Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Opto-electronic Oscillators

Optical-electronic oscillators are high-frequency electrical oscillators based on opto-electronic feedback.

Related product category: various devices

2 suppliers for opto-electronic oscillators are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Ad Package
CompanyProduct Description

Invent - Develop - Deliver

OEwaves, Inc.

465 N. Halstead Street
Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
Social: Twitter
Tel.: +1 626 351 4200
opto-electronic oscillators

OEwaves’ patented HI-Q™ Opto-Electric Oscillators (OEOs) produce spectrally-pure microwave and mm-wave signals using an opto-electronic feedback loop. The versatile scheme allows utilization of optical components for low loss and small size. It is also inherently less sensitive to vibration and acceleration and provides the same low-spectral purity at all RF frequencies (microwave to mm).


- low phase noise/jitter

- low spurious content

- micro-chip form factor

- frequency scalability

- EMI tolerant

- high stability

- low vibration/acceleration

- sensitivity


- airborne radar systems

- defense communication

- test and measurement

- satellite communication

- wireless networks

- microwave radio

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IDIL Fibres Optiques

21 rue de Broglie
22300 Lannion
Tel.: +33 02 96 05 40 20

Invent - Develop - Deliver

OEwaves, Inc.

465 N. Halstead Street
Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91107
United States
Social: Twitter
Tel.: +1 626 351 4200
opto-electronic oscillators

OEwaves’ patented HI-Q™ Opto-Electric Oscillators (OEOs) produce spectrally-pure microwave and mm-wave signals using an opto-electronic feedback loop. The versatile scheme allows utilization of optical components for low loss and small size. It is also inherently less sensitive to vibration and acceleration and provides the same low-spectral purity at all RF frequencies (microwave to mm).


- low phase noise/jitter

- low spurious content

- micro-chip form factor

- frequency scalability

- EMI tolerant

- high stability

- low vibration/acceleration

- sensitivity


- airborne radar systems

- defense communication

- test and measurement

- satellite communication

- wireless networks

- microwave radio

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