Software … powerful tools for your research & development!


Computer Modeling for Laser Development and Laser Science

with Modeling and Design Software from RP Photonics

RP Photonics has developed powerful simulation software. For all software packages described here, user licenses are available; alternatively, you can profit from it through technical consulting. The software can be used

See our detailed presentation on how computer simulations can make your laser development more efficient:


Your Benefits

The central benefits of working with such software tools are:

  • You can minimize the cost of product development.
  • You can minimize time to market.
  • You can develop better products,
    e.g. with improved performance and reliability.
  • You can gather new ideas
    e.g. for improvements or for new products.
  • You will increase your general technical competence.

In short: make progress, have fun, save money!

The Products

You may either use our overview page or directly go to a specific product in the menu on the left side.

Software Licenses and/or Technical Consultancy

You can profit from our software in two different ways:

  • You can purchase user licenses, allowing your R & D team to work with the software. You then also get our comprehensive technical support, which you can use for general technical consultancy in the related technical area.
  • Alternatively, without having own licenses you can get the generated results from RP Photonics in the context of technical consultancy.

You may also initially start with consulting and later on acquire licenses, once you have seen what is possible.

System Requirements

All our software runs under Microsoft Windows (XP or later), but not in virtual machines. We can supply 32-bit or 64-bit software version – just as you like.

In most cases, the hardware requirements in terms of CPU speed, main memory and harddisk space are quite moderate, but in some cases it can be helpful or even necessary to have at least 8 GB of main memory and a fast CPU.

Quality Matters

Dr. Paschotta's software is not only powerful, but has a very high quality in various respects:

  • The underlying equations are based on a very decent physical understanding and the knowledge of relevant scientific literature.
  • The software design has been carefully planned from the beginning, enabling e.g. easy future expansions without changing the concept.
  • The programs have been carefully validated in many details, e.g. by comparison with analytically calculated results for special situations, or by detailed comparison with results from other researchers.
  • The user interfaces are so flexible that it is never necessary to include project-specific details in the source code. Instead, the user can develop scripts to implement even the most sophisticated simulations and optimizations.
  • The software comes with carefully made comprehensive documentation.
  • Users obtain high-quality technical support.

Before you try to develop such software yourself, consider the risks associated with required development time (always more than originally expected!), non-ideal algorithms (compromising accuracy and/or computation time) and errors (possibly misleading your development team). And note that software is only one requirement for numerical modeling: even more importantly, you need a detailed physical understanding, knowledge of possible approaches and mathematical techniques, experience concerning how to make a model useful, etc. Having a real expert for such jobs is certainly worth a lot.

Regularly Receive Our Software News

Our software is special in several respects:

  • The development and the technical support are done by an internationally known expert with a particularly detailed expertise.
  • The technical support can not only be used for directly software-specific issues, but also for related technical and scientific questions.
  • The software (except for RP Fiber Calculator) is extremely flexible due to a built-in script language, so that it can be used even for most sophisticated calculations.

Individually Developed Software

RP Photonics also offers the development of specialized software for customers. Possible functions of such software are

  • various kinds of simulations, e.g. of laser and amplifier dynamics
  • other calculations in optics, e.g. concerning material dispersion, interferometers, Kramers-Kronig relations, etc.
  • specialized data acquisition and processing, e.g. calculation of noise spectra from data recorded in the time domain

If you are interested, contact RP Photonics to find out what can be done.