Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Optical Parametric Chirped-pulse Amplifiers

For very high output peak powers, the principle of optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification may be employed. Using suitable phase-matching schemes, such devices can work with ultra broadband pulses and correspondingly short compressed pulse durations.

ESee also our encyclopedia article on optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification!
Related articles: chirped-pulse amplification, optical parametric amplifiers, ultrashort pulses

Related products: chirped-pulse amplifier systems

Related product category: nonlinear optics

8 suppliers for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Ad Package
CompanyProduct Description


Pôle Euro 95 – Bâtiment D
165 rue des Cistes
06600 Antibes
Tel.: +33 4 88 13 17 51
Fax: +33 4 92 95 76 90
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Our Starzz systems are custom-made mid-IR OPCPA dedicated to High Harmonic Generation (HHG) and attosecond science. With record CEP stability, high average power or high pulse energy, this new generation of ultrafast light sources combines Yb-doped industrial grade pump lasers with Fastlite landmark technologies to set new standards in ultrafast laser science.

All wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 89 85 83 70
Fax: +49 89 85 83 72 00
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

TOPTICA’s FemtoFiber dichro midIR generates radiation at 3 μm – 15 μm. Based on difference frequency generation of two optically synchronized laser pulses at tunable wavelengths of 1 – 2 μm a highly stable broadband emission of approximately 400 cm-1 is generated. Here, the output at 1560 nm of an erbium-doped ultrafast fiber laser is superimposed with the long or short wavelength part of a supercontinuum.

The CEO-free mid-IR laser pulses are applied to attosecond spectroscopy where the extreme UV pulses consist of only a few optical cycles. The conversion of mid-IR radiation to extreme UV is accomplished by high harmonic generation. First, the mid-IR pulses are subject to optical parametric chirped amplification (OPCPA). Then, the intense laser fields are launched into an atomic beam or a gas-filled hollow core fibre to generate extreme UV attosecond laser pulses via high harmonics.

Extreme power at extreme wavelength

Class 5 Photonics

Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
Social: LinkedIn, Twitter
Tel.: +49 40 22 86 31 65
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Class 5 Photonics offer powerful and high-performance femtosecond lasers based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA):

WHITE DWARF OPCPA powered by Coherent up to 5 W:

- < 9 fs at 800 nm @ 1 MHz

- most compact few-cycle laser system

- stable and reliable

- CEP stability optional

- dual output for time-resolved measurements

- pumped by Coherent Monaco industrial femtosecond laser


- high-performance OPCPA system

- pumped by Yb:Fiber or Yb:YAG laser up to 300 W and 3 mJ

- output power up to 30 W

- pulse durations down to 9 fs

- add-ons EUV to MID-IR

- pump-probe configuration available

SUPERNOVA OPCPA up to 100 W – our flagship product:

- highest average power OPCPA for demanding applications

- pumped by kW-class Yb:YAG Innoslab amplifiers or thin-disk

Do you have a femtosecond?

Light Conversion, UAB

Keramiku 2B
10233 Vilnius

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
E-mail: (South Korea)
E-mail: (Japan)
E-mail: (China)
Tel.: +370 52 49 18 30
Tel.: +82 42 368 1010 (Korea)
Tel.: +81 48 871 0067 (Japan)
Tel.: +86 158 7551 0400 (China)
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Light Conversion has developed high-energy OPCPA systems, which are pumped with picosecond Nd:YAG lasers. Their attractive features:

- multi-TW power pulses produced at up to 1 kHz repetition rate

- pulse duration down to <9 fs

- pre-pulse contrast exceeding 1012

- sub-220-mrad CEP noise and <1% energy fluctuations maintained throughout the full day of operation

- safe and simple spectral-temporal shaping of output pulses possible

- integrated control and diagnostics system

- less than 1 hour warm-up time


Savanoriu Av. 237
02300 Vilnius

Quality: ISO 9001
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn
Tel.: +370 5264 96 29
Fax: +370 5264 18 09
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Featuring a success story in design and manufacturing of ultrafast high intensity OPCPA system of ELI, EKSPLA introduces a wide range of ultrafast and nanosecond high intensity lasers and amplifiers. Our broad knowledge in high energy laser physics, nonlinear materials and more that 27 years of experience in laser design enables us to offer unique solutions for high pulse energy systems.

Our high intensity laser systems feature OPCPA based technology, flash lamp pump for ultra-high pulse energy, and diode pumping for high average power. Innovative solutions for pulse shaping, precise synchronization between different laser sources enables users to fit these systems to numerous experiments of modern fundamental science.

