers also offering such products while having an ad package. On their own company profile pages, the right column of the table contains their product descriptions instead of alternative suppliers.