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Supplier profile:

Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Optics, Photonics and Metrology

Schäfter + Kirchhoff
Kieler Str. 212
22525 Hamburg

Tel.:+49 40 8 53 99 70
Fax:+49 40 8 50 31 37

Company Description

Schäfter+Kirchhoff GmbH is based in Hamburg, Germany. From here we manufacture high quality optical products that are delivered to customers all around the world.

The company was founded over 60 years ago, and began with classical lens design and customized optical solutions. The focus has shifted gradually towards the current three product lines: polarization-maintaining fiber optics, laser lines and line scan cameras.

A major focus is our winning combination of high optical and mechanical precision, which is the basis for the high quality, ­stability and durability of our products. We are committed to providing the highest quality and reliability possible, a goal continuously improving because of our quality control system. Schäfter+Kirchhoff GmbH is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.

Our extensive know-how and our highly qualified and strongly committed employees are the driving force behind the company. To have sales, research and development, as well as manufacturing so closely knit together, ensures a quick and efficient response to customer needs.

After 60 years of private ownership, Schäfter+Kirchhoff GmbH was transferred in 2016 to the Gregor Federau Foundation, which was established by the former owner of the company to support child and youth welfare.

Schäfter + Kirchhoff


achromatic optics Eachromatic optics from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer fiber couplers like the laser beam couplers series 60SMS or the fiber collimators series 60FC or series 60FC-F with fine-focussing mechanism with achromatic and even apochromatic optics (corrected for 400 – 640 nm).

alignment lasers Ealignment lasers from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

The fiber-coupled laser diode beam sources of type 51nano-S have reduced power noise (< 0.1% RMS (< 1 MHz)), reduced coherence length (≈ 300 µm) and a low speckle contrast as a result of the internal RF modulation. They are available with wavelengths from 405 nm to 1550 nm.

anamorphic prism pairs Eanamorphic prism pairs from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Anamorphic optics act one-dimensionally on the elliptical profile of the collimated beam. They can e.g. be used to adjust the larger beam diameter to the dimension of the smaller one, producing a radially symmetric beam or transform a circular beam into an elliptical one. Anamorphic beam-shaping optics type 5AN are cylinder lens systems and, therefore, can be additionally used to correct the astigmatic difference.

beam delivery systemsbeam delivery systems from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer beam delivery systems that consist of a laser beam coupler of series 60SMS, a a polarization-maintaining fiber cable and a fiber collimator of series 60FC.

beam splitters Ebeam splitters from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offers compact, rugged and highly efficient and fully fiber-coupled opto-mechanical units for splitting fiber coupled radiation for the configurations 1 ⇾ 2 and 2 ⇾ 2.

fiber cables Efiber cables from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer single-mode, polarization-maintaining or multimode fiber cables.

fiber collimators Efiber collimators from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offers a wide range of fiber collimators that can be used for collimating or in reverse as an incoupler. This includes the series 60FC collimators or series 60FC-F collimators with fine-focussing mechanism. For large beam diameters the series 60FC-T collimators can be used with integrated TILT mechanism. Special collimators 60FC-Q with integrated quarter-wave plate or made from amagnetic titanium are also available.

fiber launch systems Efiber launch systems from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer high precision fiber couplers/laser beam couplers series 60SMS optimized for high pointing stability and long-term stability for efficient coupling of ­collimated laser radiation into ­single-mode and PM fiber cables.

fiber optics Efiber optics from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer fiber optic components including the laser beam coupler of series 60SMS for coupling into a polarization-maintaining fiber cables, fiber collimators of series 60FC. The polarization analyzers series SK010PA are universal measurement and test systems for coupling laser beam sources into polarization-maintaining fiber cables.

fiber patch cables Efiber patch cables from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer single-mode, polarization-maintaining or multimode fiber cables.

fiber-coupled diode lasers Efiber-coupled diode lasers from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

The fiber-coupled laser diode beam sources of type 51nano-S have reduced power noise (< 0.1% RMS (< 1 MHz)), reduced coherence length (≈ 300 µm) and a low speckle contrast as a result of the internal RF modulation. They are available with wavelengths from 405 nm to 1550 nm.

fiber-optic attenuatorsfiber-optic attenuators from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

The laser attenuator 48AT-0 is used for reproducible and precise reduction of the power output by the laser. The collimated laser beam is constricted by a precision ball transported by a scaled micrometer screw. The subsequent single-mode fiber coupling is used as a mode filter.

image sensors Eimage sensors from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer line scan cameras with USB 3.0, GiGE or GiGE Vision interface. We also offer complete scanner systems like the corrosion inspector (measurement and evaluation of corrosion phenomena on coated test plates) or robot-guided line scan cameras.

laser cooling and trapping systems Elaser cooling and trapping systems from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offers fiber port clusters, which are compact,rugged opto-mechanical units that combine two fiber-coupled sources with same wavelengths and then splits the combined radiation into multiple output fiber cables with high efficiency and variable splitting ratio.

laser diode collimators E

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offer various laser diode collimators. You can select them easily using our product configurator.

laser diode modules Elaser diode modules from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offer various laser line generators, laser focus generators or laser diode collimators. You can select them easily using our product configurator.

laser line optics Elaser line optics from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer various laser line generators with different geometries e.g. with fan angle, semi-telecentric with uniform or Gaussian intensity distribution.

line scan camerasline scan cameras from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer line scan cameras with USB 3.0, GiGE or GiGE Vision interface.

machine vision devicesmachine vision devices from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

We offer line scan cameras with USB 3.0, GiGE or GiGE Vision interface. We also offer complete scanner systems like the corrosion inspector (measurement and evaluation of corrosion phenomena on coated test plates) or robot-guided line scan cameras.

OEM laser modules EOEM laser modules from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Schäfter+Kirchhoff offer various laser line generators, laser focus generators or laser diode collimators. You can select them easily using our product configurator.

optical cage systemsoptical cage systems from Schäfter + Kirchhoff

Compact, rugged and highly efficient opto-mechanical units for splitting/combining multiple ports and use with polarization-maintaning fiber cables.

polarization-maintaining fibers E

We offer polarization-maintaining fiber cables with different cut-off wavelengths and measured values for the effective fiber NA. The polarization analyzers series SK010PA are universal measurement and test systems for coupling laser beam sources into polarization-maintaining fiber cables.

single-mode fibers E

We offer single-mode fiber cables with different cut-off wavelengths and measured values for the effective fiber NA.

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