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From Asia:

IL Photonics

511 Hashita
9955256 Beit Shemesh
Tel.: +972 2 9 92 35 32
Fax: +972 2 9 92 14 80
Outside Asia:

Extreme power at extreme wavelength

Class 5 Photonics

Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
Social: LinkedIn, Twitter
Tel.: +49 40 22 86 31 65
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Class 5 Photonics offer powerful and high-performance femtosecond lasers based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA):

WHITE DWARF OPCPA powered by Coherent up to 5 W:

- < 9 fs at 800 nm @ 1 MHz

- most compact few-cycle laser system

- stable and reliable

- CEP stability optional

- dual output for time-resolved measurements

- pumped by Coherent Monaco industrial femtosecond laser


- high-performance OPCPA system

- pumped by Yb:Fiber or Yb:YAG laser up to 300 W and 3 mJ

- output power up to 30 W

- pulse durations down to 9 fs

- add-ons EUV to MID-IR

- pump-probe configuration available

SUPERNOVA OPCPA up to 100 W – our flagship product:

- highest average power OPCPA for demanding applications

- pumped by kW-class Yb:YAG Innoslab amplifiers or thin-disk


Savanoriu Av. 237
02300 Vilnius

Quality: ISO 9001
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn
Tel.: +370 5264 96 29
Fax: +370 5264 18 09
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Featuring a success story in design and manufacturing of ultrafast high intensity OPCPA system of ELI, EKSPLA introduces a wide range of ultrafast and nanosecond high intensity lasers and amplifiers. Our broad knowledge in high energy laser physics, nonlinear materials and more that 27 years of experience in laser design enables us to offer unique solutions for high pulse energy systems.

Our high intensity laser systems feature OPCPA based technology, flash lamp pump for ultra-high pulse energy, and diode pumping for high average power. Innovative solutions for pulse shaping, precise synchronization between different laser sources enables users to fit these systems to numerous experiments of modern fundamental science.


Pôle Euro 95 – Bâtiment D
165 rue des Cistes
06600 Antibes
Tel.: +33 4 88 13 17 51
Fax: +33 4 92 95 76 90
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Our Starzz systems are custom-made mid-IR OPCPA dedicated to High Harmonic Generation (HHG) and attosecond science. With record CEP stability, high average power or high pulse energy, this new generation of ultrafast light sources combines Yb-doped industrial grade pump lasers with Fastlite landmark technologies to set new standards in ultrafast laser science.

Do you have a femtosecond?

Light Conversion, UAB

Keramiku 2B
10233 Vilnius

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
E-mail: (South Korea)
E-mail: (Japan)
E-mail: (China)
Tel.: +370 52 49 18 30
Tel.: +82 42 368 1010 (Korea)
Tel.: +81 48 871 0067 (Japan)
Tel.: +86 158 7551 0400 (China)
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

Light Conversion has developed high-energy OPCPA systems, which are pumped with picosecond Nd:YAG lasers. Their attractive features:

- multi-TW power pulses produced at up to 1 kHz repetition rate

- pulse duration down to <9 fs

- pre-pulse contrast exceeding 1012

- sub-220-mrad CEP noise and <1% energy fluctuations maintained throughout the full day of operation

- safe and simple spectral-temporal shaping of output pulses possible

- integrated control and diagnostics system

- less than 1 hour warm-up time

Optoprim Germany GmbH

Max-Planck-Straße 3
85716 Unterschleißheim
Tel.: +49 89 80 07 62 52
Fax: +49 89 80 07 63 26

All wavelengths.

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing

Quality: ISO 9001:2015
Social: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube
Tel.: +49 89 85 83 70
Fax: +49 89 85 83 72 00
optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers

TOPTICA’s FemtoFiber dichro midIR generates radiation at 3 μm – 15 μm. Based on difference frequency generation of two optically synchronized laser pulses at tunable wavelengths of 1 – 2 μm a highly stable broadband emission of approximately 400 cm-1 is generated. Here, the output at 1560 nm of an erbium-doped ultrafast fiber laser is superimposed with the long or short wavelength part of a supercontinuum.

The CEO-free mid-IR laser pulses are applied to attosecond spectroscopy where the extreme UV pulses consist of only a few optical cycles. The conversion of mid-IR radiation to extreme UV is accomplished by high harmonic generation. First, the mid-IR pulses are subject to optical parametric chirped amplification (OPCPA). Then, the intense laser fields are launched into an atomic beam or a gas-filled hollow core fibre to generate extreme UV attosecond laser pulses via high harmonics.

TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH + Co. KG

Feringastr. 10
85774 Unterföhring
Tel.: +49 89 9 62 28 88 09 50
Fax: +49 89 9 62 28 88 09 51

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