Buyer's Guide … the one with the Encyclopedia!

Where to Buy Optical Resonators

Optical resonators are used for many purposes, for example as laser resonators, resonant enhancement cavities or short-term frequency standards. Some of them have very high Q factors, i.e., very sharp resonances, and a high stability against environmental influences.

ESee also our encyclopedia article on optical resonators!
Related articles: cavities, enhancement cavities, laser resonators, resonator design, resonator modes, stability zones of optical resonators, unstable resonators, free spectral range, finesse, bandwidth, Q factor, etalons, mode cleaner cavities, reference cavities, Fabry–Perot interferometers

Related product category: optical components and devices

4 suppliers for optical resonators are listed in the RP Photonics Buyer's Guide. Both manufacturers and distributors can be registered.

Suppliers with Ad Package

No products of suppliers with ad package are registered yet for optical resonators. These would have a company logo, a detailed product description, a product image, and also appear in the corresponding encyclopedia article.

All Suppliers
From Asia:


20 Fuxing Street
350014 Fuzhou, Fujian
Tel.: +86 591 8362 0115
Fax: +86 591 8362 1248
Outside Asia:

Dausinger & Giesen GmbH

Rotebühlstr. 87
70178 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 9 07 06 05 50
Fax: +49 711 90 70 60 99

Photon LaserOptik

Ludwigstraße 13
63110 Rodgau
Tel.: +49 6106 66 66 85
Fax: +49 6106 6 10 90 72

Research Electro-Optics, Inc.

5505 Airport Blvd.
Boulder, CO 80301
United States
Tel.: +1 303 245 4341
Fax: +1 303 447 3279

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