Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Supermirrors

Supermirrors are mirrors with extremely high reflectivity – in some cases, more than 99.9999%. They allow one to realize optical resonators with extremely high Q factor. They are used in quantum optics, for example.

ESee also our encyclopedia article on supermirrors!
Related articles: mirrors, dielectric mirrors, crystalline mirrors, Fabry–Perot interferometers, finesse, Q factor

Related products: laser mirrors, superpolished optics

Related product category: optical components and devices

5 suppliers for supermirrors are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

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CompanyProduct Description


Horster Str. 20
30826 Garbsen
Social: Facebook
Tel.: +49 5131 4 59 70
Fax: +49 5131 45 97 20

So-called supermirrors for ring laser gyroscope assemblies or certain scientific applications require coated optics with extremely low losses (i.e. absorption and scattering). These mirrors also have a maximum reflectivity with R > 99.998% and total losses < 10 ppm.

LASEROPTIK uses a modified IBS machine that is capable to produce coatings on super­polished substrates. The cleanliness of the machine and environment is maintained in a dedicated super-clean room, where also the extensive substrate pre- and after-treatment takes place.

Measurement devices such as whitelight profilometers and high resolution microscopes (up to × 1000) for the inspection procedures are in place. A custom built cavity ring-down setup allows to determine the reflection with a precision of up to four decimal places and to refer back to the losses.

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Crystalline Mirror Solutions GmbH

Salztorgasse 5/17
1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 30 65 82 81 00


Horster Str. 20
30826 Garbsen
Social: Facebook
Tel.: +49 5131 4 59 70
Fax: +49 5131 45 97 20

So-called supermirrors for ring laser gyroscope assemblies or certain scientific applications require coated optics with extremely low losses (i.e. absorption and scattering). These mirrors also have a maximum reflectivity with R > 99.998% and total losses < 10 ppm.

LASEROPTIK uses a modified IBS machine that is capable to produce coatings on super­polished substrates. The cleanliness of the machine and environment is maintained in a dedicated super-clean room, where also the extensive substrate pre- and after-treatment takes place.

Measurement devices such as whitelight profilometers and high resolution microscopes (up to × 1000) for the inspection procedures are in place. A custom built cavity ring-down setup allows to determine the reflection with a precision of up to four decimal places and to refer back to the losses.

Newport Corporation

1791 Deere Avenue
Irvine, CA 92606
United States
Tel.: +1 949 863 3144
Fax: +1 949 253 1680


Ukmerges g. 427
14185 Vilnius
Tel.: +370 67060 4 62

UltraFast Innovations GmbH

Am Coulombwall 1
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 89 36 03 94 37
Fax: +49 89 36 03 94 53

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